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Shaman of Bliss
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Not about Witchcraft, but its still a question.

Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Why am I so mad?

A simple question yes, but lately I've notcied that I am quick to anger. I am 17 years old, and if the past is any indication, it could just be my age group.

However I find myself nto tolerating Bu**sh**. Couldn't tell you why.

Several times I've had to restrain myself from posting something rude, hurtful, and extremely spiteful about members on the forum. Its not their fault, just, their new, and well, no ones perfect not even me. Toes get stepped on etc.


When I hear about the local bully in my school making comments about me being gay and what not, I'm just furious!

Nothing would please me more then to kick his Arse! I think their is just some pent-up emotion within me, that makes me straight up violent.

I'm asking, so that you may theorize, what I will not tolerate is comments like,

"Take an anger management class..."

"See a shrink..."

"Find the 'inner' Goddess to empty the weights of the world" *person runs off to smoke pot and enjoy a perfect, but fictional world*

Like I said, don't be afraid to share your thoughts, just be warned that I'm not in a very good mood.
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

You sound like my ex husband, lol (he's 20).And that isn't a bad thing.
Anger management will piss you off.
Drugs and religion don't work (usually).
And a therapist? they might just suggest the above.

What worked for my ex was getting it out in some kind of activity. He did fencing (was kickass too), I taught him to throw knifes, he did a lot of off-road biking marathons, and listened to lots and lots of Bill Hicks.
I donno, give it a try. Nothing gets out anger like a good rant, and he is pretty entertaining MOST of the time. If you don't get offended easily, I'm going to assume you don't because of your age, then he might do you good.
Also, these may already be things you've tried, if so, just ignore it, :)

- Amberrose
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Post by The Judge »

It could be stress. I get the same way sometimes, but I'm 19 so I guess to soe people it's the age group but I can tell you that they are stereotyping, because a lot of people my age are good people.

Sorry, if you were expecting a strange answer, but I go for medical explinations before I get to psychological and mystical.

Blessed Be,
The Judge
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Post by Makbawehuh »

I got sent to anger management when I was 18 or 19.... I was going through the same thing. It pissed me off. :P

Suffice it to say, I think you just need to find a way to cope with it. I used to go out and walk till I was too tired to move. Trolling can be fun too, if you don't mind making yourself look like a complete asshole to strangers.

Eventually I learned that the best way to "get it out" was to just tell people when they did something that bothered me. The result is that there are people who think my mouth runs far more than it should.

Those are usually people who I've had more than one or two polite sentences for.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)
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Post by hedge* »

Anger isn't a bad kick starts lots of other emotions and can have positive results.
Why should one emotion be suppressed but the other ones left alone?

(And I'm not talking about extreme anger either)

You shouldn't tolerate bullshit Shaman - that only compromises yourself.
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

No, there's nothing wrong with anger, but if you keep letting it build, eventually it'll burst out and then you'll REALLY get in trouble.

I'm female, and I also had a lot of anger as a teenager. Probably not comparable to that of a teenage male. Like I said on my post on top, I throw knifes. That helps a lot. I also only hung out with males. And I had a very overactive sexdrive, which helped to release, but that's not a good suggestion.

I donno, anger is healthy. During the hunter/gatherer period,0it was useful. Now we still have it in our instinct, but now its deemed innapropriate.

- Amberrose
"Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes."
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Post by Szette »

I have to agree that anger is healthy! But only if dealt with in the right way. I think that you should always express your anger, never suppress it. If you don't want to confront the person your angry at, then vent to a really good friend, someone that will let you say what want, and when your done they don't judge! If that doesn't work, get a punching bag, that one usually works for me! Beat the crap out of it and you will feel soooo much better! What ever outlet you find, find one!
Blessed Be,
Shaman of Bliss
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

I have a very strong sex drive, and my BF will be busy for abou the next month, that means no nooky. Theirs this super hot straight guy in my school, he's a friend and while I joke about liking him, I lust for him, but I love my BF. Anyway, thats not an issue, me and my bf are essentially in an open relationship anyway...

Also I don't want to shout out what bothering me, especially on the forum, thats really pretty negative, and lets face it, I've been at the center of some really negative stuff, but interestingly enough, my posts get a very high number of views...mmhmm...

Also, I havn't been practicing Karate for like, two weeks. I've mentioned the relationship between my mood and my Karate practices, its a great solid workout that can get ride of some agression, more or less in a controlled fashion

Also, OMG I once wondered why whenever a guy would insult another guy, they would get into a fist fight, right their on the spot, I get it now! Sometimes I'm just really allergic to bullshit, my largest symptom is me breaking out into some ass-kicking.

That being said anyone on here know that I'm not a violent person, simply... I've bottled up so much, that it overflows now, and seems to take the form of aggression.

You said dont' hold back right?

When I came online one day, and Thet's old account was deleted, I actually smiled. He's arogant, anoyying, and the way by which he types to express himself makes me want to bash his head against the screen. And yes Thet,

we get it...

...your gay...

...and pagan... am I...

...We really don't need that much support...

...just thought you should know...

-Have a nice day...
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Post by Makbawehuh »

Trust me, Shaman... The first time someone says something to you, and you say something back instead of sitting there and taking it, you'll feel loads better. And look at it this way... You're young, so as long as you don't send anyone to the hospital, you're probably not going to get more that a week's suspension as a punishment if it -does- escalate.

Sometimes, in high school, you just have to knock someone's lights out. I did that a couple times, and for some reason, people started leaving me alone....

It -might- have been the black eyes I left behind. Maybe.
~St. Makupuff the Awesome~

"The human race will begin solving it's problems on the day that it ceases taking itself so seriously." – Malaclypse the Younger

The Hell Law says that Hell is reserved exclusively for them that believe in it.
Further, the lowest Rung in Hell is reserved for them that believe in it on the supposition that they'll go there if they don't.

-Holy Book of Truth; The Gospel According to Fred, 3:1 (Principia Discordia)

Post by Eireayne »

Raquetball. I love smashing the S*** out of that little blue ball. And in that "box" you can go completely nuts, especially if you are in there by yourself. Just make sure you don't catch a rebound to the face. That's when anger comes back at you threefold :) and that hurts. Trust me. It can make you feel kinda dumb too. Some things are better left unsaid in my opinion. Especially online. Live and let live, deal with it on your end. Sorry if that sounds "anger management-y" but the "agree to disagree" principle has really given me license to not care all that much when I encounter folks who behave in ways that I would prefer they not.

There are lots of idiots out there and I can't change that, but I can control how much I let them impact me. When that gets hard I kill the raquetball. I found the older I got, the quicker to anger I became. 29 now and I was hardly ever physically angry when in my teens. Maybe that's why some old people are really persnickity. :)
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Post by sunstoneleo »

I kind of know what it's like. I have bi-polar, so i am very quick to anger also, but that also means i am quick to sadness....

Post by Phantasystar »

Im 31 myself. I used to fly off the handle very quickly. I've learned to deal with that now. It usually takes a lot to get me really upset, but when someone does I tend to go all out on them and hold back nothing.
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Post by hedge* »

Eireayne wrote: There are lots of idiots out there and I can't change that, but I can control how much I let them impact me.
Excellently put!

Post by Kaliayev »

I'd say testosterone, if you're male.

It could be worse, I practically had a death wish when I was 17. I mean, way beyond questionably justifiable anger issues, I was actively putting myself in the sort of situations where death was a possibility.
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