I'm remembering my dreams more than I used to.

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
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I'm remembering my dreams more than I used to.

Post by Addicus »

So, i really don't remember my dreams. Never really remembered them my whole life, except when I was sick and those were more nightmares than dreams. But recently I've been remembering dreams ever time I sleep. Like, even when i take naps. Its so weird. Any ideas, theories?

The more spiritual the better, I've taken classes about the psychology of dreams and such and know the scientific side of it. :p
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Post by hedge* »

Couple of theories - you've either got a lot more going on in your life or you're more comfortable with yourself and what you're doing.
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Post by Starwitch »

There are many things (including drug use or lack thereof and meditation) which can affect your ability to remember dreams, but since you are able to remember them, I would suggest keeping a dream journal since that is the first step that most spiritual teachers tend to recommend when you are studying your Inner Self.

It could be that your Higher Self is trying to get your attention. OR, (big OR).... Maybe your ego has dissolved and you are now operating from your Higher Self on a regular basis and it is your Higher Self who is remembering the dreams.

I wonder whether the dreams you are remembering are meaningful or trivial? If they are meaningful, then I would say that you are growing spiritually and that your dreams are helping you in this regard. Your Higher Self wants you to remember the dreams so you can apply those lessons in your daily life.

I wish I was able to remember my dreams that well. That would be pretty awesome.

I have read that smoking pot causes you to not go into REM stage sleep, which is when we dream, but if you smoke for several days and then quit, you will have a rebound effect where you have MORE REM sleep and vivid dreams. So I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but after reading your other post about pot I thought I should mention it to you.

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Post by Addicus »

well, I've been remembering my dreams for over a week now! This is a new record for me considering all my life, I probably only remembered a total of 20-30 dreams upon waking.... :D

Here is one dream that has stuck with me...

I'm a woman and I'm walking along the street with a blond little girl. She appears to be no more than 10yrs old. The strange thing about this girl is that she is really not a human, but some kind of being that induces truth in those around her. So, for some reason or another I place my hand on her head(like one would do to pick a basketball up with one hand) and an intense energy course through my whole body. Still connected, I raise of the ground and this energy is visibly flowing through my body, and the me in the dream is feeling pure pleasure unlike anything else. Somewhere during that, I have turned into 'me(a boy)' again. I wake up...

Oh, it may help to note that during the dream, my perspective kept changing from 1st person pov to 3rd person pov and back.

These dreams where I experience some form of intense pleasure are becoming more common. I had another one where I met my soulmate, and we just cuddled together. It was the most amazing experience ever, but sadly I woke up before I could experience more of the dream or see his face :(
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Post by Starwitch »

That's really amazing. I would love to hear more about it.

I ran across an article on Robert Bruce's "Astral Dynamics" site and it said this:

"When we sleep our soul visits the astral, spiritual worlds and the fact that we do not remember the vast majority of our experiences is primarily due to our own lack of spiritual development whereby we, literally, cannot "download" all sorts of experiences into our physical brain."

You can read the entire article here: http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... etinID=231

So if that's the case, then your ability to remember your dreams would mean that you have grown in your spiritual development. Have you been working on that aspect of yourself or is this all just spontaneous? I wish I had your problem. ;)

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Post by Starwitch »

I changed your thread title to something more descriptive. This way, people searching Google can find it if they are looking, and people looking through the forum will have a better idea of what the thread is about without having to open it.

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Post by Addicus »

Thank you on both accounts .

As to my spirituality, I feel that I have become more open to the energies and spirits around me. I have also recently taken an extremely like to anything dealing with trees, forests, parks, outdoors, etc. So, yes, I think that I am growing spiritually. I'm just coming out of a mild depression, and I feel more energized than I ever have before. So... chea.

Also, I was wondering if you were still interested in telling me your story. I would love to hear it, that is if you want to tell it.

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Post by Starwitch »

Sure, I'll email it to the address you've listed here on the forum.

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Post by nini »

hmmn...it seems that you're getting better huh?

well in my opinion, your dreams in the past cannot be remembered because your unconscious considered it as insignificant so your subconscious mind deleted it. on the other hand, the recent dreams you have are mostly wish fulfilling. as such, it was retained when you wake up.
these are called latent dream. these dreams are quite significant if you try to interpret its meaning because it is what your body says...

as for astral travel and dream...some people cannot distinguish the experience between dream and actual astral experience. In reality, the performance of an astral travel result to tiredness upon waking up instead of feeling refreshed after a long night sleep. so which one did you feel?
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