Aetheryn Tutmosis

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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

RyukaAscendant wrote:
tutmosis wrote:I wish I could teach someone heart magick. Fact is, I've been practicing this for about 4 years now. It's brought me from insanity to lucidity. The thing is, I have been taught by non physical beings that are with me 24/7. That's the only way I think. How could I teach someone and be with them 24/7?

And on top of that be able to tell what they are thinking to stir them in the right direction?

But it's a very effective form of magick. Clear your chakras in seconds, balance your elements in seconds, balance your tree of life without rituals. Energy manipulation is easier, telepathic suggestions are easier and more potent. And best of all, when you do decide to do magick, you don't have to struggle with visualization if you're not so good at it. I think that's the biggest part, the fact that you don't need to visualize to do heart magick.

I want to teach someone this, or at least have someone else I can talk to about it. I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I do acknowledge I'm different.

Either way, I need to focus on my magick. Recently I had noticed someone attempting to disrupt my spiritual peace. I noticed, and dealt with it but it makes me think that I should learn more about magick. But I'm only 24, I have years to learn.

Maybe I'll leave the basic steps to heart magick once I master it.
This sounds a lot like what I do regularly. I found that there's a glowing center located in front of the heart through which my wings are attached and from which I channel my energy.
Hm. I found that there are chambers within the heart. In order to access it, you need to connect with mother earth and father sky, send them love and wait for them to send you love, then imagine a toroidal field around you, picture yourself swirling around the top of it and then swirling through the center.

This is how I found out that I've been alive for millions of human years, and also that I committed suicide in my last life. You should try it!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by RyukaAscendant »

tutmosis wrote:
RyukaAscendant wrote:
tutmosis wrote:I wish I could teach someone heart magick. Fact is, I've been practicing this for about 4 years now. It's brought me from insanity to lucidity. The thing is, I have been taught by non physical beings that are with me 24/7. That's the only way I think. How could I teach someone and be with them 24/7?

And on top of that be able to tell what they are thinking to stir them in the right direction?

But it's a very effective form of magick. Clear your chakras in seconds, balance your elements in seconds, balance your tree of life without rituals. Energy manipulation is easier, telepathic suggestions are easier and more potent. And best of all, when you do decide to do magick, you don't have to struggle with visualization if you're not so good at it. I think that's the biggest part, the fact that you don't need to visualize to do heart magick.

I want to teach someone this, or at least have someone else I can talk to about it. I don't think I'm better than anyone, but I do acknowledge I'm different.

Either way, I need to focus on my magick. Recently I had noticed someone attempting to disrupt my spiritual peace. I noticed, and dealt with it but it makes me think that I should learn more about magick. But I'm only 24, I have years to learn.

Maybe I'll leave the basic steps to heart magick once I master it.
This sounds a lot like what I do regularly. I found that there's a glowing center located in front of the heart through which my wings are attached and from which I channel my energy.
Hm. I found that there are chambers within the heart. In order to access it, you need to connect with mother earth and father sky, send them love and wait for them to send you love, then imagine a toroidal field around you, picture yourself swirling around the top of it and then swirling through the center.

This is how I found out that I've been alive for millions of human years, and also that I committed suicide in my last life. You should try it!
So what you're talking about there is more like the petals of the chakra as I understand it. And if you look at some of the oldest representations of the chakras they all have multiple levels to them. You found your way through the love of your gods. I respect and admire them but hold no true love for them, or maybe I do in a truer sense than I realize. I don't know, what I do know is that they challenge and push me in other ways. My chakra is clear in this area and that is what matters.Image
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

I'm interested in learning more magick.

And I was thinking... And it's probably a silly question but in the IIH, Franz Bardon talks about impregnating your water with certain qualities. I was thinking, if any liquid can be impregnated, can you also do that to your blood?

Lol. Just wondering
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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Humility is best.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by barker »

Meditation for humility, purpose for the other stuff. The default purpose is to thought-manifest heaven on earth. The default meditation, infinite wisdom. Alpha and omega.

edit: Anything in-between gate alpha and gate omega is the want sex and what you do within that. This is where i am interested currently. I do believe you can even make money spiritually. Like with your laws of attraction and intent.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

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I'm not too sure if I really believe in the law of attraction.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by barker »

Yeah, nor do i really. It just says "divine is lucky" to me. What about attention as a currency... All these spirit voices are sending you Heaven's special currency which works as charity. I just sense you are right on the same page I'm on, spiritually... sharing.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

To be blunt, I'm going through a heart initiation with the Egyptian Gods Ra, Thoth, and Sekutet.

They're teaching me about the heart, which I now know is close to the divine. A lot of things I've been reading about magick is solely about the mind. But the mind is somewhat confined to its dimensional awareness, while the heart can transcend that and you can truly understand God in this way.

Also, the things I've learned are divine knowledge simply because it comes from the heart. I'm excelling in magick very quickly because I don't have to wait and train for weeks. I can get a solid grasp of the practices within hours.

I really tried to put that as low key as possible because I don't like to brag, but that's the reality of it. The brain is an important organ, but almost nothing compared to the dynamics of the heart.

If you're on this path then you are on a great one, and perhaps we can share knowledge!
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by barker »

Yes me too.. maybe we are in a prophecy. I am working with sound (as different from light and love) so using crystals and toning etc. The heart is opening quite nicely and the angels are cool here.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Perhaps. I've met a few people that were tied to me in some way. Most of them stopped believing in themselves, the other chose the pursuit of love interests over brotherhood. I'd be interested if you were tied to me as well.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by barker »

Yer that's what I was thinking about you!... Like, not to cause you to stop. You are definately on the right path I have trod, and I find it apt to myself the path that you know. Demonology... the myth of circumspect. I am (have completed the myths of) Ra and Thoth... so i am probably being helpful somehow on that level. Happy to meet you.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

I really don't study demons. I should, because part of my reason of incarnation involves protecting people from malicious forces like demons.

I should know my enemy I suppose.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by barker »

I didn't used to either, in fact I basically ignored all of it. Then I met one in person... hairy looking beast of a guy. He chased me for a fight for 2 years and eventually punched me in the face when I wasn't looking. I took him down with telepathy and he lost his way. He was the real thing.

Now I have all these demonic voices in my mind, and I know how they serve and what they think of others... it's the flip-side. Definately better to be ignoring them, however fame issues are served by them. If your magic ever becomes recognised by enough people demons are there to protect.

Circumspect is on both sides of the mirror. I think they call it learning the easy way or the hard way. It's a shame... I've run out of the hard way... Got to the end of faith you know! Satan waiting for me in Heaven. The world ended and stuff. Now I am alone in my own reality and people are as conscious as I make them. ZZZzzz i don't really make them.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Hm. I'm not really understanding you.

On another note, I had this dream where I had a key to a house, but I had to hide it from my step mom because she had the same key. She opened up the house and all of the sudden I see Hebrew letters and a man screamed at me "Shem HaMephorash!" I woke up feeling good. I think it's important because a while ago (when I was 17) I had a dream that said Tetragrammaton is coming, and there were steps leading up into a golden sky, and I was in a line but I was first in line among a bunch of teenagers.

I wonder what that could mean? Of course, this comes after I start working with the Tree of Life.
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Re: Aetheryn Tutmosis

Post by Tutmosis »

Some elementals are in my room. They're attracted to the energy here.

Lol one of them sent a mental picture of a broom going across my room lol. I guess it wants me to clean my room up haha. Kinda funny honestly.
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