Your Craft name

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Post by Brinie26 »

My craft name is Eala Sparrowhawke.

I was given Sparrowhawke by a wiccan preistess I had met while on a houseboating trip. The name of the houseboat was Sparrowhawke. She said that it fit me. When I started to look for my own name, Sparrowhawke just kept coming back to me. It had been almost three years from the time she had named me that. Since I recalled that memory vividly, I felt that it was meant to be.

Eala means swan. I chose it because of the grace and beauty it made me feel.

Everyone has a name, it will come to you. Sometimes in it's own way and time. Sometimes you may not even realize it at the moment.


Post by windshifter91 »

my name which i just found the other day is windblaze, because my elements are air and fire.

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