
Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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Post by [Haley] »

Hey Eretik! :D I'm a bit tired, didn't get much sleep last night. How are you? Thanks! (<<Referring to the reporting back after reading them) I hope they're all good! I'm just dying to get my hands on one of his books again! :shock:
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Post by Eretik »

I have Nocturnal Witchcraft and The Gothic Grimoire, from a cursory look and flicking through, I can see nothing untoward or controversial. I'll read them thoroughly, though. There has been a lot of talk on this on other boards I frequent, some comments were extremely derogatory. I wonder why? I really don't see that this is so bad. Back soon with full detalis.
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Post by Nyte_Wytch »

Eretik wrote:I have Nocturnal Witchcraft and The Gothic Grimoire, from a cursory look and flicking through, I can see nothing untoward or controversial. I'll read them thoroughly, though. There has been a lot of talk on this on other boards I frequent, some comments were extremely derogatory. I wonder why? I really don't see that this is so bad. Back soon with full detalis.
I have both of these as well. There OK but I'd not recommend them. They seem to be geared toward your teen goth crowd. I'll hang on to them in case I ever have a table with a wobbly leg..
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Post by Eretik »

It's not so much that Nyte Witch, someone made a remark about'under age sex' being recommended by Konstantinos as a ritual, my friend, who lent me the books, says he knows nothing of this and he thinks it's an unfair comment, it intrigued me so much, I had to get the books to read. Some talk of him is sounding a little like ,ahem ,'a witchhunt'. Anyone else know anything of this?Is it fair comment? By the way, pleased to meet you Nyte witch.
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Post by Eretik »

I've read the books now. I also checked out the statement I'd read , re:above post, about under age sex, it is hearsay based on another's opinion and I found no references consistent with anything of the kind. I was disappointed with the contents, both in respect to 'darkness' and to practice. There isn't much to go on, the books are thin and don't contain much in the way of practical information. It seems to be a 'slant' on Wicca, but still follows much of the same doctrines and ideals. Konstantinos recommends Silver Ravenwolf on page 17 of 'Nocturnal Witchcraft', that, I 'm sure hurts his credibility in many eyes. I have a question in relation to Wiccan sabbats, is it not so that first harvest is Lughsnadh [Lammas] and second is the Autumnal equinox, with Samhain seen as the Celtic New Year? K,references Samhain as 'end of harvest'[ tho' also as new year too] not a huge mistake, if so, but for someone who was a practising Wiccan [as he says himself] originally, again hurts the credibility somewhat,if he's mistaken. I didn't find these books sinister or deviant or any of the many recent criticisms, like this, I have seen on other sites. If anything they are 'light' dark and rather woolly. Can I ask, why he is so offensive to many of the Wiccans, as all he is really saying is that Wicca is not all love and light, which is something a lot of the Wiccans I speak with say themselves? I find a lot of the debate confusing. I think,personally , that there is much more coherent and useful information elsewhere, on this subject, I have a link or two to 'dark' sites ,myself. Paganism encompasses all of the human condition, after all.If you like it, that's what matters, but remember he is not the only author on 'dark' paganism or the best either.
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Post by Wolf* »

Though I don't know about the underage part, but, if I'm not mistaken, Nocturnicon does include sex magic as well as the use of hallucenagins (spelling?) such as absinthe and also blood magic, his encounter with Lucifer, and summoning Cthulhu.

Though I don't quite get why everyone says its "made for the teen goth crowd". The "goth crowd" most definatley, but the teen part is just a bit off (see first paragraph)

Blood, sex, drugs, does that really seem like...............nevermind, it just may be meant for teenagers :lol: (THAT WAS A JOKE PEOPLE)

but seriously, blood, sex, drugs, conversing with satan..Not exactly teen beginer stuff. Especially summoning Cthulhu, I'm more scared of old squid face there than Lucifer. You try working some Cthulhu magick and you'll see why.....on second thought, don't, unless you are really advanced and aren't afraid of a little madness and insanity.

Point being, in the end, his stuff may be for the eccentric goth crowd, but not for beginers. Some people are just more comfortable in the darkness than the light.

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Post by Eretik »

I haven't read all the books, but I will, when I can. I didn't see a lot of information in the books I read Wolf. I had to ask about the 'under age ' thing, I thought it was unfair, but needed to see for myself. It seems Konstantinos is being 'smeared' by some -it happens, maybe, he ruffled some feathers the wrong way? Criticism is fair, when it is justified, I'll pm a link for you, see what you think, it's another 'dark' paganism author. I like the site.
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Post by Adiens »

His books on Vampires is very insightful too if you are interest in that. He talks myths, actuals, and psychic vampires all very articulately.
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Post by Kim »

I have Gothic Grimoire! :D I personally think that he's really good....but thats my opinion :P but yeah....I forgot what I was saying! >_< Damn...
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I have one of his books, and someone reccomended another one by him, so I decided to order it at my work.
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