Getting to darn ridiculous

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Getting to darn ridiculous

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Somebody has GOT to help me please! I am hysterical! There was another thread I posted a couple of days ago about a reoccuring nightmare and it won't stop! There is something in my house, he's after me and I got probably about 2 and a half hours of sleep in the past 3 days. I can't sleep, I can't eat and I am very depressed. I don't knwo..I just don't know what to do anymore. Someone please please I need help.
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Post by The Judge »

Hmm, seems I wasn't too much help with that before, so I'll see what I can come up with, What exactly is happening that is keeping you awake. Anything specific would be greatly helpful. And anything you think is relevent.

My advice of hand without information is, if you have any experience with dreaming then you may want to confront it, attempt to understand the dream without letting it control you. This takes a great strength of will and isn't easy for me, but I manage. This is what I do and may not help you, it works differently for everyone. I can move freely through my dreams most of the time, though there is always a pull towards what the dream is about or is important in it. There is a limit to the distance I can go though. Don't try this unless you feel certain you can face it. It is much the same as facing your fears, it is difficult, and not to be taken lightly. I've been able to suppress my emotions for some years and that gives me some control of myself in dreams, by not allowing the emotions of that dream to effect unless I want them to or if they are very strong, some things just are unavoidable. Well, I'll get off here before I talk all night off topic.

Don't know if that will be useful at all just thought it might help.

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Post by The Judge »

Scratch last unless you really want to. That works to get a dream to stop, I do that with pointless nightmares that just scare me, however, you could try your best to understand what it means, unfortunately only you can know what the meaning is. You'll have to see the dream and memorize it, then look for explinations in your life either from day-to-day or the past, though the possibility is there that it could be refering to something that hasn't happened yet. Just keep an open mind. Remember, we fear what we don't understand. I've pretty much run out with what I have right now with the current information.

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The Judge
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Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Thanks um, I don't really know how to "confront my dreams" what's keeping me awake really, is the lack of sleep. After a certain point of tiredness, I don't feel anymore. I keep having that same nightmare, about the two teachers after me, only they get more and more graphic and frightening each time. There is also something in my house, a demonic prescence and I see it walking around sometimes, it made me overwhelmingly sick, I was throwing up and then I passed out on the bathroom floor a few nights ago for about five minutes, which could be from the lack of sleep. I really have to go now Thanks for trying, I'll try and post more information about the nightmares tommorow. :)
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Post by The Judge »

No problem, if there is a demonic presence, you may try some protection spells or wards, others will know more on that than I though, I prefer to confront stalkers even if they are incorpereal. Well, I don't really have any advice I would give others on this topic but I will say, Hope things get better. Oh, and have you tried sleep aids with sensory deprovation? It's not quite deprivation but putting on a pair of headphones helps me get to sleep when things are bothering me. And energy drinks have a sapping effect on my energy that helps me get to sleep sometimes. This is me, ignore me, lol. Later.

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The Judge
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Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Lol thanks but I can't use music, I don't know why but all music makes me feel incredibly depressed, and when I depress myself, I can't sleep. I found that honey-lemon tea is helping a little, I got about 2 hours sleep last night. Anyways, the dreams have become more graphic, and I am almost too afraid to go to school tommorow because I am in this teachers class. I don't know what happened, one minute is was fine, I was talking to him and it seemed like it was over, then everything went black. When it cleared he seemed to come out of nowhere, he had grotesque fangs, and his eyes were black as coal and he lunged at me, then I woke up. That's the one a recall the most clearly.
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Post by The Judge »

Is there anything you can tell me about this teacher that you keep seeing, maybe it has to do him in someway. I'll check with some others around here that may know something more than I, I've run out of ideas, sorry.
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Post by Starwitch »

Are you using any drugs or medications (for ADHD, depression, birth control..) any drugs, over the counter or prescription (or anything else that would alter your body chemistry like a lot of caffeine, herbs, etc.) It's good to look at all the possible physical causes first. I have had lucid dreams caused by lack of sleep combined with a bit of caffeine and my regular opiate medication that I have taken for 3 years (you can still have side effects from meds even after 20 years). Nicotine also causes nightmares. Also, like you said, having a lack of sleep can mess your body chemistry up so that you may experience more negative things.

If you, or someone in your home, is drug or alcohol-dependent, or has mental illness or is otherwise unstable (outbursts of rage, depression, bi-polar, etc.) that could attract negative entities who are drawn to that energy. For instance, if an alcoholic person dies and his craving for alcohol is so strong that he doesn't cross over or go to the light, but instead he continues roaming the Earth trying to consume alcohol, that spirit may be drawn to a home where there is an alcoholic person. When the alcoholic person gets drunk and passes out, the ghost tries to get inside her body so that he can feel the effects of the alcohol.

