What are your personal beliefs?

Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?

Post by _Snow_Falcon_ »

Actually Jesus supposedly went to hell because he spoke against God: "Father, why have you forsaken me?"

And if God is loving, why did he kill the first born sons of Egypt? They didn't do anything wrong. And if your supposed to love thy neighbor, why are you supposed to "never suffer a witch to live."?
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Post by moonlit »

um.. no actually Jesus said that while he was on the cross taking upon the sins of the world.. and because there was so much sin God looked away. Jesus didnt go to hell. I know.. my parents are church freaks
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

i thought Jesus *did* go to hell.. to make sure ill talk to my youth pastor tonight. he'll know whats going on.

God works in mysterious ways. Although things may seem like "God! Why did you do this to me?!" things could end up working for the better or according to his plan. I have had some incredibly undesirable things happen to me but I would not be near the person I am if they didnt.
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

yeah, im pretty sure Jesus did go to hell. "On the third day he rose again" where did he go? He didnt come from heaven, and im pretty sure he didnt hang out in nowhere so he had to have been in hell.

Post by _Snow_Falcon_ »

And that's another contradiction, because according to revalations, neither heaven nor hell have been created yet.
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

what? lets get some scripture in the hizzy. (give me chapter and verse please)
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Post by Comus »

I used to be a Christian... and I don't disagree with the philosophy of the bible, but then I don't disagree with the philosophies of most religions. I believe that if you are a good person (I.E. you don't cause other undue suffering, don't kill people, and help others) the universe will treat you similarly, either in this life or the next, if there is one. But that is just what I believe personally. I don't believe that disabilities are the result of sins from past lives, they are genetic mutations that can affect anybody, good or evil. And I believe in evolution, which only strengthens our ties with nature and other animals--all the more reason to respect the delicate balance of nature. I mean, dammit, there are evil people who call themselves Christian and good people who do the same. There are even evil wiccans (A young scottish witch..oh a long time ago..was beaten and abused by the leader of her coven..I read that somewhere). So religion isn't really worth getting worked up over. Truth? Who honestly knows it? And no-one has the right to say their religion is better than anybody elses )not that that stops them!!)

Hey dread! Don't dread the afterlife! Anyway, God is supposed to be forgiving isn't he? Then why does he send people to hell? People wrote the Bible. Not God. remember that. People wrote the holy books of many other religions. Worrying about the afterlife..geez...relax..life should be beautiful. You don't strike me as evil..so don't worry.
Idz qaala
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

Gods very forgiving, just ask for his forgiveness. If you stand before God sinful as you are he can't have you- he despises sin. Being saved gets rid of the sin, yeah i said this before.

Also yeah, man physically wrote the Bible but its perfect, and mans not so what's the deal there?

Also again, life is beautiful. Very beautiful. I don't spend my days fretting about heaven or hell either, i'm just a normal guy who's a Chrisitian.
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Post by Comus »

About 6 years ago I thought I would be a Christian forever..I think after studying biology and learning about my ancestors may have changed me..I still believe in ""God"" in my own way, I don't know whether this God/dess is a the same God Christians believe in but it is the same feeling I used to get in my heart when I was in Church..only it is a different manifestation. The feeling is still the same..once you have had it it will never leave you. You can ascribe it to whatever diety you want...its still the same and it is gratitude for life. Having removed the Christian dilaectic from my worship has de-institutionalised it.
Anyway...blessings to you brother.
Idz qaala
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Post by dread_pirate_steele »

thats pretty interesting.

i dont believe in evolution by the way (you mentioned you did earlier)
part of the reason for that is, if i didnt believe in evolution how could i believe what the bible said? yeah, plus it just seems way more feesable that a God created everything. i can see things adapting..but not really evolving from a single cell into everything we see today.
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Post by Starwitch »

Just a note...

If you are a member of this board, please do not invite non-pagans to hang out here. If they come here as trolls, we attack them, of course, or I just delete or make fun of everything they say. I feel kind of bad doing that in this situation (as most of us do), because a member of this board actually invited Dread to come here for whatever reason. But you can clearly see that it only causes controversy. Most pagans started out as Christians, so it's not as though we don't know what the Bible would like us to do. We just don't believe it. And really, no matter how many times the same rhetoric is repeated to us, we'll feel the same way about it. It's mindless and pointless rhetoric with circular reasoning. Sure, there is some nice stuff in the Bible, but there is also some pretty stupid ideas that only a MAN could have come up with. I don't know why it's not easier for Christians to understand that MEN wanted complete control over WOMEN and society and their slaves, etc., so they wrote a book proclaiming that GOD made all these rules. And they had their way for thousands of years. Finally, these bozos are realizing that women are NOT inferior to men, and they won't be able to put us down and keep us down like they have in the past. I have quoted on my website the scriptures out the Bible that tell women to submit to men: http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/read_this.htm. They are all from the New Testament. Tell me, how many Christians do you know that believe that those scriptures apply to them? Practically none in this day and age (except a few people that we all think are freaks). The Bible is outdated and eventually will be nothing more than a historical fiction book. Do you know why women had to cover their heads?? Because if they didn't, the ANGELS would be so tempted by their beautiful hair that they would come down and f*ck their brains out, thus creating a race of giants. It happened once already, according to the Bible, and that was how we got Giants like Goliath. Funny that in this day and age, when hardly any women are covering their beautiful locks, angels are not raping human women ALL THE TIME. Where are all the giants? Oh wait, an angel just walked into my room. Dammit, he's stroking my hair. Oh crap, he feeling my boobies! Shit, I think he's going to rape me. Yes, an ANGEL from GOD. RAPING HUMAN WOMEN. CREATING GIANTS. Does anyone see how silly this story is? How completely utterly MADE-UP it is? MEN were jealous and insecure. MEN wanted women to cover their hair because they knew that OTHER MEN can't control themselves when they see a beautiful woman. Either that, or it's just another way of controlling women and making them do stupid, senseless things.

The Bible never actually says Jesus went to hell. He went to "Hades", which because of the many interpretations of the Bible (which also lend to its incredibility), many people believe to mean "Hell". Here is a page that will explain what happened: http://www.biblestudyguide.org/bible-an ... -grave.htm

The ridiculousness of the Bible makes me very angry. The fact that people still believe what the Bible says makes me sad. And so many people try to rationalize it. They will tell you that the Bible is the infallible word of God, but then they tell you that "well, those parts about the subjugation of women don't apply anymore - that was a social thing from the old days".. well, who's to say the entire Bible isn't just a social thing from the old days. It seems very much like that to me.


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