Odd dream/wakeup

Discussion about out-of-body experiences (astral travel), lucid dreaming, and other sleep related phenomenon such as night terrors and sleep paralysis.

Odd dream/wakeup

Post by Natresse »

Okay, so the actual dream wasn't weird. It was a nightmare, and it was related to a story i'm writing, I was putting myself to sleep by running through the plot and fell asleep. The dream actually helped and I intend to put what happened in the dream into the story.

The weird part was when i woke up. I always get these odd dreams and once they progress past the point i'm comfortable and i begin to get truely scared I always realize i'm dreaming and force myself awake. This was normal, and it wasn't unusually hard to bring myself out last night.

When i opened my eyes I was staring at the wall next to my side of the bed. I Saw a small skeleton, he was screaming (silently) and i guess...writhing. Covering his head and struggling as if in pain. I guess he was floating because the image was in the air, level with my sight. I was awake though. I saw him. I wasn't exactly Afraid of him, I was more shocked by what i was seeing. I watched him til he disappeared. I'm a chicken normally. I considered jumping up and going to find my husband - but tiredness won and i layed there til i went back to sleep. No more nightmares that night.

Is the little dream/nightmare skeleton a familiar figure to anyone in any kind of lore? Or was it just traces of my dream state struggling to let go? He wasn't grotesque or 'real' looking. Kinda like a sharp, blocky drawing. He was white against the dark wall. Almost had an Aztec ish design face. You know that squareish tribal stuff. My dream wasn't about skeletons. It was about rape so I don't see a connection.

Any ideas?

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