Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

I had a dream but this time the real Rob that I know was in it. We met at this weird looking house, then I was in the bathroom that kind of looked like my old one but it wasn't a clear picture. Then Rob came in and surprised me with a hug. We started hugging and kissing. And I told him I didn't think he was real and he reached in his pocket and I was looking in the mirror and saw it was a black ring box. He opened it up and there was a huge three stone ring but it was yellow gold (i hate yellow gold) and he was like does this show my feelings are real. Then I still had a feeling of doubt and part of the stones were cut off. Then he said I cut up the stones and but them on this box that had small round stones on it. We started kissing some more and then I got naked for sex and this girl named Dana (who is Steven my first loves cousin) came in and Rob tried to hid me in the tub. I moved the shower curtain and Rob tried to make believe it was him but she found me and said that I betrayed Steven and he is going to be hurt and he will never forgive me I ruined everything and then she chased us away.
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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

Anybody that reads feel free to comment. Any feedback is appreciated.
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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

Not really a dream but a vision I had a while back:I saw parts of my death during childbirth. I was in a hospital being wheeled on a gurney and i could hear them paging doctors but one in particular. I think I was headed to surgery because I never saw the maternity ward. Then it skipped the birth and it was black. I couldn't see anything. But I could hear. I could hear the page but not for doctors. I could hear them wheeling my down a hallway but it was much shorter from the room to the elevator. I could hear more quiet talking but couldn't make out what they said. I could feel when corner and I saw the two nurses. I tried to get on the elevator but I couldn't, force wouldn't let me and they didn't see me at all with solemn faces. It was the birth of the boy. They said all because she wanted a son.
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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

Had a short but weird dream. I was coming out of my old building of sorts. It was my mom, my daugh, and I and we seemed to be ready go somewhere. Didn't know where. Then I remember going through a back door to a new porch. It looked kind of like my old one but it was rebuilt slightly different. I was surprised it was all done and looked good and I said it was finished. Brian was standing next to me by this point but I have the feeling he was there the whole time but I just didn't see him. My mom said it wasn't completely finished and pointed to some mushrooms (toadstools). Her and I started to pull them off, Fiona wanted to help but we didn't want her to touch it and get sick. I went to kick the last one off the bottom edge of the porch at first it looked small but it was actually long and big. I broke the head off but the long big stem stuck to my foot and wouldn't wiggle off. After trying to scrap it off a voice said let me pull it off, then I saw Brian's hand reach over but by then I got it off.
It seemed like either Brian and I or my family brought the house. In some aspects it reminded me of my old house but different color, siding, seemed one level split.
And I'm not surprised, Brian like his son never has a conversation or talks more than a sentence in my dreams. I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Except when it comes to my daughter then it's nonstop talking, traitors.
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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

Had a dream that I was supposed to go to school (college) in New York. I was riding down the road without a car towards the bridge on a weird road. All of a sudden Jonathan (the classmate who committed suicide) came in next to me. Him and his friends were headed to NJ to have fun. Instead of crossing the bridge I got off on exit F1 with him. He was holding on to me and kissing me. We spent the day there. That evening I got a text saying I had to be home by 1030 because my mom had to work that night. I had lied and said I could stay because she's off. I looked at him and said I love you so I will tell you the truth, my mom isn't off tonight I have to go home. He looked at me with a shocked look on his face. I then went around the corner to try and get back to NY and I walked down this hood looking street. People just kind of stared at me and I went to the store and brought somethings trying to figure out how to get back without the train.
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Re: Jornal sonho de astralsolitaire

Post by astralsolitaire »

I had another dream about Rob. I don't know why he keeps showing up. This time he was talking to someone he knew and I came in and he leaned down and started kissing me in public full tongue. The lady said your boss won't be happy. He said he got a new job. Then we started kissing again
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