Numerology + Soul Number + Your Tarot Card

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Post by Leo*Moon »

Can you do one for my friend? He's 7/7/84

Thank you ^_^
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Post by being-singular-plural »

He is Number 9:

The Hermit

THis soul level indicates that much has been accomplished in previous incarnations and this life is to be used to reflect on the past and dream of the future. Hermit souls have an Earthy appeal mixed with the fanciful flights of Air. They are thinkers, but need practical results. This soul, being a Sun sign Cancer, is even more introspective and "deep." Being a Cancer-Hermit fits well--yet more "proof" that his soul is wise enough to use the stellar influences to guide the incarnation. This soul should study all types of subjects--from math to art history, science to literature; later in life he will be called upon by the next generation for advice and teachings, so the more he learns now the better prepared he will be. Time is also an issue for the Hermit. Perhaps developing a deep understanding of the philosophies of time will help alleviate any concerns over "running out of time." He is a spiritual councilor yet not scared to get up and play silly games. One of my closest acadmic friends' is a Hermit soul and it seems that many academics are at this level. It indicates a person who can work long hours by themselves, but it may also mean issues with authority where the only compensation is to be alone, in order to avoid power struggles with so-called superiors. If he negelcts his spiritual wisdom and focusses on worldly power he is likely to develop ulcers and other intenstinal problems. Digestion is key to this life--not only in the body, but spiritually--he is to digest all the previous spiritual experiences--discarding what is no longer useful and absorbing the nutrients that his soul sees as necessary to strengthen his future paths. He will be called to serve a greater good next life or the life after and it is thus very important for this man to do most of his current lifework "within"--learning how to meditate effectively is crucial and dreams may also offer great teachings to the conscious ego. Hermits can be great listeners and effective problem solvers and thus excellent friends. He will not likely have too many close friends and may be uncomfortable in groups of people. If he hides too much from fear based insecurity then the wisdom of his soul will be stifled. The Hermit has little need of ego-affirmation from those around him and is probably keenly aware, somewhere in himself, of the difference between his ego needs and his soul needs. The latter should prove to be more worthy of concern. Stones like Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Sodalite, Ajoite, Melody Stone, Sugilite, Selenite and Clear Quartz are good for him as well as some of the more grounding jaspers, like Yellow Japser or, even better, Ocean Jasper. Good luck with your journey!

Blessings Leo Moon,

Post by *JennyM* »

I just wondered if you have time to do mine. 02/26/1982
I have looked through but not found mine. :)

Thank you

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Post by elizabeth0126 »

My Birthdate is January 26 1985.
*Wonders* :lol:
Blessed Be!
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Jenny M:

Your soul number is 3!
Card: The Empress

Yay! Empress soul's make the world a much better place. They have an uncanny ability to make others feel very comfortable and often demonstrate such grace that many will be vying to be around them. You are lucky to have this level, but it does have its challenges as every life path does. Sometimes practical concerns will become an obstacle to your true desire which to CREATE. Often, the world will not allow us the freedom to create within social structures and the Empress is here to remind us that all the pomp and circumstance of social codes are mere fictions and that Natural Law is the reality behind any human endeavour. That said, knowing this, and Empress soul can become quite a socialite because other people are so very important, especially what they may be thinking about you! The caution here is to not have your self worth be dependent on others people's judgements. Losing yourslef in others may be your downfall. You are here to Love and create and reveal the inner magic and harmony in nature. This energy is for a soul who has some experience working with life energies but needs to gain even more experience growing. This is a life of growth and discovery, creation and joy--this is when the Empress is in her element! Nurturing and caring for your family, your neighbourhood and the world at large will be important as you mature. Perhaps you can try your hand at painting or music as outlets for creation, but try not to be over zealous using your naturally abundant talents for personal gain, you create WITH nature and if you forget this, then nature will turn on you, so to speak, so be attuned to your inner voice and know your where your impulses toward certain things stem from. You may want to save soemone from themselves, for example, but this impulse indicates that you may need to look at areas inside you where you need to be saved. Greedy souls may try to take advantage of your kind nature so try not to lay all your cards out at once. There is an aspect of mystery still associated with nature (as the scentists cringe) so I suggest that you unlock this feminine mystery within yourself and use it to provide the world with a loving, creative, nurturing and protective "aura" as this aura is all around you. Use your mystery!! You may like to create in the kitchen and be a wonderful cook, or you may prefer the more abstract arts, but art will play an important role in your life. You may benefit from stones like Lapis Lazuli to help you access your intuitive knowledge more clearly, but also emerald, green aventurine, peridot, garnet, dioptase, diopside, Gaia stone, moonstone and rose quartz. There are tons more, but I don't want to bore you. Let me know if there is any more you would like to know about this speculative adventure!

