Loona's Grimoires

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loona wynd
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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

The Maiden

The Maiden is one of the facets of the Triple Goddess. She is boundless. She is limited by no man. She is wild and free.

The Maiden is pure. She is freedom. She has no rules but her own. She is also sexual. In some ways she is a temptress. She is joy and ecstasy.

She is the huntress. A the huntress she is the lady of all wild things. She both protects them and makes them fertile. She is cunning in her aspects of the hunt.

She is the warrior maiden. She fiercely protects all who follow her. She defends those who are defenseless and uses all her power to prevent harm from happening unjustifiably.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

The Mother

The Mother is the second aspect of the Triple Goddess. She is loving, nurturing, and caring. She is the bringer of life.

The Mother is the Harvest Queen. She is the giver of bounty. She is the Grain Mother. She is the provider. She nourishes our mind, body, and soul.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

God Goddess
Animals Wild Wood
Hunter Harvest
Sun Moon
Life Birth
Death Rebirth
Elder Crone
Father Mother
Youth Maiden
Trickster Vixen
Wisdom Wisdom
Prophacy Second sight
Creativity Creation
Magic Magic
Science Mystery
Mind Soul
Earth or Third world Third world
Upper world Upperworld
Underworld Underworld
Light Shadow
Day Night
Night Day
Son Mother
Lover/Husband Lover/Wife

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Goddess Meditation

I saw a women dressed in furs and cloths of natural colors. At her sides were animals of all sorts. She simply said that she was the earth mother.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

God meditation

He was a horned God
Bringer of Life
Giver of Death
Hunter and Hunted
Lord of the Sun
Sky Father

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

What are Dragons

Many people think that dragons are large fearsome beasts that breathe fire. While dragons are powerful., they shouldn't be feared. Some dragons like to work with people and others are "solitary". So what are Dragons?

At this point in time I have minimal experience with dragons. What I can say is that they are real. To me dragons are spiritual beings that live in the "other worlds". These beings have a lot of power and should be respected.

There are many types of dragons who all have different qualities and personalities. My dragon companion is kind of shy. Though he does show up unexpected at times. He is helping me explore and find myself.

Dragons do seem to be curious creatures. I have much more to learn about them. I am excited to learn about them, and to continue to work with them. When a dragon calls who am I to ignore the call?

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Dragon Deities

Gneicht (nyte):
Dragon of the night and opportunities

Veaug (Vog):
Dragon of the Occult

Morthan (Moor'z'dan):
Dragon of the harvest

Luqueas (Luk-wee-ass):
Trickster Dragon

Mordak (Moo-or-dak):
Dragon of War

Dauilteas (dau-li-too):
Dragon of conjured beings

Ryusan (Ri-u-San):
Dragon of hurt spirits

Ouida (O-weed-a):
Dragon of guidance

Solange (so-londge):
Dragon of healing

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Elemental Dragons

Ruler: Sairys (sayr-iss)
In Nature: Sunset, Fall, Clouds, Breeze
Color: Yellow or orange
Direction: South
Tool: Feather or Incense

Ruler: Naelyan (Nail-yan)
In Nature: Mindnight, Winter, Bodies of water
Color: Blue
Direction: west
Tool: Shell, Chalice

Ruler: Grael (Grail)
In Nature: Sunrise, Spring, Caves, Mountains
Color: Green
Direction: North
Tool: Wand, Pentacle

Ruler: Fafnir (Faf'neer)
In Nature: Noon, summer,blood, lightning, volcanoes
Direction: East
Tool: Dagger, sword, incense, candles

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

3 realms


Middle reams (earth-our world)

Lower-land of the dead-underworlds

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

Tradcraft Worldview

Sacredness of the land-
Earth is the Goddess

Land is alive-
All things contain spirit

Land is inhabited by Gods, Spirits, Souls-
The worlds are not separate

All life emerged from the land-
Earth gives us form

All life returns to the land-
Recycled so new life can live

Men and women created equal-
Both are needed for life

Men and women different roles-
Both compliment & help the other

Other worlds beyond our perception-
Multiple worlds of existence

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »


Fate is best explained as the tapestry of all of reality. fate is that which binds and unites us all. Fate is a web constantly being woven by Fate herself.

We are a strand of Fate. Our strand of fate is interwoven into the very fabric of reality itself. We do not make fate. Fate makes us.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »


Fate as described by Robin Artison is said to be:

"The system of Fate, expressed as nature, or reality is one, whole, and undivided"

The quote continues:

"Nothing is separate; all things flow into others, affect other, create others; all things change, become aware; all things are alive. Nothing, not even one tiny thing is static and cut off from the web of fate, which is reality" =Witching Way of the Hollow Hill

So fate is not in this article predestination, rather it is a name for all of reality. Fate is then what is spun by the great weaver. We are not in control of Fate. Old Fate, the source of all that is, is the one who controls fate.

We can influence events and cause change, but only if fate determines it to be right. The future then is all potentials, but only that which will happen will happen based on that which has come before. So if a spell doesn't work its because Old Fate has something else in mind.

In this worldview we are not in total control. We are but a strand in the grand web that is all of reality.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

The Susoul

The susoul is the complete "you". It is the you that contains all of the lessons you have learned through your many lives. It is the constant fragment that is always changing and always evolving.

It is the susoul that ascends to the next state of being. The susoul connects with the mind to process all of the lessons and experiences learned in each life.

The susoul is eternal. It was a gift of the gods that allows for eternal life. It is what allows us to reach each stage of being from one stage of living to the next state of being. This is our fate strand.

The shade and the susoul are one during life. They separate at death. A small fragment of the shade is absorbed into the susoul. This fragment holds the essence of all your experiences and memories during this life. The fragment of the shade absorbed contains all mystery experiences and all deep spiritual lessons learned. These experiences processed are what we use to determine the next set of lessons before either ascending to the next state of being or if we stay human for another life.

The susoul is eternal. The susoul has no limit. It is limitless and evolves as long as the mind and susoul feel that they have gone as far as they want to go. The susoul only stops evolving when we have become Godlike in nature and reached the height of our spiritual evolution.

The susoul is our connection to the divine as it is divine in nature, just not evolved all the way to Godhood yet.

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

The Shade

The shade is essentially a shadow of yourself in each life. The shade is mostly dormat during life. The shade is absorbing your personality and your thought patterns.

The shade after death resides in the ancestral lands where you will be with your loved ones from this life.

In ancestral worship and veneration it is the shade with which you are communicating with. The shade has the freedom to do what it desires in the ancestral lands.

The shade is unique to each life. As such each of us has many different shades that have been connected to the susoul. Due to how many shades we each have the links to our former selves and personalities are weak ones. The shades are also what we communicate with and meet when we do past life explorations.

Ghosts are shades outside of their ancestral lands. They have not yet completed the journey to the ancestral lands. Some may never reach those ancestral lands.

The shade is a part of the soul which may become a guide to others who are living. It is a personal choice,

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Re: Loona's Grimoires

Post by loona wynd »

The spirit

The spirit is the actual force of life itself. Without spirit we could not live. We could not have a body that lives and experiences the mysteries.

The spirit is the breath of life. It enters us on our first individual breath and leaves upon our death or last breath.

The spirit is the gift of Alshara. The spirit is actually a small fragment of Alshara. As such through our spirit we are always connected to Alshara.

The spirit is also our connection to all of creation. All ojects have some form of spirit. It is not "life" as humans understand it but life on a different level.

The spirit is also what allows us to practice and use magic. The spirit creates change initiated through magic.

Upon death the spirit reunites with Alshara to be bestowed upon another living being that will be born. We may or may not have the same spirit in each life.

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