Gender Equality

General discussion/questions about life, death, sexuality, love, teen concerns, lifestyle, & work.

Which do you think is better?

Zygarchy (Men and Women Equal)
Total votes: 26

Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Mar 20, 2008 7:48 am
Gender: Female
Location: Beijing

Post by AkanaAnash »


Wouldn't you agree though, that a touch of what we as "modern people" consider "discrimination" is actually just recognizing differences inherent in specific categories of humans?

I'll use a very obvious example;

Womyn can birth can't. Not if they tried for a million yeerz.

Doesn't it seem natural to respect that difference and make exceptions and laws based on that difference?

A law, for example which favors maternal custody over a paternal one which may appear to be "putting men down" on the surface might, in fact, simply be recognizing a natural truth?

(No disrespect to single Dads, of course, I'm simply posing a rhetorical question)

And if, other differences in race or sexual preference or religion hold true, shouldn't they, as well, be recognized?

On that same hand, general...are physically larger and stronger than womyn...Does it put down men to be more harsh to them in domestic violence cases ? (on this one, I gotta say no...I'll say bohou any man who purposefully harms a woman...No Excuse!)

But these examples are sort of trite and cliched.

Let's go to your putting down people based on religious practice;

If it has been proven that a particular religious practice is physically harmful to individuals or groups because of it's laws or teachings...don't you think that religion should be turned away from?

I'll reiterate what Suppose said; say you have your Utopia...what if a person is born within that Utopia who has ideals which don't adhere to the groups ethical, religious or social standards...should that person be shunned, harassed or ejected from the community?

If someone (even one person) is in disconcurrence from the community, wouldn't that then automatically disallow the use of the term "Utopia"

(In other can't be heaven if everyone isn't invited...and if it's heaven then everyone isn't invited.)

Again, I'm not attacking your ideals personally, I'm asking hypothetically to add to the conversation.

When people talk of Utopia, I always tend to raise an eyebrow, because it usually seems as though a society that desires such a thing, doesn't desire complete social harmony so much as a singular, collective thought process.
And that idea has more of Orwells "1984" than Siddharthas "Nirvana" in it

"The Prince Of Darkness is a gentleman"
W. Shakespeare
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