Bougaivillea's Book of Shadows

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Meal Blessing

Post by Bougainvillea »

"The table round contains the Earth and thus becomes the Mother. We share her bounty in this hour, and bless and love each other. So mote it be." - Unknown
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Natural Common Cold Remedy

Post by Bougainvillea »

1. Squeeze a lemon into a mug or cup.
2. Add boiling water.
3. Add a teaspoon of honey and give a good stir.
4. Instant relief.
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Moon Brew

Post by Bougainvillea »

To enhance psychic awareness, or to place in a bath prior to lunar rituals, touch your eyebrow after putting your finger in moon brew.
Creating: Set a silver container outside with water, and let it soak the lunar rays all night. Before dawn, get the water and place it in a jug with a cork.

- Unknown
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Thirteen Powers

Post by Bougainvillea »

Thirteen powers do the Witches claim,
the right of lineage by [God/Goddesses' name here]'s name.
Tie a knot and say the words
- or head on hand the blessing cofferred (? Can't read my bad handwriting)
A witch can give success in love
curse of bless through God/dess above.
Speak to beasts and spirits alike
Command the weather; cast out blight.
Read the heavens and stars of the night.
Divine the future and give good advice.
Conjure treasure and bring fortune to bear.
Heal the sick and kill despair.

- Silver Ravenwolf
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The Banefuls (Poisonous Plants)

Post by Bougainvillea »

Belladonna - AKA, deadly nightshade. Source of poisonous drug atropine. Used to dialate eyes, relieve pain, diminish secretion, and relieve spasms. Believed to have been used in flying potions.

Conquefoil - Also believed to have been used in flying potions.

Deadly Nightshade - Ingested by those who wished to forsee the future.

Foxglove - Tonic; considered dear to faeries.

Hemlock - Extremely poisonous, cousin of parsly.

Hemp - Used in many old spells and incense.

Mandrake - Potentially lethal herb to harvest from the earth. People believed it shrieked when harvested, and anyone hearing it would die. Human body looking roots.
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7 Sacred Herbs of the Celtic

Post by Bougainvillea »

1. Nut and Crones - very magical, especially in fertility magic.
2. Willow - Sacred tree. Grooves considered so magical, people sat in trees to gain eloquence, inspiration, skills, and prophecies.
3. St. John and Wort - Sacred herb. Wore into bath for invincibility. People of Scotland wore as a charm against faerie influences.
4. Mint - Burning mint cleanses an area.
5. Juniper - Sacred tree and berries. Used with thyme in incenses.
6. Thyme - Druid sacred herb. Repels negativity and depression.
7. Elder - Druid sacred tea. Sacred to Celtic White Lady and summer solstice. Elder wands drive out evil and negativity. Standing under and elder tree at Midsummer, like standing in a ring of faery mushrooms, will help you see the Little People.

- Barbara Morris
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The Summerlands, Karma, and Reincarnation

Post by Bougainvillea »

The Summerlands is equivalent to the Heaven of Christians. This is where you wait and decide if you want to reincarnate, or become a guiding angel to a friend or relative on earth. If you reincarnate, you choose a lesson, to learn when you return to earth. When you are born again, you will forget this lesson and must learn it in your new life.

Karma is also known as the threefold rule. Whatever you send out into the universe will come back to you times 3, good or bad.

After your first life, you are reborn again as someone or something else. This cycle is known as reincarnation.
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Directing Energy

Post by Bougainvillea »

Directing energy seems simple enough, but can actually be pretty hard.

First, you need to work up some energy. Chant, dance around, bang some drums...Whatever works. Then, try pressing your hands against the object you want your energy to go into. This could simply be the earth. Or maybe a crystal. Imagine the energy within you form into a white orb in your chest. Imagine it flowing down your arms, then your fingertips, and finally the object.

If you need to direct energy, but not into an object, imagine the white orb again, but concentrate very hard on what you want it to go to.
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Casting A Circle

Post by Bougainvillea »

This is a very condensed version of casting a circle.

1. Grab some incense or light a candle.
2. Start at east. Set down an item representing air before calling air to the circle.
3. Move clockwise to the south. Put something down to represent fire and call fire to the circle.
4. Do the same for west. Put something down to represent water and call water to the circle.
5. Last is north. Put something down to represent earth and call earth to the circle.
6. Cast the spell.
7. Go counterclockwise to remove the circle. Start at earth, thanking it.
8. Do step 7 with all of the elements.
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Charging A Crystal

Post by Bougainvillea »

Crystal's can be charged to store energy. When used correctly, they can be very powerful.
To charge a crystal, you must first ground and center your energy. To ground, attach your feet firmly down on the floor. Imagine roots springing from your feet and reaching down to the center of the earth. The earth has always been filled with lots of energy. You can remove this energy at any time. Just pull it up your "roots" and, in this case, through your body to your fingertips to the crystal. Actually see the energy flowing into the crystal. Any leftover energy should be sent back to the earth.

