Daily spirituality

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Post by astral »

Hi Elisa!

I'd be interested in hearing how you incorporate spirituality in your daily routines.


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Post by Kassandra »

Number one, I would say is prayer, to stay "in touch" mentally, "online," to be aware at all times there is so much more to this existence than merely the physical. I think it's impt to be constantly communicating with one's higher power, the "chosen ideal" who/whatever it is, and being open to listening for the answers, and following this guidance. Appropriate spirit guidance should feel intuitively "right" to you. If you get guidance that makes you in any way feel uncomfortable, there's something up with it. Discard it, ignore it, and move on.

Number two, I would say is energy hygiene. We have auras, as does everything we come in contact with, not just other people but locations, objects, everything. Keeping it as clear, or at least more positive than negative, is helpful. In the worst-case scenarios, auric debris can cause major physical illness. In the average-case scenario, it's just annoying, lol. Travis Sanders' postings about Grounding and Centering are good habits to incorporate into one's daily routine, even several times a day if need be. There's also some great postings in the Pagan forums for energy hygiene techniques.

Those to me are the big two.

Then comes a daily puja of some sort. This could vary from celebrating a major holiday with family and friends, to simply lighting a candle and meditating alone. For a Catholic, it might mean a meditation session with rosary beads, for a Muslim it might mean prayer time, for a pagan an invocation to Goddess, etc. For me it's usually a candle and incense, and a chakra-clearing meditation. Other things: I usually wear a medicine bag, the contents of which change according to the advice of my spirit guides, usually different crystals. And pretty much not a day goes by that I'm not spending time with the trees, or touching soil, or both.

And I do other things.
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Post by astral »

Thanks Elisa - I had no idea grounding and centering and chakra meditations could/should be performed so often. (I am new to all of this.)

Thanks for the ideas,

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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Oh yes, Astral. Those things should be performed quite often...I probably don't do it near as much as needed, but I at least try to do it once a week.

@New Witch, Elisa has been here for quite a while now.
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Post by [new_witch] »

okkkkkkkk i haven't spoken to her so i thought she is new.
knowledge is my aim.
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