Dreams about committing suicide - What do they mean?

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Post by Starwitch »

Maybe you could start your own dream blog in a new thread. You can link to it from this thread. I would like to read some of your dreams if they are meaningful. (I may not have the time to read all of them but you are certainly welcome to post them here.)

I changed the subject line on this thread to something more descriptive than "What happened?" so that when people see it they'll know what it's about.

Hopefully, Ron and I won't forget to come back and post his suicide dreams here. They are really quite extraordinary from a spiritual perspective.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

I'd be happy to try and help you understand your dreams, Soap. 's idea is great-- please do post in a dream-blog sort of fashion and I'll pop on by as often as I can to give you my interpretations-- if you'd like them. :28:

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Post by Stonehenge »

Moonstone: That's very nice of you. I will be adding some of my dreams/experiences as well. I am about to finish up one that I have been writing for a few days. I think that the information that I received is going to be extremely helpful to the whole world.

Also I'd like your interpretations of them as well, It's nice having other possible answers that I didn't think of do define my dreams.

and I have talked about my dreams and she has shared her thoughts and interpretations of them. It really helps me to have these other viewpoints that I may not have otherwise seen. It makes finding my "reason" for being here easier,... and more attainable.
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Post by Moon_Stone »

Sure thing, Ron- I'd be happy to offer you my perspectives as well. Thanks for asking! :28:

I've actually noticed a lot about dream interpretations in general lately-- I do a lot of them for one particular friend who I also do a lot of tarot and karmic work with... it really seems that the more you know the person, and in which different ways that knowledge is sought, the more comprehensive the readings and understanding becomes. I think dream blogs are an awesome idea-- this will help any of us "readers" out there to not only hear the specifics of a few dreams, but actually begin to understand the inner processes of that person's mind- through their dreams.

Bright Blessings!

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Post by witch505 »

I'll post this dream a had two nights ago, it's rather lengthy... and I feel that it's unusually detailed.
It was from third person point of view, so... I will refer to the person committing suicide as Ashley [which is me.] I will refer to the person watching Ashley committing suicide as I, me, mine, my [which is also me.] If for some reason I need to interject at any point, I'll put my thoughts in brackets.

I was walking along a path in the woods. I could hear and smell the ocean. The trees started to clear and thin out. The path eventually found its way the edge of a cliff where Ashley was standing, illuminated by the moon. Ashley was wearing a white flowing dress that was ripped in several places. Her hands and feet were stained with blood. I looked down at my own hands and feet [we were both barefoot, for whatever reason], and they were also covered with blood.

Ashley was crying and when she turned to face me, her cheeks were were stained red. I was standing face to face with her and she stopped crying. She took my hands in hers and she said to me "Don't be afraid."
She let go, and backed up, towards the edge cliff. Ashley just stood there for a little holding my eye contact. She smiled at me, and then spread out her arms and fell off the cliff. I ran to the edge and watched her fall, she was smiling the whole way down. I started crying when she didn't resurface, so I jumped in after her.

The fall seemed to take forever. But, when I finally hit the water, the breath was knocked out of me. The water was freezing, and the current kept me tumbling under the water. I finally saw the moon through the water, and started kicking towards the surface. But, I wasn't going anywhere. My feet felt like they were stuck. I looked down, and Ashley had a firm grip on my ankles. She was still smiling, and almost laughing. She said, "I told you, Don't be afraid." And she started pulling me down. I felt my chest sieze up. It felt like it collasped... and then reburst open.

The last thing I remember was looking at the moon.

[well, that's my dream. I woke up in a very heavy coldsweat with the sheets wrapped around my ankles. I wrote it down the second I woke up. I tried to keep all of the details that I thought were important. I've never had a dream like this before. Usually they are either, myself just comitting suicide, or just Ashley.]

Post by RaelynxEira »

I thought I would just add that I, myself, have had suicidal dreams before. Every time I've had one I've felt relieved. My point is, it's not always something to be afraid of. Of course it depends on how it's affecting you, personally. In one dream dictionary I read that it can mean a release from worry. As previously mentioned, it might not always indicate a physical suicide as much as a symbolic one. Sometimes this could be a good thing. If you feel it is necessary to get professional help because you consciously feel suicidal I definitely urge you to do so. However, if you, your friends, and family don't see negative changes in you, you're probably not at high risk. I would keep an eye on it though. Anyway, kudos for addressing the issue instead of just carelessly throwing it aside.

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Post by Starwitch »

I'm sorry I didn't notice your post sooner.

My thought is that dreams such as this are your Higher Self's way of testing you to see how you will react. "You" are not "Ashley". You are two separate entities. When Ashley dies, you will still exist as your soul. When your body dies, are you going to cling to it or let it go? Will you accept your death or fight it?

I often have dreams of dying. I always accept my death, maybe too readily. Dying feels so peaceful. It lures you into it. It's hard to resist once you feel it coming on.

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Post by witch505 »

I think I'd be more accepting of my death if I wasn't at my present age in my deams.

I've not fully lived yet. There's so much that I want to see and do.

I don't think that it would bother me as much if I were a ripe old woman in my dreams.

: )

Post by NoNameUser »

I have had some success with the herbal remedy melatonin as well for good dreams.
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Post by witch505 »

Thanks a lot for posting that!

I will be sure to follow the 5-step plan. : )

And no, my suicidal dreams haven't stopped yet.

I usually have 3 or 4 suicidal dreams a week.

I'm hoping that I won't have any soon!
miss chevious555

Post by miss chevious555 »

I have had some success with the herbal remedy melatonin as well for good dreams.

That's a great idea Rosemary! I have used Melatonin strips (the strips just desolve on your tongue). They seem to calm my dreams, and I get a much more restful sleep. They are even mild enough that I give a 1/4 strip to my daughters to help them rest when they aren't feeling well. That's a great idea Rosemary! Hope it helps.

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Post by Moon_Stone »

soapinmyeyes wrote:I think I'd be more accepting of my death if I wasn't at my present age in my deams.
...Well soap, like I said- I don't believe having these kinds of dreams has anything to do with you actually having suicidal thoughts or feeling suicidal at all... it's an expression of your subconscious to your conscious that is trying to bring out the point clearly to you that there are things within your 'self' that need your attention. I'd do some serious introspection to try and see whatever it is inside of you that you seem to hate & wish to have end ("die" or "be killed").

Bright blessings and hopefully- pleasant dreams too. :28:

just my opinion but...

Post by Amazonite »

seems to me like you are feeling trapped in a situation or relationship. Perhaps you need more time to yourself or a change of scenery.

I like to soak in hot bath, get the candles and incense going.... lie back and try to blank mind. Hopefully not get anymore of these dreams.

Hope this helps.... sweet dreams! :)

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