The Knock at the door

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The Knock at the door

Post by Eireayne »

This afternoon, as I sat watching "a haunting" during naptime for the kid I watch, there came a knock at the door. I opened it to find two young ladies in their early twenties who wanted to talk with me about the book of Mormon.

Ever since college I have struggled with christian proselytizing and how to react to it. Maybe I'm too nice, but I allow them to talk, and today I even lied that I had a personal relationship with god and that I pray. Just because I didn't want to explain myself, my beliefs to some strangers. Tired of misleading and lying, but I don't want to open up a can of worms and make me a target for becoming their "project". I understand that they are simply doing this because they have faith in their beliefs, so I try to be OK with it. But honestly, I'm bothered by this. And I can't just be rude and slam the door in their face.

My other thought for the day... Why do programs on TV that capitalize on supernatural phenomenon portray wicca in the same light as satanists. One episode of "A Haunting" had a researcher uncover a large room with a pentacle in it and that made it a place of satanic ritual. I love watching "A haunting", Ghosthunters, Charmed because they are entertaining and they provide to the public the idea that the universe can be uncomprehendable. But I struggle with public notions about wicca as perpetuated by these shows at the same time.

Feeling misunderstood today. Even though I am still in the broom closet.

So my question? Do you have any tried and true methods of dealing with proselytizing christians on a mission?

Post by Ashleigh »

To be quite honest, this really offends me. I find it rude and a form of coercion and brainwashing when someone is trying to convince another person to join their religion. To me, it just shows that those people are so insecure with their own beliefs that they feel the need to force it upon others to make themselves feel at ease.

I just tell these people the truth: I'm Wiccan; I'm happy; I find them rude; I'd like them to leave, please.
Wolf Heart
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Post by Wolf Heart »

Don't answer the door. Lol, works everytime. At least that's what I do. I can't be rude to people either especially since most of them are always so kind and cheery when you answer the door. So I simply don't answer.

I have watched all three shows you mentioned and I to love to watch them, and yet find myself always getting irritated and pointing out things that are lies or not quite the truth.

One show I like quite a bit is called "Most Haunted" I believe and plays friday nights on the Travel channel. They have mentioned Wicca a couple of times and both instances in which they spoke of it they spoke kindly of it, which made me want to watch the show a bit more, lol.

When it comes to shows portraying Wicca and other such religions as "evil" or even just misinterpreting things it's hard not to get a little angry, but it's also pointless in a way. The people who "research" for these shows don't look very far into it and they simply go off of what they themselves have heard or from someone who claims to be an "expert."

It sucks, plain and simple, but it can't be helped for the most part. All that we can do is keep a positive outlook and to make sure that we educate ourselves and others (when they so wish) to the best of our ability.

Wolf Heart
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Post by Wolf Heart »

Ashleigh wrote:To be quite honest, this really offends me. I find it rude and a form of coercion and brainwashing when someone is trying to convince another person to join their religion. To me, it just shows that those people are so insecure with their own beliefs that they feel the need to force it upon others to make themselves feel at ease.

I just tell these people the truth: I'm Wiccan; I'm happy; I find them rude; I'd like them to leave, please.
While I can understand your reasoning behind this I do have to say one thing. It's not that these people are insecure in their belief, it's just that they themselves feel such an unending love and joy from their "God" that they wish to spread that happiness to others.

True there are those who take it a bit too far, but most of them are only wanting to share their happiness with you. I do agree that there are -some- that do it to make themselves feel at ease or to "save" the "sinners" but for the most part they just want to share joy with you.

Wolf Heart
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Post by [EarthWitch] »

I saw an episode of "A Haunting" recently that had some Wiccan investigators portrayed in a very good light.
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Post by oracle's child »

you know, it's been a long long time since i've had church people come to the door but i've never had it where they tried to push their way in or wouldn't let me close the door. i usually peek thru the window and then call thru the door something like "yes? i'm unable to open the door right now but thank you anyway!". always works and nowadays you can't be too careful.
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Post by AkanaAnash »

Well, when I was an angry young man, I was all about the debate.
I could quote the bible up, down and sideways...and was pretty successful (if you call being an argumentative a**hole success)

Later on I kind of went in the same direction, but with a different focus "Well, you know, that's interesting because Siddhartha Gatauma said .....and he lived a lonnnnngggg time before the man from Nazareth"

These days, I when someone mentions the nazarene to me, I normally just say "look, I have some enormously strong opinions on this matter I really don't want to offend you, so we should probably just talk about something else"
I find this does the trick. If you can call it a trick...more like, I'm more interested in sane and polite human relations than I am in "defending my position" That way, people can still be friendly with each other, and no ones feelings get hurt.

