Is it hot in here or is it just me?

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Is it hot in here or is it just me?

Post by Zei »

As I've said on a post somewhere in this board, I'm new to formal meditation (I say formal because I have had a lot of times in the past where I would clear my head and relax, but lately I've actually been setting time for it)

I've noticed something though, I get very hot. Many of these sessions I have to take off articles of clothing because my body gets very very warm. My theory about it is that I'm drawing in a lot of energy and energy is usually warm, thinking about energy in most of the universe in living things and from stars and whatnot, although not all of it is, I know this.

I've also felt very drawn to fire my whole life, got the fire floor mats in the car, fire peace sign tattoo on my stomach, bright red walls, and so forth. Last night I had a dream with a lot of fire too. I'm a water sun sign, and a fire moon sign, and a fire rising sign might I add! I have more fire in my chart than anything, and 2nded by water. Could this have some significance to the heat I feel in meditation? I know I'm the only one that can really answer these questions, but I'm just a bit curious about what others might have to say.

Also, does anyone else get warm when they meditate?
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Post by hedge* »

Hmmmmm......I've not noticeably noticed this when I've meditated before.
I will make a mental note to see whether this is the case or not.
The only meditation I really do now is the Chakra meditation, and I've not done this for a while.
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Post by Eretik »

It would help to know more.Heat in the body can mean several things.It could be energetic or it could be physical.Do you take regularly/have taken recently, any meds,for instance.Do you have any health problems at all?Does this happen every time? What methods/mantras/sound/surroundings, do you use, etc.I don't do formal meditation, but others who do, have reported similarly in the past and it may well be 'hot' energy, but it's prudent to discount possible mundane causes first, though.

Post by Zei »

Oh yes it's very important to rule out any medical issues, but I don't have any. I'm not taking any medication, and I've thought about any other physical reason and I come up short.

I usually listen to random relaxing sounds that I've found around the net, but the artist described them as having a "dark and intense" tone to them, he sure could have fooled me they sound light and a mellow to me, maybe there's more to that than I

Maybe that plays into it. I hadn't thought about the particular tones I was listening to, I'll take note of exactly when I get warmer and see if there's a pattern to it, and I'll even try switching up what I listen to and see if that makes a difference.
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Post by Eretik »

That may well be it.I am an old 'worry horse' at times, but a friend had 'hot' problems,similarly and it turned out she had high blood pressure.It took a bit of rest and changing her methods, but she is now fine.I can't fast for extended periods anymore, for instance, as I have a blood/metabolic problem also,so I had to change my methodology somewhat.I'm glad you are physically well.
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Post by Kolohe »

I get a lot of warm and tingly sensations in my hands and body when I do qigong (which is a form of movement meditation), never noticed anything with sitting meditation. although I have noticed if I run outside- I like to run outside in cold weather first mile may be brutal but when I do finally warm up I feel like I can run forever, then when I get home sometimes I sit on my porch for a few minutes quiet meditation and enjoy being warm with the cold fresh air all around me and it kind of locks that warm feeling in for few hours, if I go right in the house when Im done soon I am cold again even in the house, I am one who is cold all the time in the winter. Sorry I don't know if I helped you or just rambling here.


Post by Zei »

the rambling is welcomed kolohe, I like hearing other peoples stories.

And btw, you have a very cool avatar, seriously, wow I love it.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well... This probably wont' help, but give food for thought.

There are some Buddhist monks who can heat themselves up... to the point that they melt through ice and float comfortably in frozen lakes! There's aparently video evidence of this and numerous witnesses... so perhaps it's one of your gifts. Perhaps you can heal when you meditate.

I'd suggest meditating with a cool wash cloth and some ice packs!

In fact, when I had back problems, I used to meditate with icepacks and the cooling sensation actually really helped my concentration for some reason.

Post by Zei »

yeah I've been told from energy workers that they see a lot of healing in my hands, also I've been told that I have a good chart to be a healer, so maybe I do have some predisposition for it.

Yeah, I'm thinking about having some ice around me to cool myself off. Glad to hear that you've found to success with helping your back.
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Post by Kolohe »

Thank you!

