wiccan movies

Paganism, witchcraft, and Wicca as portrayed on TV, movies, and popular culture. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc. If you know of a good show or movie, you can recommend it here or discuss it with others.
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wiccan movies

Post by hunnie14 »

I'm really interested in learning more about wicca. I've read only one book that is actually about the real stuff and all the moives i've seen are for teenagers who want to be differnt. Its all glamorized, but are there any movies out there that acutally show wicca for what it is?
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Post by Suppose; »

If there are, they've alluded me.

Not that I'm Wiccan, but Pagan movies in general I've never seen.

The closest thing would, I think be Hair, which is a musical about hippies.
lol I don't think that counts.
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Post by [SnowRaven] »

Hollywood hasn't nailed it yet, but I still enjoy the w-i-d-e range of caricatures that we Witches are represented by.

I've enjoyed:
  • 1. Practical Magic
    2. Hocus Pocus
    3. Simply Irresistible
    4. Bedknobs & Brooksticks
    5. Golden Compass
here is a Amazon Listmania list I maintain for Witchy Movies
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Post by willow_witch »

Movies not really... (i do love practical magic and Hocus Pocus tho!) Books i can help you with there is a series called Wicca (at least its called that here) that is well researched in the most part (though it over does it a lot with the powers some of them have) its a good read for teenagers.

*blessed be*
~Merry meet, Merry part, til we Merry meet again~
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