Cleansing a crystal: Put the crystal in a dish filled with water and salt. Salt is known for its cleansing capabilities.
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Quick Tip

Post by Bougainvillea »

If you light a candle before doing exercises, or have a quarts crystal near, they will serve as "batteries". You can also light incense or apply essential oil to your palm, forehead, or anywhere else.
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Psychic Shielding

Post by Bougainvillea »

Sometimes we pick up bad emotions from others without realizing it. This exercise should be done daily, either when you get up or go to bed.

Put yourself in a comfy position and start by releasing all tension and anxiety. Visualize a ball of white light floating above you. Focus on the energy of the ball (knowing that it's full of love, strength, and peace). Try hard to feel these qualities.

Now let these positive energies flow down on you. The energy is a beautiful, clear, white light. No matter how much light comes into you, the ball will remain equally as strong for its true origin is the Goddess and it's a source of boundless spiritual energy. Let the energy flow throughout your body. Let it go down your arms and legs, reaching your toes and fingertips.

Now let the l ight expand beyond your body, at first only an inch out. Let it gradually move farther out. Let it form a beautiful oval filled with love around your body from the Goddess. Let it form and expand until it's 6 ft across.

In your mind affirm:
"There is one power in the Universe, and I am a perfect manifestation of that power. As such I will that the boundaries of my aura shall be strong and healthy, repelling all unwanted energy while remaining open to positive and healing energy. Safe within the boundaries nothing can harm me, for I am filled with the strength of the Goddess. By my will, so mote it be - and it is so."

Now let the visual image of the light slowly dissipate, but know that it's protection and strength remain with you. Now clear and release excess energy.

Clearing & Releasing:

This is important to do after a magical working so that the excess energy left in your body doesn't cause you difficulties.
Signs of excess energy:
- Dizziness
- Lack of balance
- Feeling giddy/disoriented
- Hyperactivity
- Inability to rest/sleep after a magical working

To release any tension or anxiety from the day before a magical/psychic working:
Get into a comfy position, any position but standing.
Visualize the light coming down on you again. But this time, let it come in through your head and out the soles of your feet. Release all tensions, stress, and anxieties. Imagine the excess energy as little bits of darkness being carried away with the light as it flows through you. When all the bits are gone, let the light stop coming down, and let the last of it flow out of you.

Another way to do this would be having water (waterfall, river, stream) flowing on you and the darkness being leaves. Or you could imagine walking into a lake.
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Ritual Baths

Post by Bougainvillea »

These baths are used for meditation and to effect changes using the energy of water and whatever else you add.

You need:
- A bath tub
- A handful of dried Rosemary
- a handful of dried sage
- as many white candles as you want
- a mirror
- oil
- A handful of salt (preferably sea salt)

Pick a time when you won't be disturbed. Run a tub full of warm water (it should be comfortable). While the water is running, add the salt, rosemary, and sage.

Light the candles and turn off electric lights. Ground and release before getting into the tub.

Pray to the Goddess:
"O' Mother Goddess, help me cleanse myself now of all that holds me back or blocks my growth and progress. Help me as I embrace my fullest potential and I open my heart to growth."

Get into the water. Rinse thoroughly every part of your body. Then lay back and get comfy. Let the warmth of the water soak into you. Reflect on your life. Meditate. Even go to every painful memory. As you do, affirm, "I release this. It leave me now."

After awhile, say/think: "O Mother Goddess, look within my soul and help me release whatever remains that I have not seen."

Clear your mind. When thoughts appear, don't react, just let them drift through. Rise. Think of all you've released.

Affirm, "All that I've released, I leave behind me. May their energy return to the Mother to be reused."

Step out of the tub. Don't dry off, let the air dry you. Look into the mirror and remind yourself, "This is a good person". Mean it. "I love this person. This is the child of the Goddess, whom she loves."

Get the oil and annoint the top of each foot. "Blessed be my feet, that I may walk in sacred paths". Anoint your knees, "Blessed be my knees, that I may kneel at the altar of the Ancient Ones." Anoint pelvic region (above pubic). "Blessed be my 2nd chakra, that I may bring forth life, art, and joy." Anoint center of chest. "Blessed be my heart, which is formed in beauty, that I may love and receive love." Anoint lips. "Blessed be my lips, that I may speak the words of power in time to come". Anoint very center of forehead. "Blessed Be my Mind's Eye, that I may see the unseen, and receive the messages of Spirit."

Look into the mirror. "In the name of the Goddess, I am blessed. Like a flower, I shall open and grow. May all that I have released be replaced with the love and blessings of the Mother. So mote it be."

Clear and release excess energy.
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Casting A Circle 2

Post by Bougainvillea »

how to cast a circle

There are many variations on how to cast a circle (also named “calling corners”). If you belong to a specific Witchcraft tradition, you should follow the methods of your own tradition. If you are an Eclectic Witch (picking the best of each tradition) or still exploring which tradition you want to join, then you can cast a circle with the basic elements and experiment with what works best for you.

Most circle castings call on the four elements (air, earth, fire, and water), once for each direction (north, east, west, and south). Some circle castings also call on a deity (one per direction, or sometimes your male God for two directions and your female Goddess for the other two, alternating between male and female — with water and earth traditionally being associated with the female). The choice of which element to match with which direction varies by tradition. If you are casting the circle with others, each person can make the call for each “corner” or direction. You can experiment and each try different corners at different castings to see which fits each member of your coven best.

