storing your crystals

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Re: storing your crystals

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

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Re: storing your crystals

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Kassandra asked me about my influences in an earlier post on crystals, and I have been meaning to clarify it... It's true I use hoodoo a lot (it works)... however my roots are along the lines of traditional indigenous culture, having grown up immersed in this, as well as Islander culture, and work with crystals is deeply rooted in the magical beliefs here. Here are some ideas that I grew up with....

Two forms of time; two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the ‘dreamtime’, more real than reality itself…some people of unusual spiritual powers have contact with the dreamtime.

The term "The Dreaming" refers to an awareness and knowledge of the Dreamtime. The term "dream" is a metaphor suggesting that awareness is enhanced by dreamy, quiet, vague, visionary, fantasy or trance states. The land and ritual serve as churches and sacred places and therefore these are redundant.

Spirit beings and totems

There are two categories of spirit beings.

A few all-powerful transcendental beings who created the earth. An example; the Sky Beings, called Baiame in New South Wales and Bunjil in Victoria. The Wondjina, primal beings of the Kimberley District, are depicted with halos in huge paintings.

Numerous lesser spirits belonging to single tribes, symbolised in the material world as animal or plants. Most spirits are good but some are bad, such as the Bunyip who lives in swamps and billabongs (cut-off stream branches). Two types of tribal spirits exist: eternal (from the Dreamtime); and human (spirits of the dead). The latter leave the body and return to their "home" (the sky, an island, or cave); they may return to haunt people. The Rainbow Serpent the rainbow personified - is a myth bridging both categories. He carved the valleys and hills with his writhing body.
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Aboriginal religions are intimately tied to the concepts of spirits, rituals, and magic. The basic principle is that spirits are eternal, existing in the past, the present, and the future equally. Humans -- and animals, plants, landscape features, and phenomena such as wind and fire -- are temporary incarnations of spirits which have always existed and will continue to exist after the material form is gone.

Healing and divining
There are two types of medicine man; diviner-doctor (who heals) and sorcerer (who creates illness). The same man may play both roles.

Healing involves songs or spells, in the presence of quartz crystals, tektites, shells or special stones. Quartz crystals in some instances are rubbed into the body permanently as part of initiation. Quartz is by far the most common and powerful crystal in the Aboriginal system. It is so powerful, in fact, that the head sky spirit is always depicted with them. The All Father spirit of one tribe has a crystal on each shoulder. The crystals extend up into the heavens and keep his spirit connected to his divine source. Quartz crystals therefore connect all people with their highest level of personal power.

In the middle of Australia stands Uluru (Ayers Rock). This giant land form is one of the primary energy points on Earth's magnetic grid. It is said that beneath Uluru is a vast cavern that holds a large quartz crystal. This crystal works with Earth's grid energy and the energy of creation. Since all quartz crystals resonate at the same vibrational strength, any quartz crystal can be used to access this energy.

Magic may involve divining things at great distances, or those which are hidden from view. To look inside and through people's bodies and minds, and can see a person's thoughts -- not only current thoughts but those of the past as well. The reading of minds is considered an aspect of this visual power by the Aborigines. Such sights are usually produced by deliberate meditation, or perhaps a dream ritual in sleep, but may also come involuntarily.

Just some background I thought you may enjoy :)
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Re: storing your crystals

Post by -Dark-Moon- »

Uluru, power place.
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Re: storing your crystals

Post by Kassandra »


Magical info, thanks for posting. So much for me to think about. :)

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Re: storing your crystals

Post by QuestionableEnergy »

-Dark-Moon- wrote:Ask me any questions, I don't mind them.

I only change the crystals around if I want a change, if that makes sense. It's energetic feng shui, I guess. Crystals are a powerful focusing tool for the energy you wish to manifest. Rearranging them is a signal to the universe that you want something to change. just like your altar. As above, so below. The microcosm influences the macrocosm.

