i dont know if this is dream or what...

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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i dont know if this is dream or what...

Post by thetouch »

it happened just few months ago, it happens on apartment, and in our own house...

heres the story, i think am half conscious and half sleep

am sure you know what happens when someone is pointing a flashlight on your eyes... right

the same when your eyes are closed...

when am asleep, theres something pointing light to from center [where i can see the circle of light] from left side...
and then it points behind me...
the light is not bright but it so close to my eyes that makes me wake up, but everytime i wake up the light in my room are switch off,

there are times that it happens continously...
[when i wake up, try to see things and go back to sleep lights appear again then i wake up again but theres none]

do you get my story, i cant explain much elaborate [not good at english hahaha!=) but i hope you get my idea ]

[the first thing comes from my mind is a fairy playing around, a fairy surrounded by light... but am not sure if it is a fairy... cause as i was saying i think am half asleep....]

or is that my guiding spirit
the neo-pagan told me that i have a guiding spirit...

[fisrt i dont know i have a guiding spirit, it just happen that my nieghbor have a thirdeye, when he enter our house and look at my room am sleeping that time he saw an oldman that look sick, then she asked my mother "who is the olaman sleeping at my bed" my mother said whos oldman,[while walking back to my room to see who really the oldman sleeping at my bed],they looked at my room and my neighbor saw a little girl in white dress staring/looking at me...]

i told this story to a neo-pagan and she said maybe that is may guiding spirit...

i want to know further explanation about what happens.... is it connected to each other the light and the guiding spirit...
Blessed you

Post by [RedWolf] »

I doubt that it is just a dream since it has occurred so often, but everyone can only speculate. You'll really have to just stay and let what happens happen. If it is your soul or guiding spirit (and we all have both :) ) then staying in that semi - conscience state (which some people - like me- have to really work at) is the same state you go into when you meditate, and that is when you connect directly with your soul, and your guiding spirit(s).

Good Luck and many blessings,

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