Looking for money/prosperity spell

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Kolohe Redux
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Post by Kolohe Redux »

Hedge, I think it's wrong to attempt to manipulate other people. I think it's okay to manipulate, say a virus (healing), or yourself (confidence or will power etc.) or general good fortune. I'm sure I could think of other examples, but in my opinion it's pretty clear cut.
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Post by juliaki »

Makbawehuh wrote:I tend to be of the belief, and perhaps you come from a similar viewpoint, Juliaki, that there's more than enough to go around for everyone who wants something, as long as they're willing to work for it.

Exactly, yes. We may have different theological reasons behind this, but I agree with that statement outright.

For me, because the divine is not limited to the physical or material worlds, there is no "resource cap" on what the divine can or cannot provide to those who ask and then are willing to work for it. I believe that if the divine wants two people to have something, they don't have to pick one or the other, but can instead choose both and simply expand what there is that they can give. So if you've got two people who need something in the form of a financial boon given by the divine (say, two people each need $5), the Gods aren't opening their wallets and only seeing a fiver in there that can only go to one person... they don't have to rob Peter to pay Paul as the old saying goes.

From my view, the Lord and Lady are our dad and mom. They care about us, and want the best for us. Like a good parent, they're not going to merely give handouts because their kids want something, but if their kids are willing to work for it and ask with a sincere heart, they will go above and beyond what the child can do for him/herself to assist that child in having a life of pleasure (for all acts of love and pleasure ARE Her rituals). I know that not everyone sees it that way, and that's fine. (It does feel like that old Smothers' Brothers routine, though!)
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Post by Makbawehuh »

Aye... That reminds me very much of a little article in my day planner for this month...

A woman was dancing, and teaching her dance class, and while she was dancing she was pondering how it was that she could have so much pleasure in life when there were so many people in the world who didn't have it, why should she be so well off when other people weren't...

The answer she got from the Lady was along the lines of "I am your mother, and I give you what you ask for. If you want pain, I'll give you pain. If you want pleasure, I will give you pleasure. All you have to do is ask."

There are lots of little articles in my day planner this year that I don't agree with, but I found myself nodding along to that one as I read.

And Kolohe... I"ll give you one really GOOD reason to cast for prosperity in general, and sometimes money in specific-

It's incredibly difficult to focus on spiritual matters when the bills aren't paid and your belly is empty.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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Post by watershield »

Makbawehuh wrote:
I tend to be of the belief, and perhaps you come from a similar viewpoint, Juliaki, that there's more than enough to go around for everyone who wants something, as long as they're willing to work for it.

Exactly, yes. We may have different theological reasons behind this, but I agree with that statement outright.
Hmmm...I wonder about that. Your statement implies that you see it that there is more than enough of "everything". But is there? If there was enough oil, why is the price going up? If there was enough water, why are area's of the earth in drought? If there was enough food, why can't charities afford to buy it to feed the hungery?

These are all physical items that exist only on this physical plain. Anything physical has a limited supply.
I understand your idea of casting for prosperity and not cash. But if you obtain prosperity then it follows you obtain cash. Cash again is a physical item. It's issued by a government and is in limited supply in order to maintain value.
I'm not a wiccian though I once was back in the 70's. I don't cast spells as such any more. The only reason being is that I came to see that in all things there must be a balance in order to stay in tune with the divine/the source/nature. In all things in this physical world, there is cause and effect, action and react. Just like tossing a stone into a pool of water, the ripples go out and in time they will return. The more energy you exert the greater the energy returned.

Now, if it's your view that to cast for money, prosperity, position, what ever, is not wrong, then that's the choice you made following what ever it is you believe. I'm not judging if it's good or bad. That's for you to decide.

However it's my belief that sooner or later a gain obtained via spell casting will be lost. If that gain was to obtain say $150,000 then in your retirement years I hope you have it in the bank to cover the day the bill comes due... :D
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Post by juliaki »

watershield wrote:Hmmm...I wonder about that. Your statement implies that you see it that there is more than enough of "everything". But is there? If there was enough oil, why is the price going up? If there was enough water, why are area's of the earth in drought? If there was enough food, why can't charities afford to buy it to feed the hungery?
Politics, sadly. Add to that human meddling and mismanagement of what we have out there, and it can be messy for us.