My partner is very good at using crystals on his altar in combination with meditation to achieve his goals. He really gets results whether it's employment, money or whatever. Sometimes he meditates or path works with crystals on him over specific chakras. It's odd because he works with Anubis who I think is a weird deity to work with but it certainly works for him.

In the room that I sleep I have large pieces of rose quartz and amethyst (love and healing). If I have pains I might pop them on that specific area for a bit. I also have a large piece of kyanite which is an amazing crystal to own. It does not accumulate negative energy at all.

Where I work and think (my desk) I have a large quartz point. I also have one on my altar. These are focus points.

On a table by the door I have a large apache tear to repel negativity.

The balls tend to migrate round the house. I find right before sleep is the best time to scry so they often end up in my bedroom. The amethyst is a busy little crystal with many facets, came from a pair of old witches, probably has a resident entity within it and is also very good at picking up entities and excellent for detailed images. I'd really recommend scrying/evocation with amethyst if you're a bit of a chicken because it seems to dampen down negativity. They come through in a way that's not threatening at all. It might be touching the stone that does it. The yellow calcite has a very obvious higher frequency being in it which is sometimes just nice to hold, or it can show you colours, it's very calming and pretty. I use it for angelic magic. I have a small quartz ball that has not revealed it's purpose to me yet.

I have a seperate altar purely for divination. I have a 50cm (large) clear crystal ball which is inhabited from time to time with whatever is around. I see attachments from other people I've seen recently in it sometimes. I use it purely for spirit communication and divination. It has the final word on these things. Each ball has its own properties and qualities.

Rather than cleansing, I charge them under the full moon. The large ball looks incredible in the full moon, and casts a large shadow of light behind it that looks so.....magical

Rather than cleansing the crystal itself I rub it down with some rue or burn the rue. I'm happy to work with the energies contained in the stone... Rather when I scry I burn rue initially to free the general area from negative influences. I've found that in the past if I've used sage it just removes pretty much everything, so if you have spirits wanting to communicate they are kicked out prematurely. I might sage the week before a full moon, which is the best time for scrying, followed by, you guessed it, the dark moon. A full moon cycle becomes a rhythm, depending on how connected I feel for that month. I don't charge the crystals every full moon, usually just when I'm about to use them, which is usually when other signs have told me that a message is coming, or I get a feeling in my bones :). Some months are more magical than others. During astrological mischief, I often sit things out.

I like to accumulate a bit of my own energy (as positive or negative as it may be) in the crystals, because they are for my use at the current time... My partner has his own and neither of us touch the others crystals or altars. The same goes for tarot cards. I like to keep each deck with my own energy in them. I'm using them for links to my own higher self and also to understand why I'm reading for a particular person at a particular time. It's like cleansing your house all the time... At the end of the day you live there, and you can't banish yourself so there will always be strange energetic signatures in things and thats ok. I'm happy to roll with a small degree of chaos .. But that's probably my personality. Others practice differently.

The little crystals I keep in my box are a different story. I do cleanse these much more regularly, in salt water, and charge them more frequently. This is because I purely want the energy of the stone with no influences for placement on my altar to generate a particular energy or outcome, magical work, or I carry them at certain times.

The crystals I wear don't need cleansing because I swim in the ocean so regularly. Highly recommended. Natural bodies of water and forests, sunrise/sunset/moonrise are what charges human spirits.

I hope this answers some of your questions ! I feel like I've waffled a bit but hope its useful. Would be interested to hear about other peoples practices?
So I am new to all this..but i had some major negative energy in my house. My sister gave me a bunch of crystals she personally dug up. While at dig the host said go cleanse them a mile up the road in some magical healing water that is a pool at the base of a waterfall. Then I was told to personally charge them and place each one in a certain place in my house by the lady that sent me on this path. So my question is..
Do I need to be "recharging them", or cleansing them? They are of the larger size..and so I be moving them? I have used my energy as a security bubble and the crystals as room protectors..and ever since haven't felt negative energy..
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