Message Dream

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Message Dream

Post by blssdpoet »

The other night I had a dream that I had received an ad in the mail that was 3 pages long and printed on red paper. On all 3 pages, it had pictures of my vehicle. At the bottom of the 3rd page it said "Please contact immediately about Rheumatic Fever". I then woke up. I knew immediately that this was a message dream and I took heed.

My vehicle is only a year old and has an excellent warranty. I called the dealership and got the van in that day to have it checked over. I told them to please pay attention closely to any area of the van where it is held together. ( Rheumatic Fever effects the tissues around and in your joints, and sometimes can damage your heart, among other things)

When the service manager came in to talk to me about what they had found, he said he has only seen this type of thing a couple of times in all his years of working for this car company. He said that the padding around the bolts that actually hold the frame together and the motor in place were going bad, if they were not bad already. He said it was highly unusual for this to happen, but that it is covered by my warranty.

I had to laugh in amazement when he told me this because literally, my vehicle has Rheumatic Fever and there is no way I could have known this with out this dream. I am so thankful that I had this dream and that I knew well enough to pay attention to it, even though I had no reason what so ever to suspect something could be so seriously wrong with my vehicle!

As a side note...when I was 28, I got Rheumatic Fever. So I know first hand what this disease is all about.....

Post by sumbunny »

I wonder what signifigance the number "3" had to this dream?
How amazing!

I love dreams!

Post by blssdpoet »

3 can represent several different things. As in balanced or solid, like a tripod. A well-balanced life. Holiness or Spirit. Trinity. 3 is the first number that is considered perfect because it has a beginning, middle and end. Personally...for me...3 is my favorite number. So I pay attention more to it I think.

Thanks for the comment :)
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Wow, what an awesome dream, blssdpoet! I can only imagine that kind of luck. (My car certainly doesn't talk to me... but apparently yours does!) Prophetic message dreams are the best kind to have- gives you the foresight to prevent something from occurring. I'm jealous!!

Red is an 'alert' color, and obviously you wouldn't have been dreaming about a disease you had no idea about (you said you had rheumatic fever in the past), so this message was passed to you loud and clear.

Awesome! :28:

Thanks for sharing your story.


Post by blssdpoet »

I thought it was funny too! Some car companies brag that their cars can email the owner....mine is apparently more direct ;)

Yes, definitely....Red is an alert color as well. I really would have been remiss to ignore this dream or delay my action. I feel so protected and cherished by The Divine right now because who knows what could have happened had this not been discovered now. The reality of the situation is quite sobering, but still...I can see the humor in it easily.
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Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:51 pm
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Post by Moon_Stone »

... and what fun would life be without laughter? :28:


Post by blssdpoet »

So true! I find humor helps me to deal with pretty much all of life's trials in one way or another!

Thank you for the interest in my dream :) It's nice to know I am not alone in my path to enlightenment.
Posts: 1117
Joined: Thu Jun 17, 2004 1:51 pm
Gender: Female
Location: Where the Wild Things are

Post by Moon_Stone »

You're very much not-alone, Blssdpoet. :28:

And I must say, what a great outlook you have on life! You're light years ahead of a great many people. :grin:

I look forward to seeing you around!

~Bright Blessings~

Post by blssdpoet »

That is a HUGE compliment and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I really enjoy this forum and feel blessed to have been led to it from 's website I found on our last full moon...coincidence? I don't believe so ;)

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