does anyone know a good weight loss spell?

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does anyone know a good weight loss spell?

Post by Ebony_Flame »

i'm a bit low on self esteem and i'v tried lots of ways of loseing weight and thought i would try a spell.if anyone knows a good and easy spell for this i would be greatly thankful.
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Post by Comus »

Hmm. I think you should foucus on building self esteem first. Trust me, you may think it has evereything to do with weight but it doesn't. Even when my appearance changed, my self esteem didn't. I all comes from within, and realising that you are, in fact beautiful, no matter what sterotyped body image you fit. It is of course a difficult issue, and I don't profess to know any perfect solutions for anything but I once had hang-ups about a part of my body..but I got over it by seeing the beauty in it. Many different cultures have different perceptions of beauty and I looked to other cultures for my inspiration. You might like to try this if it feels right for you. If not, look elsewhere.
Body Image Ritual

You will need a picture that inspires you to accept yourself as you are. It might be a person with a similar body type to you, someone from another culture or era (such as in art) or someone who is admired for their strength of character, regardless of their looks. Whatever it is it must inspire you and make you feel beautiful and confident. Search long and hard until you have the right picture. You could even draw one.
You willalso need some lemon Verbena oil, or failing that lemon oil, or failing that, the skin of a lemon boiled with 2 tablespoons of sugar.
Wake up early in the morning before anyone else, before sunrise. Stand in a position you can see the sun, outside and near a tree, grass, water or any natural feature. Light a white candle and wait for tha sun to rise. As the sun is rising, rub a few drops of the oil onto the picture and the three drops onto your temples and forehead (this should be done while the sun is rising) As the sum rises above the horizon (and you can see a space between the sun and the horizon repeat:
Usti lacho kham
Kai mundarel o chomut
Nasvarlo thai parno si o chomut
thai na mangel ke tu leski.

Then blow out the candle. And keep the picture by your mirror as a reminder that, yes, you are beautiful. Best of luck.
Idz qaala

Post by Ebony_Flame »

thank you.would a picture of my girlfriend work?
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Post by Comus »

Its totally up to you what you choose.
Idz qaala

Post by Ebony_Flame »

kool what language is the spel in?
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Post by moonlit »

I'll tell you what I have told the zillions that have wanted the same thing... usually, from what I have heard and seen, weight loss spells dont work very well, but if you do actually get one that does let me know! :D

a dietary supplyment, healthy eating and exersize should help
**Nothing is set in stone**

Post by willow02 »

Here's one I've tried. I've used this one a coupe of times. I don't really try to lose alot of weight, but certain times, after holidays, parties and certain times of the month when I add on a couple of pounds, I've used it and it seems to help. I don't know how much you're trying to lose, but I've shed up to 5 pounds after this spell within a couple of days. Good luck :lol: I found this on Weight Loss Spell ...

Post by kirie300 »

is there any other wieght loss spells cause that one just doesn't work for me for some reason
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Post by Comus »

Man, the best weight loss thing is to just stop worrying about your weight and just eat what youre body tells you to. I know a girl who was over weight all her life and when she stopped worrying, she lost weight.
Idz qaala
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Post by Moon_Stone »

MM Ebony Flame, well so far as spells, No, I haven't ever tried any... but I can offer some advise at least... the best thing I ever did to drop what I've dropped as of late was just to eat whatever I wanted, but only eat it until I'm almost full. Often we have the bad habit of eating it all 'cause it's good, but if you don't deny yourself what you crave, you aren't likely to go on a binge later or be found sleeping in your refrigerator with chocolate cake all over yourself. lol :D (Nice thought though, huh?)
So, just eat till you aren't full yet, drink a lot of water while you eat (it makes the food already in there expand so you think you are full), eat slowly so the food has it's chance to register in the tummy, and take the dog/cat/rat/hamster/bird for a walk in the morning. (Or get a Healthrider like I have- that thing's great, just 5 minutes a day and it doesn't squeak!)
Best of luck to you... it's a hard road to lose weight.

~Blessed Be~

Post by nate »

Hum. I did a weight loss spell before; however, I ended up having lots to do and always running for the bus to get to work. All that running around made me lose weight. :D

You may want to do a spell that motivates you to run everyday, and to eat more healthy food.

Eating less doesn't work very well because then your metabolism slows down. Eating healthy food and plain old exercise is the best way to loose weight.

A motivational spell would probably require a reminder and affirmations. With affirmations, make sure that you say things in present tense. Example, don’t way “I will be…” say, “I am.”

Being healthier should be your goal for losing weight – your goal for losing weight shouldn’t be so that people will be more attracted to you. If you are losing weight to attract affection (love) then you may also want to include affirmations about self-worth, getting rid of old negative thinking patterns. Like, don’t tell yourself that you are fat an ugly, because what you sow is what you reap… if you keep thinking you are fat and ugly, then you will be so.

You may also want to think about what you really want in a mate, friend, or lover, and put that into your spell.

There's a more to being attractive than having a good body, don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. And sure, some people with attractive bodies get all kinds of attention -- but is that the attention that you really want? Confidence and inner beauty pick up better boyfriends and girlfriends. You may not have as many, but you'll have more fulfillment in the end.

The spell will take as long as it takes.

Good luck,


PS make your own spell, please; don't ask me to do it for you.
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Post by thasme »

Just my advice.. Try a spell for will power ... kinda like my Know it now and u have won saying.. the power to lose the weight isn't in a weight loss spell no more than it is in a pill... it is in your choise to do it.... your Will. and your want.. I will send u all positive thoughts....

here is a spell for Will power..

say it everyday everymoring for one month when you wake up.. or as soon as u think about it...

Divine spirt of my higher self
grant me the strenth and will power to Live healthy
in all choises I make.

invision yourself smaller as u say this..

I ordain this under Grace...Thank you

then go about your day.. weight loss isn't an instant fix.. You must have Pataince and presenctance.. to achive it. It is a Life changing thing not just an eatting thing..

and Trust me I Know this...

3 tips.. no salt, no sugar, Lots of water......................


ps.. alittle now and then is ok, but do try things I mitioned and just see how it works... give it one month. it might suprize u
KNOW it NOW and you have WON...

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