Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Seraphin »

Rosemary, sage, honeysuckle and caraway, can be taken internally... as a tea, maybe?

I just want to add here though that medications that slow blood clotting interacts with honeysuckle, medications for diabetes interacts with sage and caraway. They might cause your blood sugar to go too low. Anticonvulsants also interacts with sage. So be extra cautious with this combination.

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

So only rosemary is completely safe for everyone XD

Rosemary, sage, and caraway are all popular cooking herbs; I'd probably use them in a recipe because I don't like teas (or any other warm drink, even hot chocolate XD). I don't know about honeysuckle, but I don't happen to have any on hand, so that would be nil for me anyway XD
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Jade Rose »

Silversong wrote:So only rosemary is completely safe for everyone XD

Rosemary, sage, and caraway are all popular cooking herbs; I'd probably use them in a recipe because I don't like teas (or any other warm drink, even hot chocolate XD). I don't know about honeysuckle, but I don't happen to have any on hand, so that would be nil for me anyway XD
I know I'm late to the herbs part but as soon as I read what you're looking for, I thought thyme jumped at me. Weren't it used for mental clarity?
Now I might be mistaken, but I remember every time I drank thyme tea I would somehow think clearer. I do not know how it interacts with other herbs/medicines though. Or whether it's safe for everyone.
Not sure if I'm being helpful here haha.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Seraphin »

Do you have any recipes in mind silversong? We already did cooking and consuming ritual last August so I'm thinking doing something different this month.

What if we make a wicked 'spice box' :lol: The purpose of the box is to cheer us up :) and retrieve our loss 'discerning skill' which depart from us because of our too much busyness and attachment to material world. The herbs you guys suggested could be used!

That being said, if we all agree with this, I would suggest adding some aromatic spices like clover, cinnamon bark, bay leaves, myrtle leaves, etc. Since smelling spices helps distinguish special fragrance from the more ordinary, illustrating the distinction of this particular spiritual skill (discernment) and other mundane skills (prejudgment/ criticism).

Though unlikely to happen, I would still like to give emphasis here that it's best not to use man-made substances for the spice box. It is also proper to set aside spices especially for discernment spice box. And it's a good idea to keep them in a closed container so they retain their scent.

And Jade Rose, no, you're not late. You just arrived in time. :)

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

Ooh, that's actually a brilliant idea. Oils as well for the aromatic quality?
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Seraphin »

Yeah, we could add oils.

Now, let's proceed to the crystals, what are we going to do with them?

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Becks »

Have you guys ever combined herbs and crystals in a pouch to help facilitate dreams?
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Becks »

Something that is slipped into a pillowcase.....perhaps?
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Seraphin »

I never combined herbs and crystals in my dream pouch (not saying it's impossible) but yes, I used to make herbal dream pillow sachets.

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

I wish I could find little drawstring bags to make sachets -.- small town problems XD Still, on the subject of sleep, the snowflake obsidian my aunt in California sent me for my birthday (she sent me rocks for my birthday XD She knows me well) is cleansed now and I finally (finally) managed to sync to its vibrations, and when I did, wow did it give me a buzz! I actually almost fell over when I stood up because I forgot to ground myself after XD So hopefully that'll stop my sleeplessness and constant exhaustion.

Crystals could be wire wrapped into jewelry, necklaces probably being the easiest, or put into little bags that are then used for the same purpose. Larger crystals could be set in a place where you'll remember to meditate on them every once in a while and charged for the purpose of assisting with discernment. They could also be put into that spice box you mentioned earlier, Seraphin.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Becks »

Silversong wrote:I wish I could find little drawstring bags to make sachets -.- small town problems X.
I have always sewn mine by hand for this purpose, they don't have to be large and it's so quick.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Seraphin »

Silversong wrote:They could also be put into that spice box you mentioned earlier, Seraphin.
Alrighty! :)

Let's see if I can assemble the procedure this week, in the mean time, why don't you help us think of good visualization for this spell.

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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

Becks wrote:
Silversong wrote:I wish I could find little drawstring bags to make sachets -.- small town problems X.
I have always sewn mine by hand for this purpose, they don't have to be large and it's so quick.
I seriously don't sew XD I have zero patience and little talent for fabric-type crafts. I have a friend who said this morning she might help me with that, though, so I might XD I might also need to find a little box... hrm. Oh, I think I have one that'll work! But then, I tend to store my altar beads in there when non-closest-circle friends come over... hrm again. I'll figure something out. If all else fails, I can always poke someone who's in Woods at school to make one for me. I'm sure I have friends in Woods... somewhere... XD

I can come up with great verbal spells, chants, rhymes, etc., but I have yet to actually visualize things in a seeing-type sense in a ritual. I tend to "feel" my way through magick - even when I'm tuning myself to a crystal, I end up closing my eyes over half the time and just settling all my senses in my fingers. Maybe it's the musician thing, auditory more than visual, or the massage/chiropractically-gifted thing, tactile sense being strong, or maybe I'm just weird, but I won't be much help in any seeing-type visualizations, I'm afraid :P I can do verbal spells, though, as mentioned above. You know... most of the time. When I haven't just assured the world at large that I can, thus immediately inducing all my inspiration to flee to the farthest known corners of my mind. (*pokes Muse* I don't suppose you're going to be any help?)
In other words, I may have to come back to this tomorrow (or the day after that, or whenever Drama allows me to) XD I suppose the sleep deprivation isn't helping.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by mrsdavid1975 »

Silversong wrote:I wish I could find little drawstring bags to make sachets -.- small town problems XD Still, on the subject of sleep, the snowflake obsidian my aunt in California sent me for my birthday (she sent me rocks for my birthday XD She knows me well) is cleansed now and I finally (finally) managed to sync to its vibrations, and when I did, wow did it give me a buzz! I actually almost fell over when I stood up because I forgot to ground myself after XD So hopefully that'll stop my sleeplessness and constant exhaustion.

Crystals could be wire wrapped into jewelry, necklaces probably being the easiest, or put into little bags that are then used for the same purpose. Larger crystals could be set in a place where you'll remember to meditate on them every once in a while and charged for the purpose of assisting with discernment. They could also be put into that spice box you mentioned earlier, Seraphin.

Got mine on eBay believe it or not.

I use herbs and stones in a small drawstring bag under my pillow for sleep. I also have some I have herbs and stones in for the bath. I tie it to the tap and let water run over it.
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Re: Bubbling Cauldron: Monthly Spellcrafting Activity

Post by Silversong »

Oils work great in baths, too, for those so inclined, so I could see a bath working.

Truth in matters hard to see,
In clouded times, find clarity,
Undisturbed by hasty thoughts,
Honest, fair decisions wrought.
[Goddess/God/etc.], I pray to Thee
That in this task, You might help me:
Making judgements that are right,
Bring the truth into the light.
Help me discern what is true,
That I might know what to do.

(Quick thank-you to my Ever-loyal guardian Ranno for the boost he gave me.) Thoughts? Obviously free to alter. Yes, I consistently rhyme. It's a thing of mine. XD
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