Your tradition may have specific sayings, ritual, or poems for calling each direction. You can make up your own poem or song.

The castings are done in a circle, typically clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern hemisphere (although some Witches in the southern hemisphere also cast circles clockwise). Typically the castings start with the east “corner”.

Often the castings include ceremonially walking around the circle. Some castings will actually draw the circle (with chalk or sand), while others will mark it with incense smoke or candle flame. Some castings are entirely magickal (with the marking of the circle being a magick aura). You can combine methods.

Sometimes there are specific chants done while walking around the circle (a general chant of your God’s and Goddess’s names will do — some traditions have specific poems — you can make up your own circle casting poem or song). Some Witches dance instead of walk. Often there are three passes around the circle (but only one calling for each direction).

If you use elements in calling each direction, you should also have a ritual that matches that element. Examples include lighting incense for air, lighting candles for fire, pouring water for water, and pouring dirt for earth. Your crystal can also be used as your earth symbol.

The ritual can be done at the corner or at the altar in the center of the circle (with a coven, it is common to have the high priestess and/or high priest perform the ritual at the altar while other coven members call the directions). If you perform the ritual at the corner, you will want to carry the element symbol (burning candle, etc.) around the circle while casting and then place them all on the altar before ending the casting of the circle.

If you are performing the casting solo, then you may need to carry the element symbol to the altar right away. This can be combined with the three times around the circle: cast the first element in the east, travel around the complete circle and place the element symbol on your altar, cast the second element in the south, travel around the complete circle and place the element symbol on your altar, cast the third element in the west, travel around the complete circle and place the element symbol on your altar, cast the fourth element in the north, and place the element symbol on your altar (going directly to the altar).

Many Witches end the casting with a ritual at the altar. Often this involves invoking the spirit of life as represented by salt (such as pouring salt). And usually this ends with a dedication or prayer to your deity (or deities). If the circle will be used for casting magick, then you might want to dedicate the circle to a God or Goddess associated with the kind of magick you will be performing. If the circle will be used for a holy day, then you will want to dedicate the circle to the Gods or Goddesses associated with that holy day. Of course, it is always appropriate to dedicate your circles to your personal God or Goddess (or both) for any purpose.

Your magick is done inside the circle. You should not cross the line of the circle except for emergencies. If you have to cross the line of the circle for an emergency, you should perform a ritual to “repair” the circle at your earliest convenience — and before casting any new circle (the “repair” ritual does not have to be in the same location, although that is better).

When you are done, you need to ritually take down the circle. This can be simple or elaborate. Often it involves going three times in the opposite direction as the casting (usually counterclockwise). Often there is a thanking in each direction (instead of a calling) — either thanking the element or thanking the deity (if you called on a deity for each direction).

Feel free to experiment and figure out what works best for you.

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Post by Bougainvillea »

An altar (at its most basic) is a flat surface for performing ritual. It can be a table, a flat rock, a flat tree stump, or an intricate carved marble altar. Many Witches do not have a separate altar, but use the top of some ordinary piece of furniture as an altar. When this is done, there is usually a special altar cloth that is laid over the furniture top during the perfomance of ritual.

Exactly what goes on the altar varies by Witchcraft tradition. Some common elements include: candles, a bowl of water, salt, incense (and incense holder or censor), a statue or picture of gods or goddesses (either gods or goddesses related to the specific ritual being performed, or gods or goddesses that are special to you), flowers, berries, crystals and rocks, leaves, twigs, just about anything natural, wine glass (and ceremonial wine), representations of the elements (earth, air, water, and fire, for most Western traditions, or the five Chinese elements of metal, water, wood, fire, and earth), a ceremonial knife (called an athame), a wand, any ingredients for the rituals or spells to be performed, any special tools of your Witchcraft tradition, and anything that you feel helps connect you to the divine or to Witchcraft.

Some Witches set up a shelf or furniture top as a permanent altar setting. They may place a temporary flat surface in front of the permanent altar setting when using the altar. Or they might leave open space for this purpose in front of the permanent setting.

The permanent altar setting becomes a full time display honoring nature, the Lord and Lady, or anything else of interest to the Witch. Some Witches enjoy working on a permanent altar setting as a hobby or as artistic expression, continually refining it or changing it to match the wheel of the year.

Some Witches can’t have a permanent altar setting (disapproving parents, pets, small children, etc.) and other Witches prefer to keep their magick more personal and out of public display.

In the Burning Times, Witches had to either cleverly hide permanent altars as just “displays” or had to use only temporary altars.

Whether permanent or temporary or some combination of both, the altar becomes a personal expression of your spirit, your spirituality, and your magick. Your altar should be both decorative and functional. Your altar should “feel right” to you.

Many Witches cast a circle when using their altar.

Many beginners accidently misspell the word “altar” as “alter”. Interestingly, the Old English word was actually spelled “alter”. In Middle English, both spellings were acceeptable. While it is best to correctly spell the word, if you accidently mess up and anyone corrects out your mistake, you can point out that you are using the original Old English spelling.

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