Some Of My Poems (Opinions Please!)

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Some Of My Poems (Opinions Please!)

Post by MidnightWolf »

Some poems that I wrote...

The blood pool spread along the ground.
I tried to scream but I made no sound.
The bullet was embedded in my chest.
I was heading for my final rest.
And then a familiar figure emerged from the trees
She came over and got down on her knees
Stroking my hair, she started to mutter
I asked her what she said. “It doesn’t matter”
She replied. With my last breath
I whispered “Who sentenced me to my death?”
“I did” she said. I shut my eyes, squeezed them tight.
Waiting for the blackness of eternal night.
On floor
By door
Mirrors smashed
Wrists slashed
Wounds gaping
Hands shaking
Blood spurting
Heart hurting
Quietly crying
Slowly dying
Soul leaving
Stopped breathing
Quivering, huddled in the corner, the small child waits
She hears the click of the old iron gate
A pang of fear, stabs her heart
Because soon her terror will start

Downstairs the door slams. The shouting begins.
She rocks back and forth, starting to quietly sing
The song that comforts her daily pain
Hoping, dreaming her father wouldn’t hit her again

Footsteps. Coming closer. Up the stairs.
Her bloodshot eyes show she’s scared
She knows what’s coming, the violence
The torment, pain, then dreaded silence

The door opens, towards her he advances
She tries to run, takes her chances
But she is too slow, a punch, a slap
A scream, when her bones break and crack

Twisted limbs, formed by twisted minds
Complete silence, no bloodcurdling cries
Sirens, in the distance, come too late
She is dead, she will not wake

These are all copyrighted! NO STEALING!!!

Thanks for reading (and commenting hopefully :D)
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Post by TaciRain »

these are all really really good. theyre very dark. i really liked the first one. they kinda remind me of my poems i used to write.
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