Crystal Ball makes me go cross-eyed.

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Crystal Ball makes me go cross-eyed.

Post by Crowfeather »

Hey, Crowfeather here.
On a local trip to my magick shop, I was browsing the cases and a crystal ball caught my eye.
Now, I never gave much thought to crystal balls, as my Tarot cards serve me fine. But for some reason, when I looked into this ball, it made me go cross eyed. I shook my head, focused on the ball again, but my eyes just lost focus and went cross eyed again.
I looked at the other balls around it, and they were different in little ways, like the holder was different style, or the ball was smaller, but none of them had the same effect, even a ball that was pretty much the same size. The ball that made me go cross eyed was about as big as a CD. Maybe a little smaller.
So I was just wondering what this meant? Is that ball 'calling' to me or something?
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi Crowfeather!

I find this a bit odd. I can think of a couple of possibilities off the top of my head. Do you happen to know what the ball was made of? Crystal? Glass?, Beryl?, etc. My guess is that the ball was probably made of Glass and was formed just right so as to exert an optical effect that made you go cross-eyed. Kind of like looking through a pair of binoculars when one lens is way out of adjustment with the other.

I wouldn't say the ball was calling to you but it may very well be exerting an effect on your Third Eye. Or it could be your Third Eye telling you it is at odds with this ball. In either case I think I would pass it by in favor of some other ball (If you decide to get one). Being cross-eyed is uncomfortable and not very conducive to scrying (Divination) in my opinion.

Hope this was of some help!

One Walker. :D
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

One Walker wrote:Or it could be your Third Eye telling you it is at odds with this ball.

One Walker. :D
His Third Eye, at odds with the ball? Might you elaborate on that please? It has caught my interest. :P
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Post by Crowfeather »

Thanks for the help.
It really is interesting.
No, I really don't know what it was made of, because it was just there, in the shop. No card describing it or anything.
I think they might have been glass. The one in question was only $40. Also, it was perfectly clear throughout, no scratches or imperfections on the surface. Such a ball of quartz or a similar material would have been alot more, by my guess.
At odds with the ball? I've never heard of that before.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Okay, it's probably Glass. If it was real Quartz it would cost around $40 per inch (Yes. Real Quartz Crystal balls are incredibly expensive!).

Third Eye at odds with the ball: This happens sometimes with Quartz and Plastic balls but is by far more common with Glass balls. Remember that Glass is a Mirror and Mirrors can be Portals just like a Ouija board. Of course all gazing balls are portals but there's an important difference with Glass. What happens sometimes is an entity will enter the ball knowing it is a portal but then may trap itself inside the ball because it becomes confused. Think of it like the mirrors in a Fun House. All of a sudden you don't know which way is out, do you? So the entity is stuck there until it is released or eventually finds its way out on its own.

How Third Eye comes into play: Third Eye keys to balancing the Higher and Lower Self and for trusting Inner Guidance. Its aspect relates to Intuition. It is linked to the Pineal Gland; which produces Melatonin. Melatonin regulates sleeping and awakening (Remember that. It's a kind of alarm system that dovetails nicely with Intuition.) but there is some controversy that the relationship between Third Eye (Pineal Gland) and Crown (Pituitary Gland) should be exchanged. Crown deals with Consciousness and Inner Wisdom but also Physical Action-Meditation, Mental Action-Universal Consciousness, and Emotional Action-Beingness.

Anyway, what happens is you look at the ball for the purpose of Scrying (Divination). Your Third Eye picks up on the fact that there is something 'not right' or blocking the portal and waves off your Crown before Consciousness is opened up to an unwanted or unexpected presence. Third Eye has an 'Intuition' that it should be able to see beyond the veil of the ball and Crown 'Knows' that there should be no obstruction at the ball. So you get 'waved off' in a variety of manifestations. The ball may feel inordinately hot or cold, vibrate oddly, or you may go cross-eyed. It varies.

I'm not necessarily saying this is what happened to you, Crowfeather; I'm just saying it's a possibility. It's happened before. I still think it's more likely the ball has some optical deformity that caused the cross-eye effect.

Hope this helped some! Blessed Be!

One Walker. :D
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Post by Crowfeather »

*nods* thanks, that's a lot of information I never would have put together on my own. Thank you so much.
Well, one way or another, I think I'll wait before I get a ball of any kind. Finances are rather tight right now. But when I do go shopping for one, I'll keep these things in mind. That worries me, the fact it can act as an ouija board after the horror stories I've heard about those. (I'm referring to the sticky, All about ouija boards, in the Spirits and Ghosts section)

Thanks One Walker. You truly are wise in so many ways.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi Crowfeather!

You're always welcome. Sorry I didn't get back to thank you sooner but I've been offline for awhile. :wink:

Hope everything is going your way!

One Walker. :D
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