
Discussion of nature and nature spirits and dragons.
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Post by hedge* »

This is something I've been meaning to do for a while and Rythe of Doom has given me a kick up the pants to get me into gear :D

I've copied and pasted what Rythe of Doom wrote in the healing section ( hope you don't mind luvvie ) and will add to it over time.

Abortifacient: causes abortion
Anabolic: promotes tissue growth
Analgesic: Reduces pain
Anaesthetic: Eliminates pain
Anodyne: Relieves pain
Anthelmintic: Kills worms/intestinal parasites
Antibiotic: Kills internal bacteria
Antioxidant: Aids body in ridding of impurities
Antispasmodic: Stops muscle spasms
Aphrodisiac: Promotes sex drive
Astringent: Stops secretions
Carminative: Stops/relieves gas
Cathartic: Stimulates bowel movements
Coagulent: Slows/stops bleeding
Compress: A cloth pad soaked in a hot or cold herbal extract and applied to the skin
Cream: A mixture of water and fat or oil that blends with the skin
Decoction: Water based preparation of Bark, Roots, Berries or Seeds simmered in boiling water
Demulcent: Soothes irritated skin
Diaphoretic: Induces sweat
Disinfectant: Kills germs/cleans
Diuretic: Stimulates urine flow
Elixir: A liquid Herbal preparation that tastes nice, usually due to the addition of Honey or sugar
Emmenagogue: Induces menstral flow
Emmolient: Soothes and softens the skin
Essential oil: Distillation of volatile oils from aromatic Plants
Expectorant: Loosens phlegm in lungs/Aids in coughing up phlegm
Febrifuge: Lowers fever
Galactagogue: Promotes lactation
Hallucinogenic: Neurological stimulant/Causes hallucinations
Hemostatic: Stops bleeding
Hydragogue: Aids in release of water/fluids
Infusion: Water based preparation in which Flowers, Leaves or stems are brewed in a similar way to making tea
Inhalation: Breathing of medicinally infused steam or liquid through the nose
Ointment: A blend of fats or oils that leave a protective layer over the skin
Poultice: Herbal preparation usually applied hot to the affected area to alleviate pain and reduce swelling
Sedative: Promotes sleep
Stimulant: Increases rate of activity and nervous excitement
Tincture: Plant medicine made by macerating Herb in alcohol
Vulnerary: Promotes healing in wounds
Rythe of Doom

Post by Rythe of Doom »

Here's a bit more terms :D

Emetic Induces vomiting
Narcotic Produces sleep

Other healing terms source:

Post by hcfp »

Healing helps restore the body back to a state of health and well being.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of positioning and placement. It examines how the energy flows in your living environment. Feng Shui is the art of creating environments that support our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. The ultimate goal of Feng Shui is to create sacred space.

Therapeutic Coaching is a blend of coaching (education and support) and therapeutic changework used with individuals, couples, families and businesses. Therapeutic coaches have master practitioner certifications in hypnosis, NLP, and HNLP. Sessions provide the transformational education necessary to assist clients in understanding how beliefs, values, behaviors, problems and outcomes are developed and created. A variety of techniques are then used to disappear and heal what is blocking access to the resources necessary to achieve desired outcomes, create new behaviors and new beliefs.

Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology (HNLP) is the study of how the mind creates reality through language and behavior. As Deepak Chopra says, “Language is how we create something from nothing.” Since consciousness is the creator of reality, then language is the creating of reality.

Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy.

Quantum Touch A method of energy work that compliments and enhances what you do: massage, Reiki, cranial sacral, chiropractic, physical therapy and more.
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