Puple plate... For no Arguments

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Puple plate... For no Arguments

Post by thasme »

A spell to stop an augurment between you and another /or to change there feelings of aggravation...................


1 Glass plate Purple in color. (deep purple if possiable)
1 picture of the person. (polorid is best but not nessary)

place the picture face down on the plate for no more that 15 mins at a time. If you don't have a polorid you need to have the negitave of the picture handy, so you'll know where it is.

The person will either call or come by with offers of appology. in no more that 24 hrs. If they do not. do A treatment again for no more than 15 mins. if by the 3rd treatment you still haven't heard from them try to give them a call. or go see them. because There feeling will have changed.
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Post by Starwitch »

Great spell Thasme. Is this out of a book, and what do you think of me posting it on my spells page? If you want me to post it, please give an author's name if you have it so I don't get in trouble for stealing it.

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Post by thasme »

Sure go for it... I think it would be great... as far as getting it from a book yes and no... lol, I did read about the purple plate thing from .. Linda Goodman 's Star Signs .. but she has it under purple plate's for purple lepercons... and it's not written like a spell it's more of a chapter. but ..yeah I guess you should probly give her credit. there is also a address to get the Purple plate since Glass purple plates were hard to find back in the seventies when the book was written . but me i just got one from the dollor tree... lol. worked fine. I need to post this book, somewhere for ppl to get because it is sooo full of info. Think I will. .......................Rena
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Post by Starwitch »

Cool, thanks Rena. I added it to my spells page with your name and the authors.


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