Numerology + Soul Number + Your Tarot Card

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Post by [Haley] »

Hi, again! I was wondering if you found the time could you do a number and card for my friend?
Her birthdate is: August 15, 1993
Thanks! :D
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Post by shadow_walker143 »

i would love one for me and for my boyfriend if possible.
my birthdate is January-12-1979
and his is June-5-1970
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Kayako,

Thank you for your interest in this crazy stuff! Also, thank you for your patience. I only get so much time to do these. . .so sorry to keep you waiting. . .

You seem to be quite extraordinary--I hope I do at least a little justice to that here. . . I get the sense that you may be a genius of sorts. . . very, very intelligent and wise beyond your years. Keep it up!! On to the reading. . .

Soul Number: 7
Card: The Chariot

This card is about Victory--it is about travel and journey. . it is about culture and honours. It is also a card of tenacity and follow-through. A soul at this level will see things through to the end. Many projects can be accomplished this life and you will have the will, the means and the energy to complete the most noble tasks. A soul with this kind of energy has a solid foothold into the eternal cycles of life-death-life. . .You can now use these seeming dualities as a tool to be harnessed for great achievement. At times you may see the world in "black" or "white" terms but your true nature is to see both the ligth and dark at once--to use them as an integrated phenomenon and overcome obstacles and rigid one-sided thinking. The light is born from the dark--the dark has its place in the light (as a kind of light of its own)--Your ability to see through oppositional logic gives you a philosophical strength which helps you to apprehend the "big picture." You may want to move too fast out of the gate, so to speak, but soon you will learn to pace yourself accordingly and finish "just on time." I suggest that you choose your battles wisely and make long range plans as to how best to achieve your objectives. But, be aware of the small things that always disrupt long range plans. Try not to let them throw you too far off course. The Chariot also brings news from afar. You probably will have many international relations (which is easy now with all these online messenger services) but you may be one of the few who will actually get up and go to these far away places to meet friends. You have learned to steer your ship early from a young age and will continually improve your navigational skills (metaphorically, meaning that you will be able to direct your life effectively). Listen closely to your heart and keep a piece of your soul close to that heart so that no one may trample on it. You have an adept way of shielding yourself from dangers. From a soul level perspective, this life is to help teach you the ability to direct and navigate the dual forces in the universe. It is something many souls have yet to learn which means you have probably been around quite a while. Perhaps you were stagnant in a last life and had little energy and/or motion. This life will compensate for that as your inner life froce energy will resonate to higher frequencies than most people. If you are at all scientifically inclined, then theoretical physics might be a "destination" that could bring you great material and spiritual rewards. If not, then I suggest saving some money for some special trips abroad and learn as much about other cultures and ways of life as you can. Gemstones that could be beneficial for you are: Aquamarine, Blue Chalcedony, Petrified Wood, Fire Agate, Moonstone, Turquoise, Chrysanthemum Stone, Brookite, Pyrite, Black Tourmaline, any type of Obsidian and Sodalite. Blue Scapolite is helpful too, but Sodalite will really enhance your journeys inside and out in the world. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I wish you many wonderful journeys dear Kayako.

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Post by Comus »

Hello. :) Could you do this for me too? Please take your time, no rush.

My date of birth is 25/08/1985

I'm a crystal and tarot freak, so this sounds really cool.
Idz qaala
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Post by being-singular-plural »

THis is for Haley's friend (shortened though, since she's not a member):

Soul Number: 9
Card: The Hermit

Hermit souls have a need for quiet and solitude and often turn to unorthodox modes of learning. They yearn for knowledge of pretty much everything but especially the inner workings of the psyche. Hermits are guides, mentors, teachers and role models. Being a sun sign Leo may emphasize the self-analytical side of the hermit, but also the teacher side. Many hermits need lots of worldly experience before they begin to teach others, but I would think that a Leonine hermit would be ready to teach from early childhood on. . .A soul at this level has been around. The 9 is the last step before a new energy. . .thus she has much to teach and finish up some old soul projects so she can begin anew when she hits the next incarnation. 9 is a number of humanitarian action plus deep introspective (un)consciousness. Thus, she is to think and serve. Stones that would be highly beneficial for her are: Rainbow Fluorite, Apatite, Ajoite, Peridot, Lapis, Diopside, Azurite, Selenite, Galaxite, Cinnabar Quartz, Faden Quartz, Citrine, Sphene and Sunstone. Her soul can illuminate the darkest regions.

With light,
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Post by [Haley] »

Thanks, bsp! I'm sure Kim will like this surprise. By the way I might come back here if my sister wants her's too. I doubt it though. Thanks again!
Dreamy Mermaid

Post by Dreamy Mermaid »

I'd like to know mine too please.

My birthdate is 9th March 1982

I appreciate your time and you sharing your gift with us.

