New Dawn Runes

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New Dawn Runes

Post by Ithilgore »

Merry meet all

Discovering Runes

I have always been interested in how people come to be who they are and discover new ways of being that will change their lives. The following is how I discovered runes, something that is now very much an inseparable a part of my life.

I first became interested in runes when I was at university, many years ago now. I was sitting in the student common room at the end of a lecture, drinking a cup of tea, when a friend of mine came in and said "that freaky girl I have seen you hanging about with is sitting outside, she is talking to some bits of wood".

Outside, it was a fine Autumnal day, Anne (the coven High Priestess) was sitting under the weeping willow trees in a world of her own, oblivious to what was going on all around her. On the grass beside her, she had laid out some wooden runes and was talking to them, I had never encountered runes before.

She took one of the runes and put it into my hand, and asked me to describe what I could see. I said, that I could see a small circular piece of wood, with a light reddish brown stain to it and on the rune was carved a symbol similar to the letter "B". She explained that the rune was Berkana and was the rune of growth. She said that there was much more there that could be sensed if I wanted to do so.

She took the rune, pressed it to her lips and then put it face down with the others and mixed them all up and then spaced them out. She them asked me pass my hand over the runes and select one, but to try and feel something. When doing this I felt my hand dip slightly towards one rune, as if my hand had been pulled. I passed my hand over the runes again, it did the same. Upon picking up the rune, I saw it was Berkana, the one I had held just earlier.

Anne explained to me what I had just experienced was witchcraft. She said that it was about the ability to sense and manipulate energy. She also said that this ability was within everybody, but that most people were not aware of it. She explained that this sensation and manipulation of energy is used in many ways, from runes, charms, healing, contact with spirits. Over the following years she taught me how to use runes, using her own system taught to her by her mother, which uses the standard rune set, but changes the meaning of some of the runes.

I now have these runes and use them every day. When ever I cast the rune Bekana, I always think back to that sunny Autumnal day so long ago.

New Dawn Runes

Anne showed me how to use a system called New Dawn runes, a system that connects very well (by accident) with Wiccan belief. It was devised in Victorian times by an old heredity witch called Anne. This system was passed down through the maternal line over several generations and onto the High Priestess Anne, who taught me. It uses the standard Elder Futhark runes but modifies the interpretation of some of the runes, to include such qualities as dark spirit and magick and others. However this modified interpretation is still connected to the original definitions, its just taken to a deeper level

Quite a few people have a problem connecting with runes, but in many cases this can be caused by the rune system and methodology they are trying to connect with. There are many ways of using runes and often only one of these ways will the person feel connected to.

Whenever you buy a set of runes you often get a small leaflet describing how to use them. This leaflet is often full of information about aettirs and Nordic gods, which puts off a lot of beginners, particularly if they are Wiccan. They often then put away their runes in a drawer with the good intention of going back to them one day, when they have the mental energy to face up to the challenge of what aettirs are. Sadly many people do not go back, and miss something that can be a wonderful part of their life.

New Dawn runes overcome many of the problems that beginners face. Although New dawn runes were designed in Victorian times, their use is very much in tune with Wiccan theology today. Traditional Nordic rune aettirs are replaced by elements, seasons and witchcraft associations.

The symbols on New Dawn runes are the same as the standard 24 Elder Futhark runes, its just the interpretation of some of the runes that changes, so you can use the same set of runes. The system of casting and interpretation is also different. I think that it is easier to learn for a Wiccan learner, because its more in tune with Wiccan ideas, and less about aettirs and Nordic gods, as are traditional runic systems.