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Post by Elem »

Okay, okay, I've finally given in to my urges, and I've gotta ask.. Can you do my date please, if that's alright? I've been meaning to ask for a while, but continually forget haha.

My date is: 11/04/86

Sorry to give you another request, hope it's not too time-consuming.. :).


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Post by being-singular-plural »


Your soul number: 5
Card: THe Hierophant (Pope)

Many Pope soul's are interested in all forms of spirituality and are likely to explore the more dogmatic religions as well as the esoteric energies. There are and have been quite a few Pope souls here and I am not surprised (as I am one too!!) since this forum is dedicated to matters of "manifest light": these are key words to your soul level---the Pope soul brings light of spirit down to earth and makes it visible for all to see. To do this, there must be rigourous experience with the "invisible" aspects of spiritual existence. Books and learning help bring this energy into matter, but the true power is in the secret "sense" of spirit at the pulse of life that precedes its incarnating toward visibility. Meditation techniques are a good way to gather inner knowledge. Being an Aquarian will offer you great moments of innovation as if your "light" came from another galaxy, but also a steadfastness and discipline required for the monumentous manifestatins of light on earth. You will march to a different tune and others will likely want to sing along--There is thus a responsibility for Pope's who delve into matters of spirit and it can easily turn into a "discipline" or course of study--however, remember that any and all types of knowledge associated with spirit is, at bottom, sacred knowledge and should be treated in kind. Pope's are especially good at counselling others in their spiritual health and many will be drawn to your energy for precisely this reason. You have an uncanny ability to treat these matters with the ethics and respect it deserves which is why friends will trust your judgement in these matters. But, this kind of reception runs the risk of allowing your ego to get too involved and it can become more important for you to be "right" than be helpful. The Pope always surrenders first, advises second--please remember that for times in the future when you are tested in this way. A soul at this level indicates that you have achieved some great feats in your spiritual past and have received many gifts--now you can bask in the glory of that past and bring that light to the present, for the world to witness! This is your task--to bring more and more positive light to the world--it starts from you and who knows how far your starlight will extend--perhaps to another galaxy!! I sense much starborn energy around you which is yet another added gift for you to share. Stones good for Pope's are karmic ones as Pope's tend to learn the ins-and-outs of Karma: Apophylite, Okenite, Hemimorphite, Lemurian Glass, Strawberry Quartz, Diamond, Selenite, Petalite, Lepidolite are excellent for this--but other stones like Chrysanthemum Stone, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Azurite, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline and Hematite are highly beneficial for you. But foremost in my mind is that since you seem to have some distantly cosmic energy around you (starborn) then I suggest working with some Moldavite (if you can afford it) as it will really help you feel at home during your tour of duty here on earth! If you would like some more info on this and astrology, let me know.

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hey Elem,

I am assuming that you did DD/MM/YY in which case, your expression and your soul level are quite interesting.