I was once in a hotel room that was haunted by a ghost. This ghost tried to have sex with me one night. Another night, he appeared in my mind's eye for a moment. My husband was able to see the ghost in the bathtub and there was blood everywhere (in his mind's eye). If you want to read the story, I have posted it here: ... otel#46520

If you have a negative entity in your home, you may need to perform some kind of ritual to make it leave, or you could ask a shaman or someone like Bruce Moen to do it for you. Bruce Moen does this kind of work all the time. He retreives earthbound spirits and takes helps them cross over to where they need to be. There are many people that do this kind of work. Many of us do it while we are sleeping every night, unaware that we have a job that we are performing each night.

You can PM me if you want me to help you further with this. But keep in mind that I only want to help if you are able to be totally honest about your circumstances AND if you are actually desiring help. Some people really like having this kind of drama in their lives because it gives them something to talk about and think about. If you are certain that you want to solve the problem, feel free to write to me.

Bright Blessings,

Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Well, I mean this guy is really tall...I haven't really paid too much attention to him until recently, but he seems well-educated, sophisticated has short dark hair? I'm sorry, I don't know a lot about him, I only have him for study hall :S

Post by DarkAngelWingz »

have you thought of using a spell??
they work for me plus i made a dream catcher to catch any dreams to help me sleep a little more and umm you should try a sleep spell and a spell to rrid your house of bad Karma and to rid your house of evil spirits....all this is coming from a person who has been through it...
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Post by The Judge »

I went over to Uncovened and asked there to see if they had some more ideas. These are the responses I got for you.
I would ask for age and gender of Virevyper and what subjects these teachers teach,what areas they represent in School.I'd like a lot more information before analysis.But you have given good advice so far Judge,you shouldn't doubt yourself so much on that.

This seems like a classic fear dream to me.The dreamer is ,as you said,manifesting these teachers as monsters,so they have become monsters of the mind.The presence in the house: I'd enquire if this manifested at the same time the dreams began or before?

When we grow up and reach adolesence : the rites of passage that go with that [ mentally,physically and spiritually] often are the cause of 'poltergeist' or manifestation phenomena,like this.It dosen't surprise me,but I'd want clarification on it anyway.I highly doubt any 'real' ,as in classic [Abrahamic] evil spirit type, Demonic presence has manifested here.[Fear makes itself a real presence though,when it gets hold.Quid pro quo.Shamanic headology and Analytical psychology go well together in this field]

It all relates to authority ,respect or lack of it,self confidence and to performance, and as it's school related,probably to the areas of teaching these tutors embody.It could be symoblic or literal ,but is likely a mixture of both.Talking more with the subject is smart.The devil is in the seriously.

To advise properly I'd need one to one Q and A's with the subject.

You did well with your advice,mine would not be that different,but I,however, tend not to immediately belittle myself afterwards by stating I don't know enough,or to ignore my rambling.That does not inspire confidence in you,by others. And you should be more confident Judge,you are better at this than you realise.

More later.
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by wiccachicken on Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:14 pm

I actually think Sobek could be very good here. He was explaing things to me last night and I really believe he could help. Much better than I could... He is very good with anything to do with spiritual entities. He knows his stuff and if there was anyone I could ever recommend to you about this, it would be him. So maybe repost this in his Angel, Demons and Spirits section??

On another note though Judge, can you please check your PM inbox?? I need to have a little chat xxx
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by Exilus on Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:31 pm

This is a fear dream, you can tell because the of the people in the dream being people who would be scary in his real life. No evil in it really save for that of his own mind. I would suggest he take a step back, figure out what about their subjects are scaring him.
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by Kolohe on Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:51 am

He could also be picking up on some bona fide hostility from the teachers, it doesn't sound like an actual evil spirit, but it might be making the dreamer feel violated if there's belittlement or questionable practices going on from someone in authority who should be basically trustable. I think you are giving good advice too, but need more details. The demon stories and staying up all night are straw dogs go after the real problem.
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Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Thank you so much for going out of your way to help me! That is very nice. But genrally, I think these teachers are pretty cool guys. One, I don't know too too well, but he seems nice. They're both history teachers and that's about it I suppose. Oh, and I'm a girl lol.
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Post by The Judge »

I figured that out, lol. but seriously. You can generally tell gender by the way someone talks, or in this case types. Anyway, it could just be that you are having trouble with trusting them. Or it could just be a nightmare. While it is recurring I have seen the same thing myself with dreams like that, they disturb you and you can't forget them so they come back over and over until you come to a discision to forget them or analys them till there is nothing but the facts left and the fantasy gone. Never know until you try.:)

Hope I helped a little, :?

Blessed Be,:D
The Judge
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Post by AncientBlueEyes »

Yes thank you very much. I'll just work on forgetting it, meditate it out of my head. thanks so much :)

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