Whatever weaves my dreams knows more than I do

Dreams, dream interpretation, sleep paralysis, night terrors, hearing voices, vibrations, etc.
Syrus Magistus

Whatever weaves my dreams knows more than I do

Post by Syrus Magistus »

I know it's kinda against the rules to post or reply to topics, being a newbie and all, but I felt that this is one area that I could actually contribute in a meaningful way. One of my psychic gifts is apparently tied heavily to dreams. It is thus far one of the few abilities that I have identified and it's an interesting one, I think.

Here's the gist of it: Whenever I choose to record my dreams, it doesn't take more that a night or two and my dreams go from euphoric bliss to "lessons" or "parables" that are very deep, yet at the same time they are also criminally easy to interpret. All I need do is begin to record them and before I know it, there is a long stream of information, metaphors and parables streaming into my sleeping mind. The only reason I do not consistently do this is because the dreams easily become so long that it becomes completely impractical to write them all out when I first wake up. Several of the metaphysical dreams I've had, yet never recorded. I remember them well, yet I never put the energy into actually writing them down.

Now, as the topic's name states, whatever feeds me these dreams knows considerably more than me. I often learn lessons that are very relevant to my waking life and could probably be summed up in a couple of sentences, rather than an entire scenario as they are in dreams. Here's an example: (Keep in mind that this is all one continuous dream)

The ancient Hebrews were digging a tunnel and I watched. We were fleeing the Egyptians in EXODUS and apparently I was Moses or some other spiritual leader/holy man. God spoke to me about the folly of zeal ill-placed while I examined their progress. I think they were looking for something on the other side of that mountain but I ALREADY knew what it was from a vision. It was a green hill that led to more under a beautiful dusk Sun.

The vision: An old man carrying a tall staff and robed in a color my mind perceived as somewhere between a light gray/blue trekked smooth, grassy hills and jagged frozen mountains. The cobblestone road he walked upon ended but a stride ahead of him. He was shaping his road as he went along, in both direction and altitude. His strides were unusually fast, as was the scenery movement and the velocity of the road's formation, like someone left this whole segment on "fast-forward."

For effect, he let go of his control over the road at one point. It went off, down one of the high grassy hill and up again, forming a closed loop down and up. He walked along the loop a bit before reforming his own path once again.

It was the end. Our spiritual journey led us to what I guessed and hoped was the "afterlife." We actually finished digging it and sure enough, that was what we saw. All of the thousands of Hebrews and their carts and animals marched along the road. I was merely one of many. The road led back to Egypt, a metaphor for returning to reality with new wisdom and facing it, I presume

The context shifted elsewhere. The setting was my house, (an overly done cliché setting for many of my dreams) and the only context was that I manifested there "after a wild party" which I assume is a metaphor for unbridled degenerative chaos. Due to the fact that my dreams acquire a PERFECT continuity when I enter a lucid arc, I was still the holy man from the last segment when I got dropped off in the next scene.

As mentioned previously there had been a party recently and only one person was left, though I never identified him/her. The sky was red, black and smoky like a poisoned broil of fume, not rainheads. It was very ominous. I was standing just below the landing of the kitchen in the living room next to one of the alchemical tubes we use as vases. I heard a vocalize orchestral theme, like a song and rainbow/aurora-esque ray (or two) shined from the sky directly onto were my sandaled feet were. Looking back in hindsight, that was probably a cue to run.

Sure enough, not a moment later there was an opening in the broil of fume and the sky shone white. There was something in it... an asteroid. It was over. I looked out the window and waited for the end, not running as God had told me. I didn’t think I could since it looked like it was headed directly toward my current position and there is a considerable shock wave generated by the collision. When it would hit, there would be a flash, but no earthquake, even as I ran through the house moments before to see what needed to be held down. I guess Cancers really ARE too attached to their homes…

It should be noted that around this point I ceased being the holy saint and reverted to myself as I am currently familiar. I was once again idle and reactive, rather than progressive and proactive.

It became a yellow streak of light on the other side of the hill across from me, perfectly profile from my perspective and moved slowly toward the ground like some kind of bad movie. It struck the street at the very bottom of the two hills off toward the Tropicál bakery. Houses everywhere began to collapse and fall into a massive sinkhole. It was beginning to affect us. I fled the house with nothing, but suddenly remembered my mother and father just as I reached the street above and began to run. They were sleeping below in the downstairs segment of our duplex house (I dunno why). Well, I couldn’t just leave them to die!

I raced down the steps and into the downstairs segment of the house. Everything was collapsing slowly. I ran into the bedroom and roused them both very loudly.

They both awoke, but rather slowly, like they weren’t taking this seriously at all. I grabbed them both by the wrists and ran. We were about to go up the second flight of stairs when we went back to the upstairs segment. They wanted to retrieve their vital possessions and some clothing, although they stated it in a rather idle fashion that made it seem as if they were packing for a vacation or something. I told them that this wasn’t a trip to Tahiti and ran to get my essentials... my game systems, computer and various trinkets. All sorts of NON-essentials. I guess my parents were thinking smarter than me. Only clothes and survival items and I was bringing everything I own and hold dear. Not enough time though.

