can a living being, not an animal, be some sort of guide?

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
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can a living being, not an animal, be some sort of guide?

Post by emmi116 »

like i mentioned in another post regarding totem animals, about 3 years ago i discovered that the spider is possibly one of my totem animals. but all my life i've been obsessed by trees. i'm fascinated especially by bare trees and the shapes they create. once i found out that the roots of a tree could almost be like another whole tree only underground, i had a field day! i know trees symbolize a lot of things, but is it possible that in any little way i could be connected to trees? like sort of a totem animal (but not really animal)? more like a totem organism?

what's the connection of trees and, oh let's start off with perhaps, women, if any?
love always,

Re: totem tree

Post by ShadoWitch »

I think so. Is it one particular tree, one particular type of tree, or trees in general?
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Post by AP670 »

Cool beans. Spider is my patron. If trees are that important to you, you gotta check out the Druids path.
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Post by Release.the.bats »

But it is uncommon among most.
Trees differ in how they feel about people based on the type of tree.
Most trees are either terrified or angry at humans initially.
But there are some that will still give generously despite knowing what we've done to them.

Post by HelenHealer »

Love and Light :)

Yes it can :) there are tree people, tree fairies and tree angels that are the essence of the tree. maybe you could be an incarnated tree spirit? i also love trees and have such an affinity to them :) why not sit next to a tree and meditate and ask them to show themselves to you? xxx
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Post by Mikhael »

If you feel a pull towards trees, you should look into druidry as mick already stated.
Let me take you down cuz I'm going to.. strawberry fields.. nothing is real..

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace-- Jimi Hendrix

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