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Post by sheelanagig »


LAVENDER also known as Elf Leaf.

Flowers July to September

The stems can grow up to 2 feet high and produce small purple/ mauve flowers at the top of the stems.
These flowers have a beautiful scent.
The leaves are long and thin almost grey/green

GAELIC NAME : Labhandar
LATIN NAME : Lavandula Vera or L. officinalis.

MEDICINAL PART : Flowers Leaves

PLACES OF ORIGIN : Around the Mediterranean, but cultivated in the U.S. and Europe.

DESCRIPTION : The stems, growing 1 to 2 feet high, are gray-green and angular,
with flaking bark. The gray-green leaves are opposite, sessile, downy, and lanceolate to oblong-linear

FLOWERING PERIOD : The lilac-coloured, tubular flowers are arranged in successive whorls up the stem. Flowering time is July to September.

PROPERTIES : Antispasmodic Carminative Cholagogue Diuretic Sedative Stimulant Stomachic Tonic

USES : Lavender is normally taken or used in the form of an oil derived from the flowers by distillation with water.

Lavender oil also makes a stimulating, tonic embrocation. In the absence of the oil, an infusion of the leaves can be used instead:
and a decoction of the leaves was used as a remedy for stomach problem, nausea and vomiting.
It also has antiseptic properties and is useful against putrefactive bacteria in the intestines.

Aligned to:
• Love
• Peace
• Tranquillity
• Protection
• Sleep
• Purification
• Happiness
• Chastity
• Longevity

Ruled by the planet Mercury
Aligned with the element of air

In everyday use it can be found in oils and potions for:-
migraine headache,

It has antiseptic properties and is useful against unhealthy bacteria in the intestines.
An infusion of the leaves can be used as a remedy for stomach problems such as nausea and vomiting.


GENDER : Masculine.
PLANET : Mercury.
POWERS : Love Protection Sleep Chastity Longevity Purification Happiness Peace


Lavender has long been used in love spells and sachets.

Clothing rubbed with the fragrant flowers (or Lavender placed in drawers with clothes) attracts love.

A piece of paper on which you've rubbed Lavender is excellentfor writing love notes.

The scent of Lavender particularly attracts men, and Lavender water or the essential oil was worn by prostitutes
several centuries ago to both advertise their profession as well as to attracts (through magic) customers.

Lavender also protects against cruel treatment at the hands of a spouse if worn.

Flowers can also be left to smoulder (In a secure and safe place) to induce sleep and rest,
when the residue is scattered about the house it can to maintain peacefulness.

The plant is so powerful that, if when depressed, one gazes upon the plant all sorrow will depart and a joyous will settle upon the observer.
It has been known to lift depression when brought into the home as a cut flower.

The odour of Lavender is conducive to long life, and should be smelled as often as possible.

Lavender is also used in healing mixtures, carried to see ghosts and worn to protect against the evil eye.

It is added to purification baths.

Despite Lavender's love associations, in the Renaissance it was believed that lavender together with rosemary,
if worn, would preserve a woman's chastity.

A wish divination:

Place Lavender under your pillow while thinking of your wish. Do this just prior to retiring for the night.
In the morning, if you have dreamt of anything relating to your wish, it will come true. However, if you did not dream,
or if they were unconnected with your wish, it will not manifest.
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Post by Witch13 »

That is so good, so much information.
You have info about lemon balm? Its my favorite!!

Post by hcfp »

additional info:

Lavender, French Essential Oil

latin name: lavandula augustifolia
parts used: flowers
extraction method: steam distilled
notes: floral, green
aromatherapy: calming, healing

Lavender is another one of those essential oils that are great to always have on hand. A little bit of the oil placed on a minor skin burn does wonders towards healing. The oil is very nice when used in a diffuser, alone or with a companion oil such as rose or patchouli. It is mild enough to use in powders or carrier oil on babies and pregnant women, and I find it works well for helping to alleviate stress headaches.
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