Tea Recipes?

Make your own oils, incense, dream pillows, teas, aromatics, magickally charged bath salts, candles, soap, yummy pagan holiday treats, and more!
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Post by hedge* »

As a general rule you want to be looking at between 2-3 of fresh herb to 1 of dried.
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Thank you. Thats answer my question perfectly,

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Post by jcrowfoot »

Not to be pedantic here, but the reasoning is that the dried actually is more efficient at putting the oils and other components into the tea than the fresh leaves, who's waxy surfaces (being live, or nearly so) are still intact and keeping out water. Conversely, there are elements in the fresh leaves that have since broken down or disapated when the leaf is dried. Also, you get fewer tannins from fresh leaves so you may get a completely different flavor from when using fresh as compared to dried. For example, you can make a nice wintergreen tea from fresh leaves, but you have to soak them briefly in alcohol if you want to make it from dried. And it doesn't taste quite the same.

Also, for real wintergreen tea, your best results come from soaking the fresh leaves for over 24 hours,to three days, brewed sun-tea style. It even slightly ferments and has a flavor as fresh as the essential oil. It's also amazingly good for you. The tea is even pink!
oracle's child
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Post by oracle's child »

Celestial Seasonings(brand name) has a tea called sleepytime extra. the ingredients are: chamomile, tilia estrella, valerian, spearmint, west indian lemongrass, hawthorn berries and orange blossoms. i love this tea. it has a pleasent taste if you like spearmint. when i need to really get some rest, whether from something emotional or my hormones are giving me a hard time, this is the tea for me. also i guess if your just having a hard time getting to sleep too.
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Post by Makbawehuh »

The only time I use fresh herbs for tea is when I'm making catnip tea.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

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Post by shadow_walker143 »

one that i have found to work really well is: take one tea bag of chamomile tea and one tea bag of peppermint and combine them into a large mug of tea. it also helps with stomach aches, as well as general relaxation and easy sleep

Post by LycanBlade »

Its not really much of a recipe but I like to take hot peppermint tea and add mint leaves...like wild mint (not really wild, I grow it in my yard....but idk how else to discribe it)....its not much but I like it and it seems to help me relax......it also works well if you just strain the mint leaves.....has about the same relaxing effect...and it tastes good....just not as good
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