Love and light,

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Post by being-singular-plural »

This one is for Shadow Walker,

Your boyfriend is a soul number 10 and his card is the Wheel. There is a fated quality to his life and being a sun sign Gemini he may exhibit sometiems divine power of communication. If he is actually interested in this stuff, tell him to look into the philosophies of Fate versus Free Will (See Kant, Nietzsche, Foucault, or even some of the psychoanalysis of Lacan) or, more esoterically, he could study up on the enrgies of death and birth via the Egyptian deity Anubis. There is a strong Egyptian feel to this man...Maybe he will find he lived there in a few past lives, or at least has an energetic resonance to that culture.

As for you dear member your soul number is: 3
Card: The Empress

You have Earth all around you. A Capricorn with Empress energy is here to incarnate--you have a strong persona with a loving touch. There have been other Empress' in these posts, so please refer to those, but your Capricorn makes it a little different. Materiality is a major concern for your soul. Perhaps you have had a few incarnations that were not of the Earth but still tied to the earth, like the Faerie kingdom or even just an etheric body presiding over and above the earth. This life you are to learn and know what it means to be physical. I do not usually see such a pronounced Earth energy in a soul and this makes me think that it is imperative for you to learn and experience carnal life to its fullest. Gardening, cooking, rock climbing, digging, collecting, trading--all these earthy things will help your soul understand the weight and breadth of sublunar existence. Also, taking note of the cycles of the earth and the nature of germination, gestation and growth will fill your soul with a carnal power that your previous etheric life longed to touch. Explore the nuances of your five senses, especially olfactory and taste, but also touch. You probably cannot shop for clothes without rigorously feeling the fabrics! Empress' are here to create with the Earth. Thus, with the material means, you can transform the previous material into a new kind of material (i.e. seeds to flowers, ingredients to meals, invested dollars into financial security). You need Earth to make Earth. Thus, you have the power to make concrete changes to those lucky enough to bear th etouch of an Empress. Children may play an important role in life too, whether it is nurturing your own or helping other children. Since your soul is learning the hardness and sweetness of matter, one could posit that as an earth dweller, you are probably a little young in soul years. But, this does not mean you are a young soul--you just probably had different forms of existence before your energy became interested in the Earth. An Empress who is also a goal setter (Capricorn) can make great things happen in time and you need to cultivate the patience and persistence necessary to create an abundance of material blisses for your life and your family. Try not to rush it. . .be calm and certain of each step. Also, with all this earthiness there is a danger of neglecting other values that resist materiality. Earth is huge for you while you are here, but it is not everything--we have to leave all these corporeal husks behind. Keywords for you are to nurture, plan for and create abundance within the material realm. You probably have a respect for traditon in certain areas of your life and older people will have good advice and direction for you. Gemstones related to this energy are: Emerald, Gaia Stone, all Obsidians, Smokey Quartz, all Garnets, Red Jasper, Spider Jasper, Magnetite, Maganese, Copper, Blue Sapphire (has Saturn energy), Eudialyte, Snow Quartz, Bustamite, Epidote, Infinite, Cuprite and Amber (especially red).

I hope this was helpful and I wish you and your b/f many wonderful experiences.

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Post by shadow_walker143 »

thank you so much bsp. that was so insightful. i know you dont have much time for things, so im so very thankful that you took the time to do both robert's and my soul number. thank you again.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Thanks for the nice note shadow walker. Many blessings to both of you!
Finally, this one is for Comus,

Thank you for your patience--things have been very intense lately and I haven't had the time to devote to this, depsite my deepest yearnings. Anyways, here we go:

Comus' soul Number - 11 (and 2 may also play a role)
Card: Justice

This is a great palce to be on "the great wheel" of reincarnation. Justice indicates a soul that has had many incredible journeys and needs this life to set things in balance, spiritually, for the next stages of your soul's evolution. Justice involves dealing with issues of right and wrong, fairness and respoect and to incorporate this into your dealings with society at large as well as your vibrant inner life of spirit. Justice souls do often lose themselves int he people around them as they are so eager to make everyone happy. Try to strike a balance between this impulse and focussed inner work like meditation, yoga or even art therapy of some kind. Having sun sign Virgo will only make the injustices in your life more clear to you and if you do not properly deal with areas where you feel you got a "raw deal" you may internalize it to the point where it affects your immune system. Many of your illnesses are related to this kind of psychology and not actually a "bug" or virus at all. The cleaner your spirit is, the cleaner your body is--and vice versa!!! Take time for your body--feed it properly and excercise constructively so you can to ensure the highest balance between all your faculities. The dark side to Justice is that they can be cold and critical toward themselves and others. Criticism has its palce, but if it becomes obessessive you will suffer injustice form your own making. If you find yourself complaining too much and overly critical of those you love, then I suggest that you try to step outside of that mindset and try to level the ground by viewing all these things as coming from love and love alone. Also, try to avoid hypocrisy. Not always, but oftentimes we critique others for what we don't like in ourselves, so be sure that you aren't masking parts of yourself when lashing out at others. Again, yogic breathe work with do wonders for you. Lots of time-outs. You also may seek to find blame in all things--and many times someone is to blame for such and such a circumstance, but this can also backfire and make you miserable to be around if you are always blaming everyone else for your unhappiness. Try to cultivate that inner goddess voice that works at the level of hunches and emotions--this will guide you more than the "Law" or other taught moral codes that you live by. Working with others in some kind of professional capacity will help you fulfill your soul's requirements this life. With you, karma is simple this life--what you give, you get--that is Justice! So try to send out love and peace and that kind of harmony will be around you always. If you send out too much criticism, then that will be around you which may make your life harder than it needs to be. There is a sense of "Divine Right" to this soul level, so the more connected you are to the divine, the more 'right" you wil be! I like how you describe yourself as a "tarot and crystal freak!" We need more freaks like you in the world! Stones that coincide with these descriptions in various ways are: Ametrine, Hemimorphite, Peridot, Opal (especially blue), Tanzanite, Morganite, Rose quartz, Zebra Stone, Black Tourmaline, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond, Chrysoprase, Chrysocolla, Charoite, Infinite and/or Serpentine, Scolecite, Lepidololite, Tourmalined Quartz, Mohagany Obsidian, Datolite, Pyromorphite, Golden Calcite, and Azeztulite. Tiger Eye and Malachite may also offer some great rewards for you! That should add to your shopping list for a while! Good luck Comus and be Just! PM me for some other astrological work. I will be gettting more time soon!