If we had been more proactive in developing technologies earlier on, we wouldn't have an oil issue the way we do today. Even with high prices, I haven't seen any actual oil shortages.... since you were around to remember the Carter years, I'm guessing you remembered gas lines and times when gas stations didn't have fuel on some days? Even with gasoline at $4/gallon, I don't see fewer cars on the road. In our household, we do drive our Prius for most of our errands to be more environmentally conscious, but we're the exception not the norm.

As far as water goes, I've been a long-term fan of desal plants. With modern desalination techniques that could provide water from the oceans and the sheer volume of reclaimable water through other means (gray water, rainbarrel conversion, etc.), we don't have a shortage of water...we just don't want to spend money on the infrastructure to use what we have.

For charities, a lot of them spend huge amounts of their fiscal planning towards administrative costs. When you're spending 75 cents on every dollar paying for administration, that 25 cents doesn't go very far. Again, there's a lot of political issues involved as well. (Case in point, look at Burma. Many, many people starving and the junta is hoarding food in the northern part of the country.)

The gods certainly have provided us with whatever we need in this world. We're just not very good at managing the gifts given to us sometimes.

The universe is expanding. That gives so much more room to hold the bounty of the Lord and Lady.

Given what I've gone through in the earlier times in my life, by your theory, wouldn't it also be possible that my current wealth *is* the balance point for the years that I did not have wealth? ;)
Kolohe Redux
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Post by Kolohe Redux »

quote Makbawehuh
And Kolohe... I"ll give you one really GOOD reason to cast for prosperity in general, and sometimes money in specific-

It's incredibly difficult to focus on spiritual matters when the bills aren't paid and your belly is empty.
end quote

And I'm with you there, I got sympathy for the person praying to find a way to buy groceries or pay the rent, if you're going to keep going for a Hummer, timeshare and a Caribbean vacation I'm not so sure, sometimes it's time to stop and appreciate what you have. The Buddha said desire is the root of all suffering, I'm not sure getting more money and more stuff is the way to be happy, I've come to the point where I feel like my goals are more to simplify and be less materialistic, take time to enjoy nature and all the people in my life, now maybe I sound preachy again but that's my point so I'll stop
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Post by Makbawehuh »

I"ll disagree with the Buddha some other day. :P

I personally see nothing wrong with the timeshare... Although the hummer, yeah... But that's just cause I don't want one.

Now... A Camaro on the other hand... *takes the expected thwapping that is no doubt coming her way with a grin and a wink*
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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Post by Kolohe Redux »


Oh no now I've got two songs in my head, maybe your parents can drive a Camaro up from the Bahamas for you, every girl needs a muscle car.

"Mercedes Benz"

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?
I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

That’s it!
-Janis Joplin
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Post by watershield »

Given what I've gone through in the earlier times in my life, by your theory, wouldn't it also be possible that my current wealth *is* the balance point for the years that I did not have wealth?

HaHaHa :) You may be right, I really don't know what you've been through so you'll have to be the judge on that one.
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Post by juliaki »

During my first marriage, we had more than a couple times without food for a couple days at a time and I frequently ate moldy and spoiled food because I was so hungry. We did have a place to live (a condemned apartment that sometimes had a lack of electricity and running water and was infested with roaches and rats, plus fleas that chewed on me enough that I have some scars from the infected pustules that I ended up with on my arms and legs).

Once I wised up and left my ex-husband, I had to take $40,000 in debt to ensure my safety (he had pulled a gun on me before and actually fired the gun, although I wasn't struck by the bullet). I ended up having two suitcases of belongings that I was allowed to keep. He got all of the rest of the belongings of our marriage (approximately $60,000 worth of belongings from our home-based business and personal possessions...he even kept much of my clothes just so I couldn't have them), forced me to sell my car so he could keep the money for that, and kept his own car. That was five years ago, and things have certainly gone to the "better" side of the pendulum for me.
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Post by Makbawehuh »


Hmmm...I wonder about that. Your statement implies that you see it that there is more than enough of "everything". But is there? If there was enough oil, why is the price going up? If there was enough water, why are area's of the earth in drought? If there was enough food, why can't charities afford to buy it to feed the hungery?


Juliaki said what I would ave said there: There is no "shortage", and the prices of gas are being driven up by politics, not shortages. There -will- be a shortage soon if somehting better doesn't come up though, and I can smugly say tha Americans' won't have anything to do with it. Look East, my friends (or West, if in the U.S.): China! yay! If they keep going at they rate they're going, there won't be any reserves soon. And you know, if we could -sell- the oil in the U.S. that we -DRILL- here in the U.S., things would be quite a lot easier on that end right now. As it is now, even if we opened up drilling all over the U.S., we couldn't sell it in our own country.