For example the rune Laguz is often listed in rune set leaflets as being associated with water. This can cause confusion among people new to runes about how to interpret it. In past days sources of water were often considered to be connected to the underworld and to dark spirits. In New Dawn runes therefore, Lagus is typically used to represent such items as;

dark spirits, dark shades, hidden shadows, fears, danger, enemies, falseness, things hidden, nightmares, depression, madness, conflict, deception, dishonesty, loosing, bad temptation, demons, prejudices, obsession, insecurity, inconsideration, foolishness, violence, shock, unstable, false goals, bad advice, despair, sickness, evil, hatred, lies, crisis, greed, betrayal

Merry part and brightest blessings
Ithilgore (Philip) :D

New Dawn Runes

Post by Ithilgore »

Merry meet all

Using Runes

Seeing or feeling what others cannot or will not see is an important part of divination. The faces you can see in the fire, or in clouds, or the pattern of falling leaves as they are blown by the wind can be influenced by spirits. So on a cold winters night when you are idly staring into the fire, the other worlds that you may think are imaginary, may in part, sometimes be a very real view of another world, and those faces might just be staring back at you.

I do not see divination (in particular runes) as foretelling a pre-written future determined by fate, but more as indicating possible consequences of your current and past actions upon future events. I do not believe that your life is predetermined at birth, or that there is a pre-set path, or fate, which you are set to follow. I think that you can however be drawn to certain events in your life, and that whatever route you take, you may end up at a particular place. I see the driving force behind this as being something such as a free spirits, the Goddess, and your own spirit’s previous incarnation, which pulls you in a certain direction and perhaps gives you feelings that something is right when you follow a particular path. This however is not fate, since this driving force is a very strong attraction created from something that lives in the present and is not inevitable.

Memorising the meanings of runes (and tarot cards) is an essential part of learning to use runes for several reasons. Firstly, if you are casting runes for someone else, having cast them, if you then have to refer to a booklet to see what the casting means, it does not give the other person much confidence in what you are doing. Also It does not give you much confidence in what you are doing, since you are relying on someone else to tell you what your casting means, and their interpretations may not be in phase with yours.

More importantly in casting runes you need to be able to form a bond, and become one with each of the 24 runes, and this can be difficult to achieve if you cannot even recognise their faces. In runes there are two items you need to instinctively know about each rune, the rune symbol and the rune meaning.

It is quite easy to associate each of the rune symbols with their meaning, for example, for the Elder Futhark runes,

The rune Dagaz looks like two triangles touching each other, looking a bit like a butterfly. This rune is often used to represent joy, so you could associate joy with a butterfly flying along a summer’s lane.

The rune Wunjo looks like a letter P but with straight edges, this looks a bit like a plough. This rune is often used to represent harvest, so you could associate harvest with the plough, reaping what you have sowed.

The rune Gebo looks like an X. This rune is often used to represent an offering or gift, so you could associate the X with an X on a pirates treasure map indicating treasure or a gift.

The rune Bekana looks like a letter B, but made up from two triangles. This rune is often used to represent growth. Here the symbol could be associated with breasts giving life and growth to a new born baby.

Each of the twenty four runes can be remembered in a similar way.

Learning the meaning of each of the 24 runes however is only part of using runes. The association between the runes also needs to be learned, the order in which runes are cast can also affect their meaning, although this depends upon the rune system you are using.
For example in New Dawn runes, casting Bekana, Dagaz, Laguz is very different from casting Bekana, Laguz, Dagaz and both require you to do quite different things. One requires the use of dark magic for protection, the other does not.

It is possible to read runes without ever casting any. I often find myself seeing runes in everyday objects, such as the clouds, branches on trees, and lines on stones. The simplicity of rune symbols allow such recognition to take place. The strangest place I have ever seen a rune was an egg custard, before I ate it, this morning, it was the rune Bekana (growth). It could not have been about my waistline, I have always been slim. I had cast three runes this morning, the main rune was also Bekana.

I cast runes every day, and have done so now for 30 years. I have started to look at tarot cards, but I still check the results of the tarot card draw with runes afterwards, just to be sure. I always feel an instant connection with runes, and can feel the spirit connection with each one. I also like how the rune symbols can be used in every day craft work, strengthening the bond and connection with them.

