Help on Spirit Guides.

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.

Re: Help on Spirit Guides.

Post by xxgeorgiexx »

1.) Does everyone have a Spirit Guide?

2.) If so, how do you know?
Meditation is the first step in finding out about your spirit guides, once you are acustomed to raising your vibrations you can connect pretty much when you wish to.

3.) I heard you can have more then one. Is that true?
Yes we have one main guide that stays with up from conception/birth to death, other guides come and go depending on what they are needed for in various stages of our lives. I have 2 that i have good comunication with and one that stays in the background, there may be others "behind the scenes" tho

4.) Is your guide a Previously Deceased person?
Guides are highly evoled beings, they may have lived many many lives on the earth plane and feel they can offer their knowledge for others developing.

5.) Are they always attached? Or can they leave you? How are they attached? Is 'Attached' even the right word for it?
They are with you always, however i have noticed one of mine tends to dissappear for a few days now and again for whatever reason but they are never far.

Now, I have a few more questions that are slightly off topic to my original topic, but to refrain from posting another topic I shall post it here.

Is it wrong to use a Ghost Box or Ouija Board to talk to spirits? I've always wondered that. :/ Thanks!
If you are not experianced with working with spirit both these are a very bad idea. You must learn to ground and protect yourself well and differentiate good with bad. Lower enteties can be attracted to these things and become micheivous if they are not controlled carefully.

P.S. I am usually blunt and to the point when asking questions.
You have to be if you want to find out your own truths! I notice there is many opionions here you have to find the one that finds right for you.

Hope this helps :)

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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

as for Shadow Phoenix
i see that you are in the art of summoning and you are experienced but have you ever seen the entire entity or spoken with it

because there are uses of entity that can be done without having to interact verbally with them or don't have to see them just summon , order and off you go

other are more interactive and you look at them , speak to them tell you about a person , illness, treasure , cures , teach you knowledge or have him to protect you or lift stuff for you
Yes, I have dabbled in summoning, mostly consisting of shadows, draining them for power, attaching them to other people, I've tried speaking with them but they were my captives so to speak and were not so pressed for small talk. There are 2 seemingly powerful entities I have come in contact with, one looks like a shadow, which I believe it to be so, is rather powerful but it has sparkly, diamond looking things all over it's body and goes by the name Aquarius who has asked that I release him (I still haven't released him, but I don't remember ever binding him to me)...the other, is...oh how to explain just feels weird when I describe this one...I call it the "Elemental Werewolf" as it has horns and claws made from stone, eyes that seem as though they are a portal to the stars, a tail of fire, and 2 rings around it's body one looks as though it is water, while the other ring is white as though it were air. I don't know the wolf's name but THIS one has told me that it is bound to me...although I haven't the slightest why... [/quote]

Post by aradi »

surly they are bound

the chant that brings them also binds them to come that must be a mixed one

you have to let them go after that

that okami spirit is strong and any one who wears jewelry has his place in the power chain

i don't know why on earth they couldn't escape
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Okami spirit? What about one who wears jewelry has his place in the power chain? Elaborate have my attention.

Post by aradi »

oh sorry my Japanese kick in

okami means wolf

and Kings, ministers , tribe leaders , generals , luetenants < i dont know how to spell it

the usual Pyramid
its like the food chain where we are on top :D
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

I thought that's what it meant but wasn't gonna say anything in case I was incorrect lol so you're saying that one who wears jewelry takes it's place on the power chain? I guess I still don't quite get it...

Post by aradi »

i added you on msn go online
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Post by Starwitch »

Aradi, please state your experiences and opinions as just that - experiences and opinions. Like so, "My experience is that there are no spirit guides." Do not say, "no such thing" unless you are intentionally trying to be rude. If you are intentionally trying to be rude you will quickly find yourself banned from the board. I can see that you are quite young. Kids and teens have a very black-and-white mentality about things. They don't seem to be able to see the shades of grey that many adults can see. I've heard it has to do with their level of brain development (which isn't fully developed.) I think it's only fair that people understand that you are quite young before they start believing the things you say to them. You seem to be overly confident in your beliefs. That's usually a sign of insecurity or immaturity.

Your ideas are interesting and I enjoy reading about different points of view. We haven't heard from someone like you before that I am aware of. But it's dangerous for kids to get the impression that you know everything there is to know when in fact the likelihood of that being true is slim to none.

Please read the rules of the forum and respect other people's beliefs. Do not state your opinion as though it is a fact. It's only your experience and people who do not live in darkness have a very different reality than the one you are living.

Bright Blessings,
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Post by One Walker »

Thank you !

One Walker. :D
We have seen what Power does.
We have seen what Power costs.

One is never equal to the other.

Post by aradi »


I cant reply to that and you saw right through me

but i have only one thing to tell

i never had the intention of being rude
that is for Fact
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Post by Imiko »

Well, I have not been on for a while. And have a few things to say about this whole Ordeal. You may have not been trying to be rude, however, your insinuations have come across as so. And thus, you need to work on how you word things, that's all.

I also don't really understand This whole summoning thing. However, This is NOT the topic to discuss that. You should have put it into PM, Aradi. Keeping on topic is important. It makes things look less messy and more organized, you know?

Now as for your opinion that is great to know, but I think you're in the wrong forum. :/ HOWEVER, you are allowed to express you beliefs anywhere, and thus, I'll just keep my mouth shut. I'm not trying to 'Bash' you or anything, just a little constructive insight.

Now as for the information, That's lovely, thank you. However, I am a little conflicted. How should I know which one is right for my Religion? There are many views, but which one is with Wicca? >.< Thank you all for the information, it has helped a lot. :)

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