A small note on meditation (Thet's Tips..subsection B32)

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A small note on meditation (Thet's Tips..subsection B32)

Post by amunptah777 »

Man...when I was a kid, I was all "astralllll projectttttiiioonnnn...woooooooo" and meditation....And I swear I almost broke blood vessels sometimes trying to "do it right" or more specifically "make something happen"

Full of such strange concepts, I always ended up working myself into a psychological freek out because I had this idea in my head that if I "did it the right way" I would "feeeeeeeeeeel something" or that I might end up triggering some psychedelic euphoria...visual hallucination thing...so I could be all "I made to it to the other planes...and dude...I'm so wise and mystical...oooooooooohhhhwwwwww"

I share these things because, if you're new to meditation, you might seriously want to consider studying a little Buddhism for a little while before you give yourself a migraine trying to "make it happen"

The truth about meditation, is that your actual body will not go floating out your window...you will not achieve some sort of mystical super power sent to you by the p.t.b. for being such a great guy....you will not be able to physically fill your practice space with your own personal aura of golden light...

The truth about meditation is that it will help you focus, be calm (and if you practice well enough...be calm in all situations) and lend a sense that "the world is o.k. just the way it is...and I don't have to freak out if something goes wrong...:)
The goals vary, but from my experience, the goal has been to find a state of contemplation regardless of what's happening.

I've been practicing now for what....24 years? I recommend Meditation for everyone....every style is different, hell...I've even managed to find a meditative place listening to Death Metal....

All I'm saying is, don't force it...don't freak out....just look for the place of contemplation...where you can actually just take a step back from everything...and calmly observe ...especially in human relationships

anyway...just a thought...

Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

You have a great philosophy, I agree with not forcing it and gentle contemplation. I find that doing that often leads me to a more deep meditation once only mind actve adn my body is still. Good post. I like the

ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwww's and such,

bonus points...


Post by Zeus »

A very nice philosophy

I find that my most effective form of meditation, is in a quiet place with a fire (preferably out in the open or in a forest with noone to distract me).

Stareing into the flames of a blazing fire makes my spirit really show, and makes me forget everything happening. All that is going through my head is emotional and physical warmth. I feel as if I am actually outside of my body.

I find that it does take a few minutes to get into this state, and the fire does have to be considerably big (flames about a torso's width/height) but it really calms me.


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