Looking for my guides

Discussion about spirit guides, angels, guardian spirits, and the like.
Neighbourhood Witch

Looking for my guides

Post by Neighbourhood Witch »

I would like to find out if I have any spirit guides and how best (as a complete novice) to communicate with them. What's the best way to go about it?
)(Apollo the Good)(
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hey :)

Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

Hi Neighborhood Witch :)

You do, of course, have a "band" of spirit guides that watch over and protect you. Their sole job is to guide your Path so that you may accomplish what is needed in this lifetime in order to pass on to the next. They are extremely comforting beings. I have meditated on this and met a couple of my spirit guides, also discovered on was Eagles (some believe animal spirit guides are one's "totem animal", however others believe only those of a Native American path can have totem animals). Anyway do some meditation and discover what you may. Your beliefs concerning your spirit guides are only yours to find, but here are a couple resources to aid your Path.

Here is a wonderful meditation from Everything Under the Moon's Virtual Book of Shadows:
http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/f ... php?t=1045

Also feel free to visit this page that Travis (from the "Ask Travis" section) posted. I found it very helpful and informative on the topic :)

Your spirit guides are always here to contact and are only working to better your life toward greater fulfillment, so use them often and appreciate their wisdom. :D
Neighbourhood Witch

Post by Neighbourhood Witch »

Hi, and thank you! This is really good. I had a look at the first link and as I read it, I began to visualise the forest that I would be in. Not difficult, as I love forests so much, that they spring to mind really easily. I love the gentle process this has laid out and can't wait to try it. :D

Can I ask another question? As I was reading the second link, I remembered something from my youth. I often used to get the feeling that someone had just tapped me on the shoulder. When I would turn round, of course - there was no one there. I also used to think I could hear someone calling my name, as if I was walking far ahead of them and they were shouting out to me. Again, if I turned around, no one would be there.

Is it likely this has something to do with guides? I have to admit, this hasn't happened for years. Can I get it back?

Thank you so much for the info. :D
)(Apollo the Good)(
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could be

Post by )(Apollo the Good)( »

It certainly could be one of your guides. However, the tapping on the shoulder thing sounds like a poltergeist or an ornery entity. Your spirit guide(s) will probably not be ghosts that play innocent tricks and such (and certainly are never evil in anyway).

If you really want to know for sure, then meditate and go the the place of unconsciousness where the spirits reside. Ask whoever you manifest whether that was them or not. It does take some practice to do this, my first meditation with the forest was certainly difficult and luckily practice improves visualization immensely!

The journey along our Paths is so enlightening and it's comforting to know we have a group of spirits who are on our side, acting for pure good. :)
Keep us all posted on how your meditation goes and who you meet.
Many people are interested to find out that sometimes a spirit guide is someone within the family who has passed and is watching over you. So if you do meet a guide then I would follow up on that if you have old family records or something.

Anyway, I send pure positive energy your way and wishes of good luck on the meditation! :)
Neighbourhood Witch

Post by Neighbourhood Witch »

First attempt at the meditation of the forest walk and I found myself in a beautiful green forest of tall tall trees, with the sun filtering through. There was a deer, and suddenly a very fluffy cat walking beside me. As I approached the cottage, I noticed an elderly man in the garden watering plants and wearing a blue suit.

Then I don't remember anymore. But what I do remember, is that I felt like my mind was desperately trying not to think of anyone in particular, but every time I tried to think of no one, lots of people I know or have known kept popping into my head. I didn't want to influence the result as I want to find my guides without me forcing the outcome by thinking of people I know.

The other thing is, and this worried me slightly, is that the man in the blue suit made me feel uneasy. I don't know what this might mean. :?

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