Number: 3
Card: Empress

You can read some of the above stuff on Empress soul levels as there have been a few here. But, given the masculine energy around you, perhaps, in part, from your sun sign, this seems to be quite complicated. Empress souls nurture and create from the natural elements around them--but Aries energy likes to create within structures--or create new structures from out of the old, so this combination unleashes uncanny creative potential. You can work both within and outside of "the system." It may prove challenging to you from time to time when your innate creative impulses are stifled by institutional systems, but, at the same time, you possess a natural ability to over-achieve through those systems. It is like playing both teams--you inherently know how to make others feel good regardless of their "side" (anti-establishment or the conformed) or lot in life and this nurturing energy will be one of your greatest offerings this life. But, your energy itself is something to be reckoned with and there is great power around you. I doubt that you need to be told that this incurs great responsibility; power like this can backfire if used even a little haphazardly. It is like having in your possession a double edged sword from ancient times and you can easily turn it on yourself as fast as you wield it in front of others. That said, because your soul is skilled in crafts of communication and elemental magicks, your power is at its fullest expression when your creations can benefit more than just you. It requires a bit of time and patience to cultivate the ways in which you want your golden touch to be revealed. But, you will certainly have the stamina and energy to create magnificient harmony in your life and those around you. You can offer great encouragement and sound advice to friends and colleagues, but if need be, you can actually help heal, nurture and protect your loved ones at all levels including the physical. Perhaps delving more and more into the healing arts would be an interesting pursuit given your energy blend of yin and yang. I think you would be able to achieve some interesting results. Techniques requiring focus and discipline will also give you great rewards, from fixing stuff around the house, to opening up someone's crown chakra. This level asks you to do all you can to create harmony with the elements around you--it has an earthly sensual appeal, but transcends far into the potential for great spiritual change. One thing is clear, your energy is unique and this can be both a blessing when working in harmony, but may cause an isolating effect if not in balance with the art and intentions of other fellow creators in the world. Teamwork may present you with opportunities to lead and to follow and you will quickly be able to alternate between both positions at any given moment. There is an inherent "new" balance with this creative energy and this level may beckon you to continually attempt to discover more balance and harmony in yourself--of course, this presupposes bouts where a lack of balance is called for in order for you to get back to that "sweet spot"--your soul has the mark of this delicate balance of masculine/feminine, light/dark etc. which, in turn, may show you that binaries like this are always integrated through and through. This level beckons you to integrate your inner dualities to create anew, like a phoenix whose flames can forge butterflies. Good luck with all that you create this time 'round. . .

Let me know if want more info. .

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Post by Elem »

Thank you very much, bsp :) and, yes, I was doing DD/MM/YY.. Apologies, I should've said. Force of English-habit!

Thanks again, it was very interesting reading what you had to say.. And it certainly seems to fit..

See you around :), I may contact you for more info when I'm not working n have a little free time.


Post by *JennyM* »

Thank you for taking the time. It meant so much to me.

The Dragon

Post by The Dragon »

Someone did a Astrology and Tarot card reading for me. My Astrology card was the queen of swords my Tarot card was the queen of cups.

Please do a soul card reading for me and my friend "C".

Me: 1-27-71
Him: 10-24-81

Thank you in advance.
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Post by Rein »

It would be much apreciated if I could get mine, too BSP, if it's alright.

January 21st 1992

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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Dragon,

It is nice to meet you. I can see why the Astro-tarot would put you as Queen of Swords, quite simply because Aqaurius is Air and swords resonate most with this element. But, the cups is way more interesting. . . .lots of depth there. . .

Anyways, onto the matter at hand. . .

Soul Number: 10 (or, 1)
Card: The Wheel of Fortune (and in a minor role, the Magician)

