My son's guide?

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.

My son's guide?

Post by Shaezy »

Hello all,
Over the last few days I have been very clearly seeing a lion around my 2yo son. The lion is relaxed, just hanging around, but is clearly a protector of some sort for my son (he is never more than about 50cm away, and often curls around him). He looks at me, and acknowledges me, and has basically just become another "body" in my home! (I actually went to step over him the other day and my husband asked what I was doing?? haha)

My question is - why would I be able to see the lion? I can see my own guide only through meditation, although I can usually feel her around most of the time, and have so for 15 odd years. But I have never been able to see something quite so clearly without some kind of preparation. The lion just appeared on Friday and hasn't left.

Do you think I should be worried that the lion has made himself known to me, or just accept that we are shared "guardians" of my son?

Also, is it possible to see my daughter's guide through meditation or similar? I am now intruiged about who is looking after her....

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Post by NightRose »

From what you describe, I wouldn't be very concerned about it. The lion appears to be a guardian, and for whatever reason, decided to reveal himself to you. Maybe it is that he's a more powerful spirit guide than yours. It is also possible that he decided that he needed to reveal himself for some reason so that you know he's there. Has there been a recent scare of any sort involving your son? One where you worried a lot that you might not be able to protect him from everything? Because something like that might encourage a spirit guide to reveal itself to you, to ease your worries. I've heard countless stories from parents who are tapped on the shoulder by someone and turn around just in time to run over to save their drowning child, or who watch their child fall, but see a glow around them as they're helped back up by something they cannot quite see. It's easier for children to get in touch with their spirit guides or guardian angels, because they still believe in magic, and don't doubt their eyes, don't question the lion in the room.

If you are really concerned about it, I suggest sitting down and talking with it while your son is napping and other people are busy. You say it is aware of you, so ask it straight out, 'why are you here', 'why can I see you?', etc. I can't promise you'll get answers, but it's at least worth a try.

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