A dream with a vampire.

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

A dream with a vampire.

Post by Ice_Witch »

Ok. I've had various dreams including teenaged men. (I myself am a teenager)

I don't know any of them yet I know I 'know' them in a way. As if I've always known them.

This was a dream I had a while back.

I was in a school trip with my classmates(Not a daily school trip, but one where we go to another country and stay there for a week or so). In the dream I didn't know where I was except that it was all nature. In fact, in real life it's a house in the country that I go to some summers when I'm in Colombia. (It's surrounded by sugar cane plantations). The oly diference with the one on the dream and the one in reality was that there was a huge castle on a mountain (Neither the mountain or the castle are there in real life), the sugar plantations were gone, there were tall trees down the road we were walking and down the road there seemed to be a stone hut of some sort with closed, rusty, metal gates.

Anyway, we walked down towards that stone hut thingy. The light that the sun gave off seemed warm and soothing, not hot like it normaly is there. It was soothing. I was walking with my class down to it, that's were we were going to explore first with guides from the place we were staying at (Castle). The rusty doors were opened and we walked in. It seemed like a museum of some sort. But it was all about vampires.

I walked with some companions to a coffin that was opened and I saw a girl in white. I knew she was a good person. She told a boy in my class (Who is too nice for his own good and is allways shy and EXTREMELY GOOD!) to not get in the coffin and he rebbelled, actually rebelled and sais that he would do what he wanted and got in. Somehow, I don't know how, I knew he'd transformed into a vampire. The scene changed and we were walking down a dark corridor, sort of like a cave.

I was walking with one of the guides, a young man, he was blond and between eighteen and twenty five. He had grey eyes and he was wearing all black. I was walking with him. I trusted him. He told me what his name was, It was so important! But I couldn't remember it when I woke up. My class mates were walking ahead towards a weak lightbulb that gave off a yellow glow. It showed brown dirty staircase leading up, the end of the exploration. I looked back at him. He didn't show much emotion on his face but I still trusted him. I know I should. Then a bunch of bats started flying around us (Class mates and me) but I had the feeling it was only me now and the blonde (HANDSOME) vampire. I was scared about the bats but he didn't do anything. He just looked at me as it happened. I fell on my right side and I knew a bat had bitten me on the left side of my waist. I could just about touch it and I felt it, I knew it had bitten me but I didn't feel it. I was too scared to pull it off and It was taking my blood. I looked up at the Blond Vampire. He just looked down at me with his grey eyes. When the bat was done he helped me up and he walked towards the staircase.

As I walked up the staircase, I was looking down, the lightbulb was there aswell iluminating his figure, he was standing downstairs, our eyes met but we didn't say anything. I was wearing everything in black. It was a long black skirt and a back top that held close to my body. I hadn't moved from the staircase and placed my right hand under my shirt to feel where the vampire had bitten. No stinging sensation, nothing. But when I took out my hand I saw it had blood on it, my own. I kept going up.

It was a normal sized room where there were two rows of chairs where people were sitting wearing the same strange clothing I was wearing. (My classmates were gone) I sat down on the recond row. All the guides of the exploration were standing in front as if they were going to talk to us. The blond vampire stood next to them aswell. He didn't look at me when I tried to make eye contact. if anything I'd say he was trying to avoid eye contact.

We were passed around rosaries. I don't like crosses very much so I didn't want to put it on. An old man next to me turned to me and started to talk to me.

"Look at them" He said and I looked at the other people there putting on their rosaries. "They don't know it but they've been turned into vampires, look how lifeless they seem. But look what happens when they put the rosarie on, they seem a lot more awake. They're no longer vampires" He said and indeed they seemed to 'wake' up, they seemed to be in a trance before.

I knew that if I put on the rosarie I would no longer be a vampire, then it struck me, I was a vampire too. I had been turned when the bat bit me and the blond vampire watched. Even though I didn't put it on, I believed that something worse woul happen with the rosarie, I really don't like crosses so I didn't put it on.

The blond vampire then looked at me in shock and I seemed to know what he was thinking that instant:

"Why didn't she put it on?!" He was saying. I stood up and he looked at me in the eyes again with his normal expresionless face. He extended his hand to me and I extened mine. The first row of chairs move to a side opening my way to him. I walked towards him and he took my hand. Not once did we brake eye contact.

Then I woke up.

WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! I'm really curious.
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Post by hedge* »

This is a dream of self discovery and it's telling you that you are on the right track at this moment in your life.
Now - I don't know what vampires represent to you, but I get the feeling that you do not find them intimidating OR frightening.
You actually feel quite comfortable in their presence.
That's ok.
Generally speaking - when we dream of vampires - they subconsciously represent our desires, but more basically the desire to be free of the physical bounds that hold us in our present situations.
What I get from your dream is your desire and need to move on in life.
You might have been through a traumatic or upsetting time in the past few months but you will come through this.
Bats in our dreams generally represent the need for evolution - to move on.
Whatever you have been through will only add to your character in a positive manner.

Your dream was a good dream to have.
We are all on "school trips" - we are all on a journey of discovery.

In your first description of the place you were, you said that you didn't know where you were except that it was all nature - and then you went on to say that "In fact, in real life it's a house in the country that I go to some summers when I'm in Colombia."
So I get the impression that you feel alone in your normal every day surroundings.
You are facing challenges that you haven't had to face before.
But you also accept the consequences.
This means that you are a strong person.

Post by amunptah777 »

Although it's not a popular opinion,

I view vampires as one of the ways that western culture practices ancestor worship. Since this type of religious practice is frowned upon by the church, it's a demonized way to reflect on the dead.

It is very possible that the Spirits were sending you a msg via a symbolism with which you are more familiar.

Like..."o.k., she only knows us through these cultural representations, so this is the mask we will wear"

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Post by jcrowfoot »

The best intro (for westerners) that I can think of for vampires and their connection with the ancestors in Chinese mythology is to watch a movie called "Mister Vampire". Not only is it a highly intertaining wu-sha action-comedy, but you learn LOTS about the interesting relationship between the old Chinese folk beliefs and their ancestors. Everyone needs a Taoist priest that cool. :D

You probably still can't get it in China, though. WAY not politically correct.

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