Nightmares! O.o

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.

Nightmares! O.o

Post by SolitaryWitch88 »

I've been having alot of nighmares lately...and everytime I wake up from it, I get a feeling that they mean's not the paranoid part of me, it's an intuition most recent one was about me and my boyfriend after we've gotten married and have bought a house...well, in the first week of us living there, (I remember seeing boxes still unpacked everywhere since we are slightly lazy... :lol: ), we have a party, and he ends up leaving me that night for some other woman. My other nightmares have been extremely detailed dreams or visions of basically the end of the world...and not one of those fantasy ones of like monsters and aliens and demons and, it's just like, everything's ending and we have to try and's weird...Like, one of them was about me and a group of people that I knew and didn't know were traveling on foot through dead towns and forests trying to hunt a pack of deer and other animals, and having to cook it over campfires...O.O
Does anyone think these are visions of anything, or just figments of my imagination? And would anyone have any suggestions of how to ward off these nightmares?
Blessed be,
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Post by Spell_of_The_Isle »

Well, if they are re-occuring, they probably mean something. All dreams have symbolism in them, one way or another. But, are you sure you should be asking -us- that wondrous question? I think you should be asking yourself. :) I would say meditate to find the answer.. Best of luck.


Post by SolitaryWitch88 »

I found a good site for dream interpretations, it really helped me find some answers on my nightmares situation...
I can't do the link for some reason...((I'm so sick of AOL!!!)) but just copy and paste works the same way.

Post by amunptah777 »

Several things actually;

Dream Journal

Chamomile tea before bedtime

Meditation before bed (try using Tibetan chants as it stimulates very specific brain wave patterns)

Set your alarm to 3 or 4 am...this should wake you right smack in the middle...upon waking, write down what's transpired.

If you can't meditate, try some yoga before bed.

There is, of course, the standard dream catcher...but you should make it yourself.

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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, if you don't want to wake up in the middle of the night It doesn't work for me, since once I'm awake I'm awake and there's nothing short of being drugged that will get me asleep again.

So I just leave the dream journal by the side of my bed and write in it, first thing.

Post by amunptah777 »

mmmm drugged.


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