Choosing to Follow None

For discussion and questions about Gods and Goddesses.
Moon Stone
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:03 pm
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Re: Choosing to Follow None

Post by Moon Stone »

I'm loving the replies this topic is getting! And MoonStone! I very much enjoy your approach, very original. I at times feel that I'm sliding into that category, as I do not believe the God/Goddess have a form, they are just an energy, but I still consider them.
Thank you! We may very well be quite similar in that respect. I do not believe energy necessarily as a consciousness or makes decisions or rules, I believe that it is us with the mind to learn how to probe, use and harness the energy around us, including anything in the universe.

Now only Filipesia...
filipesia wrote:Hi, all of you! Im new to this website and actually just learning about witchcraft. It seems many of you choose not to follow any aprticular deity in your practice of witchcraft, and I would like you to tell me a little about how this works.
Well it works like this...first you develop an interest or feel drawn to it. Then you learn as much as possible, and sort out the best paths for you, which as you see sometimes some of us do not follow deities. Then once you've got yourself well grounded in a foundation of your beliefs, get more into working with magick.
filipesia wrote: Firstly, many online blogs/posts/guides state that it is NECESSARY to believe in a god or goddess to practice witchcraft, as an acknowledgement of the existence of something bigger than yourself. Is this wrong?
Yes this is quite wrong. Not only is it absurd for any one particular group or person to believe that they have the monopoly on what or who is and is not a practitioner of witchcraft, but it serves to try to pigeon hole and confuse a new person exploring into believing it's either their way or no way. In truth, witches and types of witches are extremely diverse, as it is one of the freest flowing practices with no strict adherence to anything. Each individual is entitled to figure out what their truth is, and walk their own path, which ever it may be, and any site that would claim other wise or start assigning "MUSTS" to witches, either has no clue or basic understanding of witches, or intentionally being deceptive. Either one or the other but either way, I would avoid such places when it comes to educating myself about witches. Like Victoria said, that is probably a requirement for Wicca (even this is debated among Wiccans), but a very large group of Witches are not Wiccan's at all and are not bound by any of their rules or regulations.
filipesia wrote:Is it really possible to be an atheist and a witch?
Of course it is! I would know, I am one.
filipesia wrote:Secondly, some rituals require to invoke/mention the chosen deity. How should I perform a spell or ritual when I have no particular deity?
The way an Athiest would do it, is they'd invoke the energy, rewrite the ritual, omitting mentions of deities, and replace it with words like energy, power, forces, or whatever they feel will help guide them best in invoking something. Same goes with Spells. Personally, I prefer to do only spells that I craft. as I feel the spell itself has my own fingerprint in it, thus making it more powerful and effective for me as I am more personally invested in it. Remember, the magick always comes from within you. Everything else, including what you say or write in your spell is merely enhancers for your spell, and help you concentrate. I have yet to see some one able to claim that their spell or invocation is more effective than mine or others like me, just because they follow and mention chosen deities in it. Truth is, neither is more effective than the other, in fact, what is effective is what will work for the personal individual best.

Re: Choosing to Follow None

Post by filipesia »

Sorcha and Victoria, thanks for your quick replies, they are definitely helpful. :)

Re: Choosing to Follow None

Post by filipesia »

Moon Stone, I jsut read your reply and do appreciate your time and efforts. What a thorough reponse! I willl continue to study and come back to you for help, if needed. I hope you don't mind :)
Moon Stone
Posts: 84
Joined: Sat Mar 26, 2011 9:03 pm
Gender: Female

Re: Choosing to Follow None

Post by Moon Stone »

filipesia wrote:Moon Stone, I jsut read your reply and do appreciate your time and efforts. What a thorough reponse! I willl continue to study and come back to you for help, if needed. I hope you don't mind :)
I do not mind at all! :) You will see so many different opinions, or claims during your research, I can assure you of that. In the end, always follow what is best for you no matter who says you should do or believe in what.
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