White Wolf Spirit Guide Help

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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White Wolf Spirit Guide Help

Post by Syndica »

hi :D

I have a strange spirit animal, are they suppost to stay with u at all times or just some times? My white wolf spirit guide doesn't leave my side and not to mention she's a bed hog. :shock: I am not sure how to go about this but i am glad she's there for me. but i am just wondering how long do they hang around.
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Post by NightRose »

Have you tried asking her why she hangs around? Or asking her to give you some space? It's possible she feels you need or want to be protected, and the best way for her to do that is to be a comforting constant figure.

Also, could you please refrain in the future from posting the same question in several places? One is sufficient, and then there is only one thread with all the answers, not answers spread all over, which makes it hard for people with the same question to track down how the question was responded to.
Posts: 429
Joined: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:11 am

Post by Syndica »

opse sorry :shock:

I ask my spirit guide and she told me that she needed me to be around for protection. that's all she told me, I was scared to tell anyone about her and what she does do like being a bed hog and barks at the tv. :lol:

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