Four nightmares with death

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Four nightmares with death

Post by Ice_Witch »

Ok, these are four dreams that make one whole story. I dreamed them in three diferent nights and not in the order the story goes but I'll write the story down in order.

I'm in my house with my parents and brothers. As I walk into the living room and look out of the window to the back yard I see the Devil (A man, between 30 and 40 years of age{He looked that way at least}) apear with about six, seven or eight followers. I didn't see it, but he had come through a portal. (Actually in the place where he apeared in the backyard, I never go to, I get this uneasy feeling from it as if there's something there, and something else tells me to run away) I see him and imediately close the windows. He had been running towards me and hits the window, it was as if he couldn't get through. My family don't seem to notice him, it's only me. I remember a sword that I have in my room and was thinking wether I should go for it but I was scared of leaving my family alone. (I do have that sword in real life, to me it represents the element of fire and it protects me agains dark beings). Anyway, I don't go and I keep seeing an image in my head of a seven pointed star knowing that it will protect me.

"You can't run away from me for much longer!" He yelled and then it jumped to the next dream:

It's night and the sky is clear, a couple of stars are twinkling in the darkness. I walk on grass, there is a mansion in front. Someone rich lives in it. I apear inside it and see how everything is so clean... It's like a long corridor. Everything is white or with glass. The entry are large glass windows. There is a white rug spread over the whole floor. A white sofa on the right side of the wall in front of me with a glass table in front of it. A couple of glasses are out with some drinks in them. At the end of the corridor there is another glass table, this one a copy of the other. On the left side of the wall there is a door.

I am running towards the house from the North East (if you are looking at the house in front of the entry). I can see what is happening inside even though I'm still outside. The owner of the house has come out of the doors into the corridor. He is wearing a bath robe, white aswell. The person he was to meet was the devil, he apears as a man. The devil sais that he has no use of the rich man any more and kills him.

I arrive at the house but the man is dead, the once clean apartment is now with blood in some parts and the devil is nowhere to be found. The police are there investigating and I vanish unnoticed into the surrounding area. Running South West.

I do not feel anything, no fear or anger. I just witnessed that but it had no effect on me.

And so I wake up.

That is the first part of the story that the three dreams form.

The next dream:

I get on a sort of ghost ride that you usually see in fairs or things like that. At first I'm with a classmate (I don't remember what friend but I just know that she was there) riding on a cart. As we rushed down many living people apeared that were killed in diferent ways, I saw exactly what happened to all of them but now I can't remember, I do remember that when they died heir body was deformed, not how a body would be if something like that did happen. The people that died were both men and women but adults between the ages of 25 and 40. There were no children or elderly people.

Somehow we got off the cart and we walked through the rest of the ride. Now that I remember it I seem to sense my friend's feelings, she was terrified, she'd seen so many horrible deaths and she feared her own life, but I didn't feel anything. It was as if this was part of my everyday life. We kept walking and I knew we were being followed by something unatural. It wasn't the devil from the previous dream, but it was a creation of the devil.

The whole ride was black and I could barely just pick out the surroundings. What I noticed was that what was faintly iluminating the surroundings was me. As if I was glowing just a little bit. Then it was finally over. We came out of a pair of doors and I woke up.

The next dream is the last.

It starts of as I come out with my friend out of the ride. It comes out to a sort of second floor that through a balcony you could see the first floor. I see a large pile of bodies downstairs, it's all the people that died. Next to the pile is an old sofa where the devil (The man that apeared in the first dream and killed the rich man) was sitting laughing with two servants of his. I didn't recognize any of them but they all looked human. My friend looked at the pile of bodies and cried in desperation. She jumped off the balcony and ran up to the devil. I called for her to stop and to not get near him but she didn't listen. I ran down some stairs that were behind me so I could get to the first floor and ran towards the devil too but my friend had disapeared.

I saw the devil and he laughed at me as he saw me standing there. I yell at him why he had killed all those people and he merely laughed. I prayed to whatever was out there to give me strength so that I wouldn't fear him. Then I started aproaching him. He laughed and said:

"Do you actually think you can defeat me?!" Then he laughed.

I didn't say anything. I just kept walking towards him telling myself not to fear. I didn't want to defeat him, that's what I realized. I wanted to turn him into a good being. So that he didn't have to stop existing. As I realized that I started glowing brighter. this time it was a golden/white light. He just laughed maniatically and sort of forgot I was there. He then shapeshifted into a woman and I hugged him. He kept on laughing and I just concentrating on using that energy coming from me to turn him into a good being. Then the golden/white light sort of exploded and I couldn't see what happened. That's how I woke up.

Honestly, this really surprised me, because it was three nights, four whole diferent dreams, and they formed a sort of story line. What could it mean?
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Joined: Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:51 pm
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Post by jcrowfoot »

IT could be that there is a part of yourself that is very angry that haunts you. It is old, cynical and causes you much pain. By willing it to be a good being, you have brought over a shadow part of yourself to side with the accepted portions of yourself in a series of dreams.

Make sense? That friend of yours was your previous attempts to make ammends with that darker, angry part of yourself.

This is sort of a Jungian approach... perhaps it's also a lesson of sorts about the nature of greed and hatred.


Post by Ice_Witch »

I'm not sure I understand very well... Could you please explain? I got a bit confused with your answer... ^_^ Sorry...
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Location: Highland, IN

Post by jcrowfoot »

Ok, here's the deal. Your dream's characters are symbols of parts of yourself. I believe that everyone has a number "characters" that are aspects of yourself. Those sometimes come out in your dreams as characters other than yourself, to play out a story that tells you about yourself. It explains how things work within yourself.

I think that the Devil character in your dreams who's been killing "people" in your dreams is a part of your own psyche. You have a part of yourself that you hate, a side that is dark, that does things that you don't like, or *thinks* things that you aren't proud of.

Though the course of your dreams, you've discovered a powerful truth that those darker parts of yourself need love and understanding in order to unravel them.

Does this make more sense?

Post by Ice_Witch »

OH! I see! I see what you mean now!

Hmm... that's probably true. Thanks! ^_^

I get it now. :D

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