Working With the Elements

Talk, spells, rituals, and questions about the four elements.
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Working With the Elements

Post by [DarkWoman] »

I was wondering this after doing the poll on our favorite elements... how do you all work with your favorite elements? This can be in the way of casting spells, meditation, or immersing yourself in your element.

As for myself, I said I am working with water a lot lately and so I tend to always have bowls of water around me, sometimes with crystals inside them. I use these bowls for meditation, absorbing harmful or stagnant energy, or for healing. I'll drink crytal/water infusions, or water filled with moonlight. I meditate on the rain, and even though it's not as often as I'd like, I got to the beach at night, when there are hardly any people around and just let myself be. I'm trying to do this as I take showers too, but much more effort is required to just let myself go. (Maybe I should just focus on being clean, lol) so if you'd like to share... what about you guys?

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Post by TheFireWithin »

I like to use fire when I meditate. I light a candle and focus myself on the flame. I think of it's power and soon get absorbed in the flame. Sometimes I use water and let my thoughts drift into its depths, but the only other element I usually use is earth, when I sit outside and meditate.
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Post by Sercee »

There are two ways I work with each element commonly. Inside and outside LOL

When I'm inside meditating or what not (often when I'm just relaxing reading a book or something) I have my incense (air) and candles (fire). For water I have 2 aquariums and a serenity fountain in there and I have a bonsai ficus tree and a huge potted plant of some kind that I'm trying to save (it doesn't look good right now! poor thing :( ).

Outside, well, that's self explanitory I think.
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Post by [Enlightenment] »

If I'm feeling "out of touch" with one of the Elements I do a certain meditation which is called 'Journeying to the realm of Earth' (or whichever Element you chose). This works great and soon gets you back in touch with certain things in your life that need to be touched upon, as well as getting to know that certain Element and its keepers better.

Even when I light my incense, candles, etc, I always make sure I give that Element a good old thought, instead of just lighting them without a second thought.
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Well earth has always been my favorite. My newest form of using my element and personaly i think the most exciting is growing plants. I LOVE to nurture plants and watch them grow and bear flowers and they live and thrive! Nothing to me is more exciting then knowing i'm touching beautiful life. I just started to grow radishes in the house, my dad loves them.
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Post by Sercee »

I had my first garden last year and I hadn't really tried tending plants before then, I just wasn't interested (I always joked that I was the mechanic and my fiance was the gardener lol). But since I started that garden I haven't been able to stop working with plants - not that I'd want to! The only thing that keeps me from having a jungle in my home is that my cat is a vegetarian (I swear! she likes spinach, not chicken) and eats off the leaves from any plant that stays within her reach.

Post by [tasha] »

I have the same problem sercee, what I do is I put shelves really high up (almost to the ceiling and put the plants on there, I have an "open roof" as they call it, so lots of sunlight gets to the plants. The only problem is watering them, but its worth it :) Just make sure you put them somewhere a cat cant eventually get to, you will be surprised how tricky they can be with getting to places.

But as for the topic, yes, water happens to be my favorite, I have stream that flows near my home, most of the time I like to just oepn the window and listen to it, very relaxing and of course air (incense) and fire (candles) and earth (outdoors) are all methods I use to meditate, it is best, I feel, to meditate using all.
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Post by Sercee »

Just make sure you put them somewhere a cat cant eventually get to, you will be surprised how tricky they can be with getting to places.
You have no idea. There is no place too high for that little munchkin, there never has been... you should have seen what she did to the finch I had once for a couple days! The only solution I have found is to put all the plants in one room and close the door. Then give her stink eye when she follows me in! LOL
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Post by Rob899 »

Sercee wrote:The only thing that keeps me from having a jungle in my home is that my cat is a vegetarian (I swear! she likes spinach, not chicken) and eats off the leaves from any plant that stays within her reach.
OMG That is just too funny xD I almost fell off my chair trying to visualize that XDDD
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Post by Twisted_Pixie »

For Air, i do some breathwork, meditate while really consentrating on my breath, i even write in my diary because air is about thoughts so i like to write my thoughts down.

For fire, i do some fire scrying, or surround myself with candles to meditate, or, because fire is the element of passion and creativity, i do something that makes my heart sing, something i am passionate about or do something creative....

For water, i go for a swim in the ocean, float there and meditate or even simply drink more water... i know that sounds silly but it works. Water is about emotions, so again with the diary, i write my emotions down... if i need to cry, i do.

For earth, i get out in nature, hug a tree, do some gardening or work out in my herb garden. Earth is about wealth and abundance so i think about all the wonderful things i have in my life that i'm thankful for =)
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