Since you are being nice to me I will be more helpful now, actually is a coincidence came across the term tumo while doing a little light reading about Zen Buddhism last night so did a search today, sounds like what you are doing.

here is wikipedia definition

It basically says not to try it without guidance though, but in case anyone wants to try anyway here is article about how to do it. I know some of you don't like Llewellyn much- well I might try and see if I can get down to wearing one or two layers of clothes in the house all winter instead of 4 or 5.

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Post by being-singular-plural »


thanks for the info--that is really fascinating stuff! I can't imagine going that far with heat generation. . . wow!


Like someone said above, I would say that it is your "chi" or "ki" which is obviously linked to the article that Kolohe posted. When I meditate, My ears burn, every time, but the rest of my body stays pretty normal. But I do not try to generate "ki" during the mediations. When I perform reiki on people I get so hot I usually sweat on my brow and my hands are like a furnace. Ever since I got the Master level attunement it is easy to tell how much healing a person needs by the amount of heat generated. When I do self treatments, I never seem to get as hot, but still can feel solid heat energy. But when I work on others, the heat simply guides you to the areas that need it most. Some people turn my hands into fireballs everywhere on them. Another interesting side effect is that when I am at the mall or walking down a busy street the reiki will just activate when someone comes into my vacinity so you can become quite attuned to those around you who have need for the 'chi' energy in one way or another. Like we've discussed before, your astrology indicates a natural propensity for this and you are lucky to be discovering it while you are still so young. I think that the heat you are experiencing when you are meditating is doing two things: it is sending healing energy to you AND preparing you for your next steps---to utilize this energy to the benefit of ALL. If you can take some hands on reiki courses (none of that online stuff) or QI gong I think your extraordinary natural abilities will simply rocket into new dimensions such that your life will take on a significant new meaning and you will effectively be able to help and heal others to varying degrees. You may even find yourself revered for your skills. I wish you lived closer because I would be honoured to teach reiki to you. I have taught quite a few people now but one person really stands out. One time, I taught a Chinese woman who never did it in her life (or anything like it) and she had such astounding power and heat that it is clear to me that some special souls are actually more gifted at it than others. I actually asked her to do a treatment on me after she was attuned to Reiki I (which is very basic reiki) and sure enough, the energy just flowed through her like she was a waterfall. She was a Master before her time. I was in awe. I sense that you may be like that. It will take discipline and a desire to consistently work with the energy and it may work you over from time to time, but it will be worth more than you can imagine.....Good luck and keep us posted on your progress....what a gift!!


Post by Zei »

I really wish you lived closer too, I've been looking online for reiki masters or circles in my area. A friend of a friend's mom goes to one, but unfortunately she seems to be drifting away from my life for the time being.

I suppose all things that are meant to be will come my way in time. Also as I've told you privately, I haven't be able to have a stable way of getting around lately due to my little "run in" (oh man that's such a play on words and people don't even realize it, at least I'll have my own little chuckle). All things have their purpose, I'll just have to be patient and keep my eyes open for opportunities. However, as I type this, I do remember a friend of mine having a philosophy professor that practiced reiki and was very open about it in class and even took one class session to help people get in touch with their energies, I'll have to sign up for his class next semester I suppose, unfortunately he teaches at the south campus of my college... the crappy campus. Sigh, night class for me because my day classes sure aren't going to be there! I digress...

Thank you for the encouragement =)

Post by heartlesslittlegirl »

Oddly enough, when I mediate I also warm up. I have never thought anything of it and actually perfer it because I am always cold!
It could be a high energy thing.
While I was in school for Massage therapy, one of my teachers "helped" me on a particularily bad day. She did some reiki healing on me and apparently I have so much energy that it actually threw her off balance at first. Actually apparently quite a few odd things happened she had not experinced before. I have been told quite a few times, I am one big powerful ball of energy. :D

Now if only I can learn to use it better... or at all!
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Post by XWynterXoXPriestessX »

I've never gotten hot, but when I meditate, I sometimes come to to find out i had cried or something. not recently though, I'm not too sure if thats good or bad...
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Post by Shaman of Bliss »

Try a battery stone, like clear quartz to take some of the energy off you directly, also making sure your really well grounded could help to, petrified wood works well to ground.

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