A boyfriend dream?

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A boyfriend dream?

Post by sunstoneleo »

Last night, I had a dream that my boyfriend was somewhere with his Xbox 360. Now in real life, in case you haven't read my blog, I recently read a message on my boyfriend's 360 that was very, well, let's just say I think he is cheating on me. Anyways, back to the dream. So when he was at this place (which I have had a dream of before, it was like a convention or something), one of my friends from work was there. I had just arrived and my friend came over to me and said, "you gotta see this". My boyfriend was cheating on me... again, and also had a message on there saying he was a pedaphile. (Ewww, how could I have a dream like this?). Well, some how we had all ended up at my work again (barnes and noble). So my friend called the cops on him. He ran of course, and for some reason I though he went to the hospital, (which he has been there before). Weird dream, or what? Can anyone tell me what this means?
Wolf Heart
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Post by Wolf Heart »

Obviously you dreaming about him cheating on you is most likely because of the message you found, you are worried he is cheating and so it crossed over into your dream.
The pedophile thing I think is a way for your sub-concious to show the disgust you feel about him with this cheating situation.

The fact that your friend showed you what was going on, I believe is a way of your sub-conc trying to really show you the truth. It's saying "Hey! It's really happening, don't ignore it!"

From what I can gather about this guy I would leave him. He's not worth your time. Trust me, leaving someone can be one of the most hardest, heartbreaking thigns you'll ever do, but in the long run it's well worth it.
~*People fear the beast within the wolf because they do not understand the beast within themselves.*~
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Post by jcrowfoot »

I agree with Wolf Heart... fully.

He may not be a pedophile... but then, I had dreams about someone I knew being in Prison, and then I discovered that he actually was, and for life.

So go figure.

So by all means take this seriously, but don't embarass yourself and try to confront him on it... since it may be an attention getter, as wolf says.
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Post by Arcane »

lol i dreamt i found the egyptian tablets in the back of a convenience store. ya know. under the sphinx. something about a deck of cards. for 99 bucks! lol er was it 99 cents... and then i woke up. bummer.
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Post by jcrowfoot »

LOL. You know, this reminds me of a James Lilex article about Pharoah showing up at a 7-11, and finding great treasure. :D Were you reading his website earlier that day?

Um, seriously, it is said that the Tarot started out as the tablets of Thoth (Thejuti). Ok, they call him Hermes, Thrice Greatest, but that's because most of the Hermetics were shameless synchrotists.

OR maybe they were thinking more... Grecko-Egyptian.

Several things that argue against this:

The moon deities in Ancient Egyptian religion were MALE. Further more, they thought of the moon more as a cosmic clock rather than a source of madness and dreams. (This is rather simplified. The sun, moon and some stars actually conspired to be a clock....but the moon determined months (where we get the concept today... the Romans sort of ripped some of it off from them). My point is, there isn't much overlap.

Though, thinking about it, the Egyptian interpretation of the "Judgment" card WOULD be very interesting.

If I recall correctly, in the Egyptian mind, the source of madness and dreams would be... the Dog star... or was it Sothis? (or maybe Sothis IS the dog star. I forget) Damn it! Sobek, correct me on this.

But I DO know that during the 5 extra days in the calendar, (where we get "the dog days of summer"... or maybe this was another of Crowley's pranks) dreams were considered misleading and not to be trusted.

But anyway, maybe your subconscious was either saying, "Tada! Tarot wisdom is within your reach!" or, mildly complaining that it was too much work...(the big $99 pricetag, if it was that much)"

I know my dreams get strangely symbolic and allegory-like when I'm studying tarot symbology.

Now, all I have to figure out is when summer is in Egypt. I think I read somewhere that those five days happen sometime in September. (In the USA, I think..)
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Post by Eretik »

If I recall correctly, in the Egyptian mind, the source of madness and dreams would be... the Dog star... or was it Sothis? (or maybe Sothis IS the dog star. I forget) Damn it! Sobek, correct me on this.

But I DO know that during the 5 extra days in the calendar, (where we get "the dog days of summer"... or maybe this was another of Crowley's pranks) dreams were considered misleading and not to be trusted.
Sothis/Sirius IS the dog/wolf star.The dog days are the 40 days that Sirius is under the horizon [allegory -40 days and nights temptation of Jesus,40 years wandering in the desert, Moses , etc.The 40 is significant.] I think it's July/August but will check.The rising of Sothis in the sky indicated the coming Nile induntation, so was an incredibly important sign in the sky.The Great Sothic year is over a thousand normal years but it's interesting how it works out[See below link]The inter calary days are the liminal spaces that Nut/Nuit was allowed to give birth to the Ennead in.I think I have some info. somewhere.I was tracking this for research purposes recently

.Woopsy, it says 70 days in the Wiki astronomy article, but I remember it being connected to the 40 days, will hunt down other info.my brain is itching on it.The wiki astronomy[Sirius, at bottom of links] says association in the North is Loki,I know it as Ullr, the Shining bow, and as the guardian, also, of Caer Arianhod -the circumpolar spiral.I 'll try for more info on that too.






I am following up on gnosis with this, but it's taking a while.I've lost so many sources of info. over the years.lol.Must do better.

Sorry Sunstoneleo, for digressing like this on your topic, but I'm excited about the Sothis connections mentioned here.Oopsy, the above advice,by the others here is great and I couldn't add any more to it anyway.

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