How to nurture a child's natural love for stones & cryst

Discussion and questions about the magical properties and uses of crystals and stones.
[Silver Dove]
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How to nurture a child's natural love for stones & cryst

Post by [Silver Dove] »

I have a 4 year old who is born with the passion for stones & crystals....she will pick up a stone from earth and feel it around with her hand and press it against her face (cheek, forehead & chin) and than she will kiss it and tell me its purpose and put it in her pouch.... in my interpretation its like the stone is "talking" to her and connecting with her....

she has a quite a bit of a stone collection from earth now as well as some of the stones I bought for her from store...she does the exact same thing for these store bought stones as well and than she requests I buy for her (she is allowed one big one...or a few small ones on each trip)...but most of the time she picks from earth (somehow she connects more with those stones)... she uses these stones for herself or give it to, if she see's her dad getting worried or upset...she will give him a stone to hold and she will give you instructions as to what to do with it to serve its purpose...(its so cute watching her do her thing :D )

I am not sure if she learns it from me ( I work a lot with stones/crystals) or if it is something that comes naturally to her....I think its a bit of any case, I just want to know if anyone has any ideas as to how I can nurture her passion for stones....she has real talent at using the stones for emotional healing and I don't want her to loose it like I did for so long....

I was like her when I was her age but nobody developed my love for stones and healing, instead they laughed at me so I decided to just use them for collection and even if I felt I was to give a particular stone to a person... because of fear of ridicule I would just ignore my urge and inventually my talent became dormant.....and it was my daughter who actually brought it back for me with her interest for stone & crystals.

I don't want the same thing to happen to her (we are very supportive of her talent)...I want to help her develope her all and any ideas are welcomed. Thanks
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Post by [SnowRaven] »

I was just like your child! Luckily my parents embraced my rock-love. Here are a few ideas off the cuff:
  • ~ Try checking out some age appr books from the library on rocks & geology [then purchase her fav]
    ~ Create a display area at home for the finds
    ~ Visit caves & natl history museums near you and perhaps include more distant ones on your next vacation
    ~ Use her finds in art or jewelry that she can help create
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Those are all fantastic suggestions by SnowRaven. I would also suggest sharing your thoughts on stones with her and in turn get her thoughts. If she tells you about an experience with her stones, tell her about your experience with yours. Share and explore it with her.

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Post by gwenblackbird »

I feel like I am actually starting to get on a new level of closeness with Stones, I'm wanting to get more in tuned with them and I've had dreams in the past with them and plants etc.
Balor's Eye
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Post by Balor's Eye »

And ive noticed when holding stones that are a fire based element stone (im water) I get a small electrical shock in my fingertips. And with waterbased stones i feel nothing just drawn to them. :roll:
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[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions they are really helpful. I am going to explore your suggestions SnowRaven and One Walker.....I told her last night that we are going to designate an area in her room for her stones and she was really excited about it. she said that she is going to dream about it and than tell me where we should put once again thanks for the great suggestions.
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

Silver Dove

Post by Matticus »

Thats very cute :) I used to be like her but with sea shells and strange enough... tree branches lol I used to love dragging twigs and sticks, like my own little collection of lumber :lol: that was from a very young age.

I think everyone goes through that stage in their life, collecting natures product.
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Hokey Smokes, Silver Dove! :shock: She said that!? This young lady is extremely well connected to Akasha. Don't be surprised if she starts casting about for a large piece of wood or slab of rock upon which to place her stones.

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Post by gwenblackbird »

Man, I hope that when I have children that they might be like that. Have their connections to the Earth and Nature etc.
[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

She did find a slab of stone but at home...I have a round slab of marble at home, it hasn't been used for anything for years...I didn't even remember I had is my only memory of my home in my country so I haven't been able to toss it out .....we used it at that time to ground herbs for ceremonial purposes...its very touching that she picked this item....

Akasha in my language means sanskrit it means space/cosmo....I am very rough on my vedas as I haven't studied it in years...15 to be exact...I know its sad to abandone my heritage like this :( ....but I would like to know what your view is on this as you mention that it seems my daughter is well connected to Akasha....I told you I ask too many questions :lol: my thirst of knowledge is never ending.
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

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Post by One Walker »

Hi Silver Dove!

My thirst for knowledge is never ending as well so don't feel bad or shy about it! :D I'm glad to hear you're rediscovering your heritage and a part of yourself.

Akasha is the unchanging source of all Elements. Earth, Air, Fire, and Water all emerge from Akasha. It surrounds and inhabits all things so in a sense both the Sky definition of your native language and the Sanskrit Space/Cosmos definitions are correct. Sky, in that sense, does not represent Air but rather the binding Element connecting all things on Earth and in the cosmos. The easiest way to think of it (for me anyway) is as The Force referred to in the Star Wars movies.