Merry part and brightest blessings
Ithilgore (Philip) :D

New Dawn Runes

Post by Ithilgore »

Merry meet all

Making Runes

Some people do say that tools, including runes, are just props, and many do use them just as that. However, they can if you wish, be far more. I own several sets of runes, if the individual rune sets themselves were just props, then it would make no difference which set I used, I would get the same results for all sets. There is however only one set I feel connected to the most, and get the best results from.

Each time you use runes, you can put something of yourself, and of spirit into it, this increases the connection between yourself and runes. For example, the runes I use were given to me by a coven High Priestess, they were given to her by her mother, and to her by her grandmother. When they were made, the grandmother added some of her own blood to the runes, adding a part of her essence to the runes.

The easiest way to make runes is to take a small diameter branch from a tree, you can then cut it into 24 slices. I usually make most of my rune sets three quarters of an inch in diameter. There are also many ways in which runes can be decorated. For the last Elder Futhark set I made, on the blank side of each rune I included a tree blossom, collected under the light of the full moon. I also like to embed pieces of amber, quartz and other gems into the runes.

There are many ways in which runes can be decorated. For the last Elder Futhark set I made, on the blank side of each rune I included a tree blossom, collected under the light of the full moon. However there are dangers associated with the latter, when I was collecting some more moonlight tree blossoms last year for another set, I tripped up in the dark. I also like to embed pieces of amber, quartz and other gems into the runes

The Blank Rune

When making a rune set you need to make a blank rune. This is primarily for use as a spare, but can also be used as the 25 Rune, if required. Heathens do not like the blank rune, because of it being a new invention, and not being a part of the Norse tradition. I think that they see sets of 25 runes aimed at beginners as corrupting their Norse belief. However most beginners who buy these sets are not Norse or heathens.

Not being Norse myself or Heathen, this has never concerned me when making runes sets for others, I usually include an extra rune with the set, for use as a spare. I have never used the blank rune myself, I find the 24 runes sufficient, but I am not opposed to the idea of the blank rune being used in the casting.

Runes sequences can also be used to mark objects. With as few as five runes or even less you can construct quite elaborate and beautiful sentences and meanings. Also even if roughly carved and uneven, they still look good. You can also include sabbat symbols with runes, such as,

Berkana Eostra Jera

Merry part and brightest blessings
Ithilgore (Philip) :D
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Post by JBRaven »

My husband just got me a set of quartz runes, thus far I am very pleased. The first post on how your Anne introduced you the way of runes was beautiful, thank you.
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Post by Heka »

Hi Philip,

I'm really glad to see you start a Runes post here. I've always wanted to see one but never did and didn't really know what to say to start one.

I myself am fascinated my runes. I have a quite beautiful hematite set and think that hematite is the best crystal to make the runes out of (I also have a great intrest in crystals).

I don't get much time to do anything with my runes (or anythning for that matter) because I'm in my final year at school but I'd love to get into a great big converstation on them if your interested. :D


Blessed Be and Merry Part



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Earth, my body...
Air, my breath...
Fire, my spirit...
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Post by hedge* »

Lovely post Ithilgore.
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Post by [Obsidian] »

Can you enlighten us more about the new dawn interpretations of the runes? I too have an addinity for runes over tarot and would like to know more about these interpretatons.


Post by Ithilgore »

Merry meet all

I an very interested in a discussion on runes Heka.

I will write some more details for you Harry

Merry part and brightest blessings
Philip (Ithilgore) :D
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Post by [Obsidian] »

Awesome, thanks. I think we might wanna sticky this post eventually. It could be extremely useful.

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Post by Heka »

ill start the convo of with a stack load of questions, howz that sound? just to get to know more about your background and workings with them.

what are your runes made out of? ive always wanted to make my own out of wood but just dont have the resources or time.

do you like crystal runes or do you prefer wood? which wood? cystral? would you suggest?

any website suggestions? besides sunnyways? i love that site. i have it book marked. brilliant.

tell me more about the new dawn interpretation. ive never heard of it before...

well its a start. :D
Blessed Be and Merry Part



Water, my blood...
Earth, my body...
Air, my breath...
Fire, my spirit...
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