Water, again, is one of those things. There's enough to go around if managed properly. Are we doing it? No, except on an individual basis. That's another case of worldwide governmental f*ck-up, if people will excuse my language.

And food? Oh.... Don't -even- get me started, there. Oh wait, you did. >.<

I grew up on a farm. I -know- how much food can be raised on half an acre of land. The only things we bought for a long time was coffee, flour sugar, salt, and meat. Everything else we needed, we grew. There are very few regions in the world where -something- will not grow, and most places will, if cared for properly, grow excellent crops in a small areas. There shouldn't be a need for food banks at all, except perhaps for staples like... flour, beans, sugar, etc. Now, as for where the money goes... I've had the same experience as Juliaki, apparently. When I was doing volunteer work for the Church, I finally gave up on any projects that involved money, because I didn't like the way the money was being spent.

It would also be a help if the government did not destroy some of the crops they pay farmers for with my tax money. For crying out loud, at least let the crap go to market, instead of creating a false shortage...

Which, funny... Sounds a lot like what's going on with gas...

Am I seeing a trend here?

*huggles Juliaki* The first person I've ever met who lived in a place that sounds crappier than I was. Good to know you're not there anymore! Congratulations!

Edit: Kolohe- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm the one expected to get rich, here, so that my parents can mooch off of me. :P And I promised my sister a trip to Europe before she turned 18, which means I have nine years to bust my ass for that. My camaro can wait till I can spell for it or pay for it all on my own.... As it is, I'm going to check out a house tomorrow... The owners, who used to be friends of my family, defaulted on it.. I'ma head down to the county courthouse tomorrow to find the owner, and see if they'll let me take on the payments with my sister. This would be an AWESOME time to get into the real estate market... especially here, with the local Indians planning to put in an amusement park. I can so totally wait for a car.

AND, TOTALLY off topic, I planted my eggplants and tomatoes and peppers today!

... What -was- the original topic, anyways?
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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Post by watershield »

Supply and demand are the basic economic principles involved with the price of oil at this time, the current situation is an indicater of supply shortages and the worse is yet to come.

Yes China has a booming economy and is using vast amounts of oil. But so is India. Supplies are running short so prices are up. That's not polotics, that's the stock market. And while you say Americans won't have anything to do with it, North Americans in general are driving more now than ever. Ask the average NA when was the last time you walked 5 blocks to the store? I woudn't be surprised if they said never.

The supply of oil is not infinet. It may not happen for several years but eventually we will run out. Pray to what ever God you want, cast as many spells as you want....the bucket only holds so much. When it's gone, that's it!
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Post by Makbawehuh »

lol. Okay, Watershield...

I maintain that most of our current problems are more due to massive mismanagement of natural resources, than an actual shortage. We're both entitled to our opinions, though.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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Post by watershield »

My opinion is also based on over 20 some odd years as a commercial banker. Most recently, making multi million dollar loans to the various support companies in Fort McMurray Alberta. The home of North America's largest oil reserve and second only to Saudi Arabia.

If you read the propoganda, Ft Mac has some 300 years of production potential at todays rates of extraction. What they don't say is that better than 90% of that is too deep to get at and unless some new technology is found, they could be done in 10 -15 years.

And at todays rate of extraction they're still only producing just under 20% of Canada's requirements.

There is no doubt at all the governments failed to put into place policies that would protect our environment, find alternitive sources of fuel, yada yada yada.....
Even the oil companies can't be totally at fault for current high prices. It's not common knowledge but Ft Mac crude only cost $11.00 / barrel to produce. At the same time will soon be selling for $200 / barrel.
You see that's the effect of the stock market and the futures market trading. That's folks like you and me kicking in a few thousand dollars to pick a share in some option. It's numerous pension plans looking for places to place their money to provide high yields for their investors.
It's the persuit of prosperity........ :mrgreen:
The mind is a window to the universe, but for many the window is closed
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Post by Heka »

Bloody hell, I'm gone for a week and people get into these massive arguments. I;m not gonna contribute but if your running low on money, here's an easy solution...

Stop eating meat. It's so bloody expensive. go vego and save your self a stack of money every week.

Blessed Be and Merry Part



Water, my blood...
Earth, my body...
Air, my breath...
Fire, my spirit...
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