All animal life begins when the heart starts beating. The spark which ignites the heart in humans originates in the sinoatrial node and not from the brain. This spark is Akasha providing the spark of life.

Because Akasha is the wellspring from which all other Elements flow, it is often referred to as the Creatrix or Mother (Mother Earth or perhaps Mother Goddess. Personally I hold with Akasha).

When Akasha speaks to us it is not in a voice like any other Element. When we see and appreciate the beauty and symbiosis of the Elements around us, this is Akasha speaking. When we begin to see and understand how all things physical and non-physical interrelate, this is Akasha's voice. When we find the Joy and Love in these things we have heard Akasha's song.

It does not occur for everyone. Not even for everyone following Pagan or Spiritualistic paths. But it does appear to have happened with your daughter. It happens most commonly in children of a very young age because they have not yet been imprinted by adults as to what is 'impossible' and what is not. The bland, socially acceptable definitions of the physical aspect of the world-what humans call 'Reality' and 'The Real World'-has not yet been instilled in the child. Therefore, the child is open to and receptive of the language of Akasha and the other Elements. In my mind this is a good thing, although you as her guide must guard her against undesirable influence by negative spiritual forces. She is receptive and all-accepting at this time so you must teach her (as I'm sure you are) the differences between good and bad or healthy and unhealthy.

Hopefully that explains things a bit better. I'm always happy to seek answers with you!

One Walker.
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[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Yes it does make it easier to understand. I also totally agree that this kind of connection happens at a early age because little children are pure form of divine in my belief. I am trying to teach her and support her as much as I can, I do not want to limit her in anyway, while on the other hand she is the one bringing me back to realize the true me....its funny how Akasha/Divine has a way to work these things out...hmmmm something to ponder in awe....
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Wow, Silver Dove- this is a great post! :28:

Both I and my daughter had/have a great adoration for stones. One Walker has some awesome suggestions and I think with his/her (sorry One Walker, I don't know your gender) information on the path followed, (Stone Shamanism), you'll be able to gain some more information on how best to accommodate and assist in growing your daughter's abilities.

We're all in uncharted territory here though, our kids are being born with more natural knowledge and magical proclivity than we have/had, so it's almost as though they're one step ahead of us to start with.

The best piece of advice I can give you with regard to your daughter's love of stones (and yours, too) is, in one word, emulation. :28: My daughter (turning 12 years old next month) has always loved stones and rocks and the messages and vibrations they have to share- (she acted quite similarly to your daughter when she was about her age)- and all I've ever done to guide her with exploring that fascination was to make apparent to her my feelings of stones and rocks... she's rather done the rest on her own. (It was always something special only she and I shared, which I think also helped during her younger years.) Even though she's a pre-teen now and very much into the "I'm not you, Mom" [insert sarcastic undertone], she is quite a bit like me- and even though she thinks her adoration for her stones is hers and hers alone, it did come from me- she seemed to love them more because I did as well. I think most little girls grow up to idolize their Mom's a bit and want to emulate them. Thankfully, now that she "hates" me, she's bonded with her stones to such an extent that it doesn't matter who got her interested in them. LOL

She had watched me as she grew up though, and shared in the experiences I had with my stones right along with me. I'm very glad she's grown to nurture her ability and connection with the stones and rocks, and in my semi-openness of my Wiccan rituals, etc., she's remaining intrigued by all things magical and mystical as well.

My suggestion then, is to just be yourself with her and let little girl's do what little girls do. If her family is supporting her, it'll make her growth into understanding herself and her abilities even more successful for her, I think- and that goes a very long way.

Brightest Blessings to both of you! :28:
One Walker
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Post by One Walker »

Excellent points, MoonStone! (I'm a male by the way. :lol: :wink: ) I firmly believe children have more access, or are at least more mentally accessible, to the natural world simply because they have not been drawn away from it yet by the social fallacies and cultural stigmas that humans create for themselves. I'm gladdened to hear your daughter has retained her appreciation of the stones. No doubt one day she'll do as most of us have done-wake up and realize that mom and/or dad aren't as dumb as they use to be. :lol:

Warmest Blessings to you all!

One Walker.
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[Silver Dove]
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Post by [Silver Dove] »

Thanks Moonstone it is a great suggestion and an easy one to follow.. I am dreading the day my daughters turn pre teen...according to my mom, "payback time X 2" :lol:

And thanks to One Walker I am learning a lot.
May love, peace & hope always be with you. Blessed Be!

Silver Dove
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