I'm fortunate to be in the ex-pat community in this respect. They're not so concerned about "evangelizing" or anything.
They know I practice another religion, and that I'm gay and they're like...hey!
I've found this is usually true with people who've traveled around alot...even in the U.S.

Anyway, my last example works without even opening the issue for discussion and while a little short (or curt) it let's people know where your boundaries are.

Good luck!

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Post by mysticfyrefly »

I made the mistake of talking to door to door people as well unfortunately if you let them in they will keep coming back I had a bad pms day and was in no mood for anyone I sorta bit their heads off and told them that I did not believe in door to door religion sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. You could just nice tell them that you have your own beliefs and door to door religion just doesn't fit into yours they will leave ya alone.
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Post by Tymar »

With door to door religious “sales people” I would have to say, it depends on my mood, if I am busy then I just politely say sorry not interested and close the door.
No chance for a second word to come out or a foot in the door.

Other times I don’t mind standing there having a Spiritual conversation with them.. At the door, I don’t let strangers into my house..
I tell them I follow my own beliefs, I feel that spirituality comes down to each persons individuality and how they connect with it..

Sure I have had my own experience of a group of people in a mini bus, coming to my door every week to try and convert me. I just don’t let them in..
At the time I was living alone in the country on a little hobby farm.
I feel it is intrusive and rude to push themselves and beliefs onto others.
Sure if I asked for help not a problem, but if I didn’t then don’t assume your welcome for a cup of tea and a brainwashing session..

BB Tymar
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Post by AkanaAnash »

I suppose it depends if they're cute, eh?

Another tactic I've heard is quite effective is telling them you worship the devil. But you have to be serious about it...and offer them some of YOUR literature....(grins wickedly)
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

This kind of thing didn't used to offend me, but its starting to.....

Around my doorway to my apartment I have this chain of wonderful star-of-davids that are silver and blue. My mother bought them for me. I don't concider judiasm my religion, but I concider it my heiritage and my culture, but that's a whole other topic, lol.
My door is clearly marked as a jewish household, but still people are always pushing religious pamphlets under my door when I'm gone. How rude! I'm am just about ready to go around putting wiccan pamphlets on peoples doors.

"have you found the goddess yet?"


Another thing that upsets me....
My now ex husbands family is insainly christian, and like to laugh at other religions for being "wrong". For a while I was living with them, and they were, and still are, unaware of what I practise.
My exes father likes to get his wife things like a jesus shirt that looks like a UPS shirt, etc.
One day he came home with a tiny purple book on the womans guide to quick witchcraft. He bought it to be funny, and they keep it on their desk to show their friends at partys....

I don't know how I lived with them for two years....

- Amberrose
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Post by AkanaAnash »

Goddess, Amber...that sounds super-un-smiley.

Guess there's a celebration in the "ex" part, eh?

That's why I posted the Sekhmet "Got Monks?" gif.

I donno, advertising is a way to combat apathy though...maybe we should.

I'll photoshop something...could become a viral-net hit!

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Post by [AmberRose13] »

ok pamphlets bad.....
T-shirts good? lol.
If I had a computer and photoshop or illustrator I'd take a whack at it. I went through HS being a graphic artist for a "class" that made things via the computer for non-profit organizations. It was really more of a business/art gallery except we didn't get paid.

Maybe I'll sketch out an idea along with you...

- Amberrose
"Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes."
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Post by [AmberRose13] »

ok pamphlets bad.....
T-shirts good? lol.
If I had a computer and photoshop or illustrator I'd take a whack at it. I went through HS being a graphic artist for a "class" that made things via the computer for non-profit organizations. It was really more of a business/art gallery except we didn't get paid.

Maybe I'll sketch out an idea along with you...

- Amberrose
"Sometimes the measure of friendship isn't your ability to not harm but your capacity to forgive the things done to you and ask forgiveness for your own mistakes."
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Post by AkanaAnash »

A modest attempt;

You'll have to read it a coupla times...I couldn't get the software to give me any more than a 10 sec delay.

"The Prince Of Darkness is a gentleman"
W. Shakespeare
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