[help: dream spell or dream chant]

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[help: dream spell or dream chant]

Post by thetouch »

i want to visit my friends tru dreams,

does anyone know, how to do the dream spell???

Blessed you
The Judge
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Post by The Judge »

It is not something I would suggest or even try to do, though I'm not sure it's possible I have some ideas along those lines and none of them are good endings for the intruder.

My theory is that once inside the dream you will no longer have any control over your own consciousness and will become a part of the dream, this could affect it in some way. I don't have this completely thought out yet but it makes sense to me, this is, however, up for interpretation.
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-The Judge
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Post by [cherokeewind] »

I found the dream prediction spell thread I'd mentioned in the PM.

http://www.everythingunderthemoon.net/f ... php?t=5643

This is the original spell, then follow the thread to see how tips were given to improve or personalize the ritual.

Supplies: Yellow crayon, a piece of paper, mixing bowl, lavender oil, a silver necklace, a small bag, a sprig of rosemary, and a candle.

Light the candle. Take the lavender oil and pour two drops into the bowl while saying "To purity and clarity." Take the silver chain and dip it into the oil. Take a finger and spiral it around the bottom of the bowl three times.

Take the piece of paper and write what you want your dreams to tell you on it with the yellow crayon. Fold the paper up and put it into the small bag. Take the sprig of rosemary and pluch twenty-eight needles from the branch. (For the number of days in a moons full cycle). Sprinkle them into the bowl while saying, "Rosemary, hold strong my dreams all full of wonder, as I lay me down to slumber."

Remove the chain from the mixture and place it around your neck. Extinguish the candle with a snuffer. Dump the mixture from the bowl into the small bag. Once the candle is cooled, scoop the clump of reformed wax out and place that into the bag as well. Slip the bag under your pillowcase. Their way, "With the strength of the moon and stars and sun, as I do, it shall be done. Blessed be the way."

I corrected one thing...chain wasn't spelled right (chair).

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