This is quite the one to have. . .A soul at this level may have a kind of pre-ordained "mission" to complete this life, that serves the greater good of those in your karmic past, or, perhaps, a service for the world in general. Events in your life may take on a fated quality and the cliches about "too good to be true" may orbit your reality from time to time. In reality, sometimes things are too good to be true, but sometimes it is it is all that and then some. . .You may receive crazy offers and be ready to change your mold completely, and then, things will turn again back to the way it was, but with new perspective. There may be times where you feel you have little or no control over events, but, at the same time, there will be periods of great harmony and oneness with your universe where you feel like it is all in your hands to direct. . .Your hands are very special--they have the touch of an eternal heritage. . .When your ego does take hold too much, you will want to shape the viewpoints of all those around you to fit your "illusion" of the world. You may use secret tactics and have a special hidden force that makes others suspicious of you at times. As long as you keep your ego in check and know that your destiny is exactly that-_DESTINED for Destiny!! You carry a great weight and the "starry wheels" may offer you more than fascination--they may offer a deep sense of home and peace. The whizzing stars are all around your crown. For the Wheel has a resonance with The World card in its most positive aspects. Cycles and solutions are commonplace for you. You can really help other people see the patterns in their lives and then help them break those nasty patterns that cause injustice and injury. There is a strong Jupiter sense around you as a result of this card, so you may want to look into various aspects about Jupiter's history and see how some of those traits are in you! A soul at this level is at once an Old soul and a young soul. This soul is here to teach, while being open to wonders of the turning world(s) inside and out. . .There may be an upsurge this life of karmic patterns wanting to be released and you may be trying to speed up that process before your soul moves along. Thus, there are probably many heavy karmic events that you have experienced this life and any thing that significantly impacts your state of soul this life, probably comes form a spiritual goal of purging some unneeded karmic residues to make way for the new Soul. You are dying and birthing all at once. Quite an anomaly, if you ask me. Good luck with all that Luck!!!


P.S. I will get to "c" soon, please be patient. . .
The Dragon

Post by The Dragon »

You are absolutely right according to my own experiences. At first I did not understand what was going on with me and neither did the people around. They still don't understand. I am understanding and learning to accept things as they are. I have decided to let joy and appreciation feel my life instead of anger, grief, sadness and stress. I might as well be joyfull!!

What you wrote is right on par with my natal chart. 9 of my planets are on the "fate" side with my Sun in the 8th house of transformation, death and rebirth being stressed by Saturn (square) and trined by Uranus. I can't help but to feel that fate rules my life. But there is a greater lesson and purpose in it all; Just when I am at my lowest something comes along to the rescue!! I am never left completely down and out.

Yea, the changes often cut off something I thought I was enjoying too. Alot of my expectations get nailed to the cross. But like I said there is a greater purpose in it all.

Thank you so much!!
Peace and Blessings.
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Post by being-singular-plural »

Hi Dragon,

I would like to take at look ato your birth chart as well. If you provide me the details I will take a look. . it is always good to get a second opinion. PM me for more. . .now onto "c":

His Soul Number (at least in this method) is: 8
Card: Strength

There have been many Strength souls in the previous posts, so you may want to refer to those as well. But this one has some watery depth to it as he is born at the first light of Scorpio. His Strength may actually not be as verbose as other Strength souls. Typically, strength souls like to be seen and recognized for their prowess in intellectual, emotional or physical strength. They do not always overdo it though. But, this person's strength, I sense, comes from a deep well of silence and "knowing." He probably has a long spiritual history (as most Scorpionic folks do) and has many reserves to draw from. However, he still needs to refine ways in which he tames his beast within--to exercise control over his carnal impulses and let the golden eagle of his soul emerge free to soar in the realms of spirit. He is probably a little dramatic and protective over his deepest desires and "hang ups." Repression may be something that causes discord form time to time as the beast may awake and want out to play. As long as he takes the time to accept and nurture his inner beast, while keeping it in check so that it doesn't harm others, a little carnal play is actually healthy for this soul. But, as he ages, he will find that he needs to let go of the carnal more and more in pursuit of a more "pure" way of spiritual being. I sense that he will have a successful incarnation and perhaps even perform some great deeds as well. He would do well with Sunstone, Nebula Stone, Labradorite, Kunzite, Moldavite, and of course Leopard Skin Jasper! As for you, Dragon, I forgot to mention that some stones to help you would be: Blizzard Stone, Golden Labradorite, Moldavite, Lapis Lazuli, Azurite, Paua Shell, Sugilite, Fulgurite--just to name a few. Hope this helps. . .


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