Many blessings,
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

Hi hun, hows u? Could u do one for me and my boyfriend. Mine date of birth is 12 april 1984 his is 30 july 1983. we have lots of firey fun. Love to u and yours
Blessed Be
Butterflies are the most free life on this planet and i aspire to be that free spirited. Love and Light to all.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Yay! Dreamy Mermaid is a Hierophant!
Soul Number: 5

5 is an odd number indeed; it can represent great power and the mystery that develops from totalized combinations, yet it is restless and seeks to undo anything too rigid, too structured, too codified. It is the mystery after the four--the 5th element so to spaek--but it also breaks the confines of the four, sometimes with force. This is where your soul is at, in a sense. It has evolved and perhaps a few incarnations before this your soul figured it had this incarnation thing down pat. . .but Spirit offered your soul yet even more--new ways of inhabiting the universe. A Pisces Heirophant is a wonderful gift for the whole world--the powers of the universe that brought your light together in this combination have offered all of us great hope. You can develop great intellectual skill, along with deep inner knowledges of histories both earthly and otherwise. The connection you have to the inner depths of Spirit should continue to astound your inner life throughout the whole duration of this incarnation. A very colourful and vibrant inner life may herald some world changing alterations in your physical life. Use your gifts for good works and they will be rewarded tenfold. You may be able to teach and train young apprentices hungry for knowledge in the spiritual and healing arts. You may have the uncanny ability to know exactly where someone has been wounded emotionally and may even have remedies through gentle and loving advice as well as mystical powers of healing. The Pope is here as the visible reminder that spirit is everywhere and basically that is your goal at the soul level: to be a beacon of light in the world. Sometimes it will require retreats from the world where you gather yourself and know that the faithful are usually tested, so do not expect this to always be an easy ride. You will change alongside those who you help to change. But, this soul level also offers a pillar of light as a grounding in spirit so regardless of the changes in your circumstances, the inner knowing and connection to all things divine will remain; Deep ponderences and questioning of spiritual, cultural and philosophical matters may consume your "alone" time. Try not to become too absorbed or opulent in your spiritual dealings. A beacon of light is not a neon-sign saying "Salvation is here!"--it is a steady, loving and calm light that persists in brightness when most other flashy lights go out. Try to cultivate this calm with breathwork, yoga stretches and solitary meditation. Keeping journals of your dreamlife and visionary experiences as they may also serve as continuous beacons for your own journey at this stage. You may want to study orthodox religions as well as esoteric forms of belief to help you build your monastic library (in your head) of spritual wisdom. Stones that would be beneficial for you are: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bowenite, Lemurian Seed Quartz, Goldstone, Moonstone, Selenite, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Tanzanite, Morganite, Precious Black Opal, Hematite, Chrysocolla, Purple Sage Agate, Apophylite, Phenacite, Seraphinite, Angelite, Celestite, Citrine, Watermelon Tourmaline, Okenite and Dumortierite. But, there are tons more because Heirophants can draw the light out in many other beings! Good luck on your journey and contact me if you have questions or want some more info like this.

Peace and Light,
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Post by Rein »

Hi! Just stopping by to thank you for the reading you did for me, BSP!

So strange how it fits me.... :shock:

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Post by Comus »

Thankyou so much BSP, you clever fellow! Yeah, spookily apt this guy's readings. hee excuse to buy new crystals is always good
Idz qaala
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Post by Butterfly1984 »

hi any chance u could do mine soon, no to hurry u or anything. thanks hun, pm me.

Blessed Be
Butterflies are the most free life on this planet and i aspire to be that free spirited. Love and Light to all.
Blessed Be

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