dream interpitation

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dream interpitation

Post by shadow_walker143 »

i had a very odd dream last night. it had 3 parts to it. i will tell what i remember... in the first part of the dream i was looking for some dye to dye easter eggs, but all i could find were these little colored cups that had very little liquid in them. in the second part of the dream, i had a large book collection, that was arranged alphabetically, but someone or something took all the "C" books. the list went right from B to D. the third part is actually the most vivid... in this dream i was in some kind of flying thing, with glassed over sides and top. i was watching the most beautifull dragon i have ever seen (he was orange-red, the color of a sunset when there is a fire around and the smoke is filling the atmosphere) following me, playing in the clouds, doing areial manuivers to impress me, at one point we were actually UNDER the ocean (i think) because i was watching whales and dolphins ubove me swimming.

that was where i woke up, it was one of those dreams that made me sit up and say "huh???" does anyone have any ideas about this dream? i dont know about dream interpitations... thanks for any advice

edit: my friend michael SWEARS that this is a pregnancy dream... but as far as i know, i cant get pregnant... do you think he knows something i dont?
The Judge
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Post by The Judge »

Combining the information from the first two dreams I would guess that there is something missing, an aspect of your life that just isn't there that may have been there before. My guess is that you have lost something either physical or mental, but it is something personal to you. For the third I would surmise that you may be able to replace what was lost.

Blessed Be,
The Judge
Wiccan Soldier
Do not attempt, Achieve
Do not hear, Listen
Do not go blindly forward, See
Do not judge, Understand
Do not forget, for in this you shall learn nothing
-The Judge

Post by RainWizard »

Hello shadow_walker143.. I'm not that good with dream interpretations but I'll give it a shot. I does sound like a pregnancy dream or maybe a desire to have children with the right person.. Or maybe something to do with the young ones in your life.. maternal instincts etc.. r u into any kind of communal activities involving children? It could relate to that.. the dragon is a symbol of magickal potency and desire.. could represent a love interest.. is there someone u have yer eye on?? Maybe it is just a symbol of your own spiritual journey... trying to recapture something from your own childhood maybe? That is all that I am getting from your post.. good luck wit dat. U're lucky to have the dreams that u do..
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Post by shadow_walker143 »

thanks all, i dont have children yet, but my fiance and i are trying. we really do want children, but so far the goddess has not blessed us. hopefully soon, (maybe this month) will be the time... on a side note, my best friend is pregnant. does anyone think that i may just be picking up on her?
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Post by nini »

it seems that your dream is telling you that there is something missing in your life. you want to achieve it but at the moment it is not possible (only you knows the reason why) on the other hand your dream about the dragon is a symbolization of what you expect (happines and joy) when such "missing link" in your life is found.

try to talk with your subconscious by asking questions using pendulum. it works in me maybe it will in you too
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Post by shadow_walker143 »

thanks, ill try that, i need to get a pendulum, but that shouldnt be too hard
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Post by nini »

try to get some advice on the use of pendulum to Cherokeewind
If you haven't the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. - TS Elliot
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Post by shadow_walker143 »

ok. thank you all for your replies

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