
Discussion of Christianity and other religious systems. How can we explain our faith to Christians? How can you merge your faith in Jesus with your belief in the metaphysical?
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Post by Mary »


I was introduced to paganism in highschool, when my youth leader had told us about witches, witch craft, and satanism. Due to family problems Ive had a lack of faith in Christianity/Catholic. Though I believe in God.

But paganism and spiritualism has really interested me so much. My father disapproves of it so I secretly learn about it. Though, since I grew up being Catholic it's kind of hard for me to actually believe in gods and goddesses.

Can it be possible to learn paganism and spiritualism when I also believe in God?...

Thank you,
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Post by [ShadowPhoenix] »

Of course it is ok. I know that most christians associate anything non-christian with Satan, which however is not the case. You know, we have a saying, "An it harm ye none, do as ye will." Do as you like, as long as you aren't harming anyone. :)
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hi Mary!

Yes, you can learn about and believe in Paganism and Spiritualism and still believe in God. That is strictly a matter of choice and all those paths still lead to the same end goal and place.

One Walker. :D
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Post by emmi116 »

i practiced wicca for a while about 4 years ago but i was raised catholic and i still considered myself to be a catholic. i too had lost faith in both religions due to personal issues and now i want to get back into the swing of things.

i'm like you in that i don't want to stop believing in our christian God. we've been raised with Him in my life and i feel that if i turn to wicca also, that i would be leaving Him and Christ behind.

i don't have much advice on what you should do now, but maybe try talking to your parents and explaining how you still believe in God and you still accept Christ as your savior and maybe they would feel a little more comfortable with you and paganism. i think with most parents it's more about trust than the actually doing of certain actions. i think your parents would appreciate it more if you didn't practice in secret than hide things from them and keep secrets from them....i hope that makes sense.

i just want you to know that you're not the only Catholic/Pagan here who's a little have me! hahaha!

you're not alone in your search. i'm pretty new here and i'm glad to see someone in the relatively same boat as i am :)
love always,
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Post by Silverslayer »

You should do what you feel is right. Of course it's okay for you to combine religions; many people do that. If you want to be a Catholic-Pagan, by all means go for it, it's not like there's a law saying you can't.

Honestly, when it comes down to it, no one can tell you what you believe. Some might try to tell you what is or isn't, but just hold true in your beliefs, and follow the Path you think is right for you.

Post by Mary »

Thank you, I'm very thankful for all these advices.

Emmi, I learn this in secret because my dad has already suspected me of learning about paganism. and he straight up told me that he did not want me to get into it. So since I currently live under his roof I must not let him know or I will never hear the end of it. Since I am 19, he still doesnt understand much about me, though I am his child. Thankyou

Slayer, now that I have thought of it, you are definately right. No one can't really tell me what not to believe in what I believe in. Thankyou!

Shadow, yes, since you have said that I think that saying is true. thankyou.

One walker, Thankyou for you for your advice, and youre right, they do lead to the same goal and place.
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Post by hicksfan »

obviously no one can tell you what to believe in, you can believe anything you want. but what good does it do to have a muddled group of thoughts? i think if you're going to put time into it, you owe it to yourself to establish a consistent train of thought. maybe this is your first steps toward that. when you hold different trains of thought, ideologies clash. how do you reconcile those differences? if you leave them be, you're just kinda being apologetic and not gaining any real insight. if you delve into it further and separate the dross from what you can establish as true, you're growing.
a lie is a lie even if everyone believes it, the truth is the truth even if nobody believes it.

Post by purplesummer »

You can believe in God and learn about paganism. There is nothing wrong with that. I would actually say it is better to learn about different paths to see which one is right for you. That could lead you on another path or to the God you believe in right now. Learning about other religions will make your spiritual path stronger. Never think it is bad to learn. That is the best thing people can do.

My mom doesn't realize I am looking into other paths. Your parents do not have to know. Sometimes it is better that they don't.

Post by Mary »

Thank you, I am learning about different paths.

My family doesn't know that I am learning about spiritualism and paganism. I know that sometimes it's best that they don't know but there are times that I want to say something but I know that all I will get is a big arguement and a lot of hatred and negativety and right now I can't handle so much anymore.

but thank you all for your advice.

Post by purplesummer »

Mary wrote:Thank you, I am learning about different paths.

My family doesn't know that I am learning about spiritualism and paganism. I know that sometimes it's best that they don't know but there are times that I want to say something but I know that all I will get is a big arguement and a lot of hatred and negativety and right now I can't handle so much anymore.

but thank you all for your advice.
My dad knows I am looking into different paths. My mom doesn't. If she found out, she would go ballistic so I haven't told her anything. There are times I would like to say "guess what I learned today about this" but cannot. It is frustrating but it saves time from arguments that will get us both mad. Sometimes it is better to keep it quiet even if you don't want to.
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Re: Advice

Post by RuneGeek »

Mary wrote:Can it be possible to learn paganism and spiritualism when I also believe in God?...
Paganism isn't so much about giving up your belief in (I assume) the Judeo-Christian god; it's about accepting that there are many gods (and goddesses)... that none of them, including Yahweh, are all-powerful, omniscient, or "perfectly good" (nor perfectly evil, ala "Satan").

It basically only adds... it doesn't take away.
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Post by RuneGeek »

purplesummer wrote:My dad knows I am looking into different paths. My mom doesn't. If she found out, she would go ballistic so I haven't told her anything. There are times I would like to say "guess what I learned today about this" but cannot. It is frustrating but it saves time from arguments that will get us both mad.
I'm almost 45 years old... my mom, a Christian fundamentalist, is 72. She thinks I'm going to hell... which is unfortunate. I love her and I hate that she has to deal with that fear... but that's her choice. She's only vaguely aware of what I am... we too avoid talking about it (politics, too!) because it's just easier that way.

It's sad... because my beliefs are not only a huge part of my life, but a big part of why my life is such a happy place to be. That's something that we can't share, and it creates a lot of distance between us.

But I wouldn't trade my spirituality for anything.

Post by Saulamaye »

My parents are both gone.... But, my Mom knew I was into Wicca when I was a teenager. She didn't take it very well... but she let me be.

Of course it wasn't something you talked about then. If I had made it known I was a witch back then, well I probably would have had ANOTHER cross burned in my yard! (Yes, I actually had a cross burned in my yard!) That's a whole other story.

My Mother, unfortunately, didn't ask me much about what it was I was into. She just knew I wasn't into "Christ as my Lord and Savior". Of course it upset her, but she didn't ask and I didn't tell. I don't know how she would take it today. Maybe she would at least ask questions and try to understand. But she would never accept it.

My kids are really cool about it. They are all Agontist. But are very open to what I am. My oldest daughter reads Tarot cards, and she admits her daughter, who is only 21 months old, is a witch! And they are the most important, and Rune Geek of course, people in my life today. As long as they are all ok with it, they are the ones who count in my life.
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