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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:13 pm
by Arianna_BadWolf
I agree with this dissertation on Twilight. I don't like it. It was a waste of my money, and like I've heard from a lot of people, it's like a fanfic. Apparently the author had a dream about the scene in the meadow where he sparkles... and had to write the story around that. Ew.

I on the other hand, am writing my own Vampire story, which I hope to get published, at least as a short story for young adults. BUT I'm also talking with a friend, who is into Vampire Lore like no other I know, and is helping me keep true to the mythos as best I can. I love to read vampire stories, just to see what others think of the mythos, and a good book I found was a compilation done by P.C Cast with other authors of vampire short stories. They were pretty neat, with some night creatures, some day creatures, and lots of interesting insight.

If I get it published, i'll let ya'll know, so that way you can tell me what you think of it :wink:

Airlight wrote:
Hubertus wrote:Twilight needs to go die in a flaming pile of waste crushed under a rock, drenched in water, and blown away to the farthest reaches of hell. (As you can see, I HATE twilight) All it has done is feed the "OMG, everything in fairy tales is completely true!" crown that thinks with the right magic words they can throw giant fireballs at each other.
I actually believe Twilight was a fanfic that just got suddenly published.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:29 pm
by Xal
Twilight is written for emotionally immature girls. Now if you like twilight I am not saying you are emotionally immature, (as my gf is a fan of the series although she realizes it is a guilty pleasure) rather that is what the target appeal is.

The turning of a vampire in the book refers to sex. Girls at that age are usually apprehensive about sex and this appeals to them. You have a hansom boy who like all boys are driven by the desire to have sex with them (or in this case drink her blood) but abstains from it so that she will remain pure.

The main character is also extremely selfish and retarded and makes me want to murder babies.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:06 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Xal wrote: The main character is also extremely selfish and retarded and makes me want to murder babies.
Hahaha, tell me why i feel the same way?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:10 pm
by Lily Cantodea
I LOATHE Twilight with every fiber of my being. It glorifies domestic abuse, misogyny, pedophilia, necrophilia, and just flat out stupidity.

It gives the message to impressionable people that you need a man to be worth something, that you can't do anything without asking said man for permission, and that you should give up all your hopes and dreams for someone you've known only 2 weeks just because he's "pretty" and thinks you smell good. And if he's not around so you can't smell his farts, go throw yourself off a cliff, because you're not worth anything.

Bella has about as much character depth as a kiddie pool in the middle of a drought. Ever wonder why Edward can't read her mind? There's nothing in that empty dome she calls a skull to read! She's one of the worst Mary-Sues I've ever had the misfortune of coming across. What woman would want to be saved from her own stupidity every 5 minutes? And honestly, since when are you immediately liked the moment you start a new school? She's a selfish, self-absorbed, obnoxious little snot of a teenager who needs to at least PANHANDLE for a clue.

Edward's a bastard. Period. He stalks her, breaks into her house while she's sleeping, threatens to kill her on a regular basis, takes the engine out of her car, verbally abuses her (he calls her an idiot I don't know how many times - yes, it's true, she is an idiot, but it's the concept).

SMeyer goes on and on about how "beautiful" Edward is - the plot doesn't show up until at LEAST page 370. For over 360 pages we have to sit there and read about how "gorgeous" Edward is, how sparkly his skin his, how fresh his breath is (yes, even his breath is amazing, according to SMeyer), how beautiful his liquid topazes are. :roll: If you have to tell me over and over again that your character is inhumanly gorgeous, I'm not going to believe the character is gorgeous. I'm going to picture him as an ugly troll who needs to go back under the bridge.

Plot (or lack thereof) of Twilight in a nutshell:

Bella: Oh Edward, I love you.
Edward: You can't love me Bella. I'm dangerous. THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLER! :sparkle sparkle sparkle:
Edward: I love you Bella.
Bella: I love you too Edward!

Lather, rinse, repeat. Through ALL. 4. BOOKS.

And then there's the matter of Jacob, who imprints on a CHILD. The purpose of werewolf imprinting is for reproduction, yes? And Nessie is what...2 at the most? He imprints on a TODDLER.

I didn't even bother to see the movie. I didn't see the point of punishing myself since my only crime is hating what everyone else seems to like.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:10 pm
by SMushroom
Wow...I think someone needs some R&R.

but if you say you "HATE" Twlilght Its still impling you care enuff about it to have feelings about it. and if you hate it so much whyyyy did you read all 4 books?

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:56 pm
by Lily Cantodea
Wow...I think someone needs some R&R.
You have no idea. :|

I read all 4 books because A) I was stupid enough to think that SMeyer would get a clue and actually start improving, which she didn't, and B ) So that way all the Twihards couldn't say "You didn't read the books, so you can't say anything/don't have an argument." Yes, I did read the books. Yes, I do have an argument. The whole series is about an empty-headed ditz who can't seem to choose between necrophilia and bestiality.[/quote]

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 9:28 pm
by Shiver
I've read the House of Night series. I can not wait for Burned to come out. Do you know if that is gong to be the last book of the series?

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:38 am
by Sallydreams
Shiver wrote:I've read the House of Night series. I can not wait for Burned to come out. Do you know if that is gong to be the last book of the series?
I love House of Night! But I fear they're getting a little "wobbly" in the storyline. The last book I read was horrible, but I've got the last one that just came out and I hope that it's much better.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:21 am
by Lily Cantodea
I used to love reading vampire stories, then Twilight came out. Now if something has to do with vampires, I tend to avoid it like the plague.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:41 am
by Shiver
When a read Twilight I love it. But with the movie it just was a little too much. The Edward in my mind looked alot better.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:53 am
by Watertrine
I liked them. Sometimes I got tired of Bella's constant whining and moaning in the books.

As far as traditional vampire "lore" goes. Its a story and comes from someone else's perspective. Its not right or wrong in my eyes, just different.


Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:21 am
by Lily Cantodea
I'm not really into the whole "domestic violence and an abusive boyfriend is UBER romantic" thing. So-called sparkling, vegetarian "vampires" don't help.

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 12:06 pm
by Shiver
I do like my vampires with a bite

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:41 pm
by Lily Cantodea
I like my vampires to actually kill people, not stand there moaning about it. "THIS IS THE SKIN OF A KILLER! SPARKLESPARKLESPARKLE!"

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:50 am
by SMushroom