I was piling the various meaningless objects of mine outside the front door’s threshold and my parents waited for me at the top of the stairs patently, as if they were ready when I was. I looked outside to see a MASSIVE HOLE outside and a dark bottomless pit. Both were growing it seemed, but the damage seemed to have slowed to almost a stop. My house didn’t look particularly stable, though it was still holding together nicely.

It’s all a metaphor for acting now and acting decisively. Take what you need, but not too much more. Also, don’t run with nothing. You’ll never survive without the bare essentials. I was even given a head start! Wow, just wow. The apocalypse, eh?

That’d suck. God was gave me a warning though. I think it likes me! :D

The synopsis: Your path on the journey of life can only be progressive if it is you who manifests it for yourself and you who walks it. Allowing others to take control of your life traps you in an endless loop, but it's never too late to retake control over your own destiny. This is your spiritual journey, after all. No one else ought to be in control of it.

When packing for your journey, be sure to take what you need to survive, but not too much or it will weigh you down and you'll never leave the threshold of your own door, let alone embark on a trek that you, yourself create at a brisk pace. Other people are essential. No human being is an island and none can survive on their own.

Lastly, once you have learned what it is that you need to in order to brave the reality of life and the world, you must then return to it. Only then can you make a difference. Running away or moving on into nothingness destroys all worth in your existence. You become a hermit, clinging to the last lights of a fading star to guide you on your path of dysillumination.

(The short version: Make your own choices, make them well and don't be weighed down by materialistic vices. The world out there awaits; show them what you've got! XD)

Others can help you on your journey or give you invaluable aid in a time of great need, but in the end it is you and you alone that holds the key to your own temple of enlightenment.




… and that was without even a single drop of rum. :shock:

I noticed two things about this dream of interest. Firstly, the dream ends with my idle clinging to material possession and failure to transcend and move on. I assume that I never made it out, so what does THAT say?

Second, who was the anonymous figure who lay semi-conscious next to me at the beginning of the second segment? I never found out and I didn't see it again in my shuffle to hold down my precious possessions. An unsolvable enigma now, I assume.

Anyway, I hope that I haven't caused any trouble in posting this against the moderators' wishes. You may delete it if you see fit. I won't complain. I only hope that I may have contributed positively. Thank you for reading my post.

Peace be with you all.

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Post by Eretik »

It's fine Syrus.The forum rules have changed recently.You no longer need ten posts to post in inner circle topics.Much of your insight is very wise.I'd like to come back later when I'm less tired to reread and comment.A thought on the androgyne : your inner self? I need to rest, that may be an innacurate comment, but often the surface impression is instincitvely right with me.More later.
Syrus Magistus

Post by Syrus Magistus »

Thank you. I am glad to have come here at a time when the rules are less constricting. According the the rules when I first signed up, I shouldn't even be allowed to register here. I am still physically too young.

Hmm, my inner self? That's an idea, although another thought popped into my head: since my lucid dreams (that may very well be the wrong term, by the way) have perfect continuity and I mean perfect, it may have been me. Since I began that segment as a holy saint and ended it as my ordinary self, it may have just been my next vehicle waiting for me. That would explain why I didn't notice it later on. I remained a saint until the first moment I began to panic. After that, I was me again.
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Post by Eretik »

I made some kind of unconscious slip above.Anonymous not androgynous.Tired right enough.lol.How old are you Syrus? If I may ask.13 and over is cool, as long as maturity is shown.I don't see any worries on that score,you seem very mature and coherent to me.You nailed the dream also.Good work.
Syrus Magistus

Post by Syrus Magistus »

Why thank you. I am fifteen.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

Well, the subconscious has more access to stuff you already know than you do, since it's more effective at accessing that information. We hide away bits from ourselves, since it makes maintaining a coherent internal thought system easier, and the organizing principles of the brain mean that keeping the information in order is harder than actually storing it.

Also, if you buy Jung, being connected into the Collective Unconscious means that you have to maintain some separation from ALL that information to maintain individuality. This way, the conscious can select stuff from your dreams that your subconscious can showcase in the process of your dreams.

I'm not a budhist, so I think that having individuality is a good and cool thing, and means that you can choose what pieces you want from this and that, and organize your own system. Much creativity can result.

Further, some people think that we go astral when we dream, so you could be getting some information in your travels to bring back to dream about at your leisure.

Lots of possibilities.
Syrus Magistus

Post by Syrus Magistus »

I've heard about that before. Apparently, the whole trick to astral projection is to retain conscious control when you fall asleep. It's hard though. The subconscious is a lot stronger then the conscious when our energies are low.

The dream that I posted was a very biblical one and it should be noted that the majority of my dreams are not. Yes, I am sure I already knew the lesson that was taught to me in this dream on some form or another, but it was made more real when organized and presented in the form of a dream. I guess what I heard was true; the subconscious really is a very useful helper, much like a secretary. I also heard that the subconscious speaks in symbols, hence why any meaning in dreams in symbolic.

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